Course Description
The student will learn the anatomy and physiology of the oral cavity, teeth and head. Students will learn the histology of the teeth and surrounding structures, the bones of the skull, the nerves and blood supply of the head and neck, the muscles of mastication, and the names and functions of the teeth and oral structures. This class will also provide detailed information on the anatomy of the individual teeth. Group 2 course.
Credit Hours
Contact Hours
Lecture Hours
Course Learning Outcomes
- Describe the function of each body system including the proper name of the body system.
- Describe the identified landmarks and bones of the face and cranium.
- State the functions of identified muscles, including the muscles of mastication and facial muscles and state their function(s).
- State the functions of identified sinuses and glands of the head and state their functions.
- Identify the anatomical landmarks of the oral cavity.
- Explain the blood supply and the nervous system of the head and neck as it relates to the oral cavity.
- Explain the development of the face, nose, tongue, palate, and dentition.
- Identify and describe the tissues that comprise the teeth.
- Identify and describe the supporting structures of the teeth.
- List the eruption pattern of the primary and permanent dentition.
- Explain the various lettering and/or numbering systems of the teeth.
- Identify the names of the teeth and their surfaces.
- Identify the landmarks of the primary and permanent dentition.
- Describe occlusion and possible malocclusions.
- Evaluate features of the teeth to identify each tooth by name.
- Critique the differences between a healthy and unhealthy oral cavity.
Human Dimension:
- Discuss with others the importance of a healthy oral cavity.
Caring - Civic Learning:
- Describe the connection between recognizing various oral anomalies and protecting the patient's overall health.
Learning How to Learn:
- Identify sources of information on dental anatomy that will assist the student with being successful as a dental assistant.