HST 112 - U S History Since 1865

Course Description

This is the second course in a year-long study of U.S. History from Native American origins to the modern era. A main instructional goal is to have students demonstrate an understanding of how diverse societies and cultures have contributed to the development of the United States. In addition, students will analyze the distinctive characteristics of the development of the US, identify the achievements and limitations of these developments, and develop an awareness of how contemporary problems were caused by past forces. As students achieve these goals, they will develop skills in communication and critical thinking. Students will learn how American society developed from Reconstruction to the modern era, and how society has impacted both individuals and groups in America. Group 1 course.

Credit Hours


Contact Hours


Lecture Hours


Recommended Prerequisites or Skills Competencies

Placement into ENG 111

General Education Outcomes supported by this course

Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct

Other college designations supported by this course

Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive

Course Learning Outcomes

  • Identify critical historical developments.
  • Explain the significance of critical historical developments.
  • Evaluate critical historical developments.
Human Dimension:
  • Analyze the impact of historical developments on contemporary society.
Caring - Civic Learning:
  • Apply course concepts to their roles as modern citizens.
Learning How to Learn:
  • Reflect on their engagement in the learning process.
  • Interpret historical information from a variety of sources.