SWK 290 - Social Work Internship

Course Description

This course helps to prepare students for the generalist practice in the field of social work. This is a field instruction course that students will engage in direct practice of social work education. Students will complete 120 hours in a human service agency. This placement will provide an opportunity to observe social workers while they work, as well as assisting in general service delivery under close supervision. Students must complete the 120 hours in one semester. Group 2 course.

Credit Hours


Contact Hours


Recitation Hours


Required Prerequisites

SWK 121

Recommended Prerequisites or Skills Competencies

SWK 211

General Education Outcomes supported by this course

Critical Thinking - Direct

Course Learning Outcomes

  • Identify specific social work skills required at multiple levels of a social work agency.
  • Observe how the agency operates within the larger community, demonstrating the systems approach of social work.
  • Utilize interviewing, documentation, and communication skills.
  • Communicate and analyze observations with staff and supervisors.
  • Assess and critique own skills with staff and supervisors.
  • Demonstrate the importance cultural competency is when working with various populations.
Human Dimension:
  • Explore possible career choices.
  • Build own network within social work agencies.
  • Demonstrate how the Macro level of social work directly impacts clients, staff and agency.
Caring - Civic Learning:
  • Develop a sense of engagement with the community and fellow social work students.
Learning How to Learn:
  • Initiate opportunities to increase knowledge of populations served; how agencies are linked, going to court and other experiences that are social work related.