Course Description
The Manufacturing and Engineering Processes course will provide students with an overview of various processes used in the design and development of new products. Students will be introduced to the engineering steps and processes required to take a product from concept through production. Group 2 course.
Credit Hours
Contact Hours
Lecture Hours
Lab Hours
Recommended Prerequisites or Skills Competencies
ENG 99/108
General Education Outcomes supported by this course
Critical Thinking - Direct
Course Learning Outcomes
- Define and identify the design processes used to fabricate a component from concept to production.
- Apply engineering design principles to the fabrication of a component, differentiating between the various manufacturing processes.
- Integrate design principles and technical skills to fabricate a component.
Human Dimension:
- Collaborate with a team, recognizing their role within design and fabrication processes.
Caring - Civic Learning:
- Reflect on the impact of various manufacturing processes and their impact on society.
Learning How to Learn:
- Research/select the best method required to design and fabricate a component.