Course Description
The Fluid Power course is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of the concepts and applications of fluid power technology and the necessary skills for further study in the field. The course is an overview of fluid power technology applications; the general concept of fluid power systems; an introduction to energy input, energy output, energy control, and systems auxiliary components; as well as the design and function of components. As part of this course, students will earn an IFPS Connector and Conductor certification. Group 2 course.
Credit Hours
Contact Hours
Lecture Hours
Recommended Prerequisites or Skills Competencies
Placement into
ENG 99/108
General Education Outcomes supported by this course
Critical Thinking - Direct, Quantitative Reasoning
Course Learning Outcomes
- Understand and identify the correct terminology, components, and safety guidelines used within the fluid power industry.
- Apply fluid power equations, laws, and theorems to solve mathematical problems.
- Design and analyze basic fluid power circuits.
Human Dimension:
- Become effective team members.
Caring - Civic Learning:
- Communicate the historical significance of fluid power technology.
Learning How to Learn:
- Recognize and identify fluid power systems in industrial and commercial applications.