Course Description
Through this course you will gain insight and an introduction to the theory of graphic design through practice in researching, brainstorming, creative problem solving, comping, design brief writing and production of print and digitally driven graphics projects like: logo marks, identity developments, posters, collateral and greeting cards. Students embrace print and digital pre-production techniques and receive constructive criticism of work and practice. Group 2 course.
Credit Hours
Contact Hours
Recitation Hours
Required Prerequisites
VCA 125Corequisites
VCA 220Recommended Prerequisites or Skills Competencies
ENG 112General Education Outcomes supported by this course
Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct
Course Learning Outcomes
- Describe design methodologies related to visual communication and graphic design.
- Describe historical influences of graphic design.
- Identify graphic design history as it relates to typographers, designers, art directors, illustrators, foundries, and digital evolution.
- Complete projects from start to finish.
- Solve design challenges in an Apple Certified Mac lab.
- Explore design trends using course concepts.
- Analyze the impact of Modernist Graphic Design.
- Connect global industry standards used in the development of graphic design and identity development.
- Prepare projects for field presentation.
Human Dimension:
- Resolve process of work through critiques and communication with others.
- Use the content in this course to inform and help others see the power of design.
Caring - Civic Learning:
- Assess how design can be used to influence or persuade others.
- Recognize the AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) as the premier National Design Organization.
Learning How to Learn:
- Frame useful questions for developing technical skills.
- Synthesize constructive feedback during critiques and discussions.