Course Description
This course introduces students to a broad range of environmental issues, and the science behind those issues with the intent to promote a more sustainable future. Local, regional, national, and global issues will be discussed that pertain to natural resource management, pollution prevention, climate change, and the effects on ecological systems and biodiversity. Group 1 course.
Credit Hours
Contact Hours
Lecture Hours
Required Prerequisites
MTH 100 or equivalent may be taken concurrently
Recommended Prerequisites or Skills Competencies
ENG 111General Education Outcomes supported by this course
Quantitative Reasoning
Course Learning Outcomes
- Describe the origin and classification of energy and mineral resources.
- Identify sources of pollution and mitigation strategies.
- Describe current issues surrounding climate change and potential solutions.
- Understand the importance of biodiversity and the main causes of biodiversity loss.
- Evaluate the validity of scientific claims in news media.
- Analyze contour maps and remote sensing data.
- Use math skills to comprehend course content emphasizing quantitative reasoning.
- Relate everyday items to natural resources and the sources of those materials.
Human Dimension:
- Reflect on the formation, distribution and abundance of earth resources.
- Make educated decisions regarding their personal use, or misuse, of our planet's resources.
Caring - Civic Learning:
- Be inspired to care about learning and about the environment.
- Care about resource management and sustainability.
Learning How to Learn:
- Utilize scientific literacy skills to research beyond this course.