HDA 150 - Dental Office Management

Course Description

Students are acquainted with the procedures necessary for efficient dental office management. Topics include appointment scheduling, accounts receivable and payable, payroll, dental record keeping, third party payment, patient recall, inventory control, telephone techniques, and use of computer hardware and software unique to the dental office. This course is offered in a self-paced format. Group 2 course.

Credit Hours


Contact Hours


Lecture Hours


Course Learning Outcomes

  • Describe the professional responsibilities of dental office personnel.
  • Explain and complete third party payment plans.
  • Describe the steps in scheduling and arranging appointments.
  • Demonstrate the steps in proper telephone techniques.
  • Identify the types and uses of patient and business records that are utilized in the office.
  • Describe collection techniques used by agencies to process small claims.
  • Describe the steps in maintaining an inventory of supplies.
  • Describe what constitutes accurate, up-to-date, complete patient records.
  • Discuss maintenance, control, and transfer of records.
  • Describe the advantages of a computer system in a dental office.
  • Explain the operations of a computer in a dental office.
  • List guidelines to follow when selecting software.
  • Organize accounts payable.
  • Organize accounts receivable.
  • Organize an efficient recall system.
  • Prepare treatment planning/fee determination, fee presentation, and financial arrangements.
  • Demonstrate understanding of office payroll.
  • Demonstrate operation of dental software program(s).
  • Critique dental specific software after completing course required office visit.
  • Demonstrate management of dental office business and patient records using various methods.
  • Demonstrate management of daily, monthly, and yearly financial records.
Human Dimension:
  • Discuss with peers the purpose of informed consent for patient and office protection.
Caring - Civic Learning:
  • Apply principles of HIPAA policies to operation of dental offices.
Learning How to Learn:
  • Identify sources of information related to dental office management that will assist the student to be a successful dental assistant.