Course Description
This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and strategies necessary to succeed in college. Students will draw on findings from cognitive psychology and brain science as they examine the characteristics of successful students as well as learn strategies for taking greater responsibility for their own learning and well-being. Additionally, the course will provide ways of developing greater intrinsic motivation, increased perseverance, and more effective time management skills, as well as help them discover and revise limiting beliefs and self-defeating behaviors. Practical skills will include a variety of note-taking and study strategies as well as confident and effective test preparation, and knowledgeable navigation of college systems, norms and procedures. Group 2 course.
Credit Hours
Contact Hours
Lecture Hours
General Education Outcomes supported by this course
Critical Thinking - Direct
Course Learning Outcomes
- Explain the skills necessary to accept personal responsibility.
- Articulate key concepts of learning science.
- Articulate differences in expectations and systems between high school and college.
- Analyze self-efficacy and self-management strengths and weaknesses.
- Apply understanding of college culture to modify behavior.
- Identify the people and places on campus that support learning and provide guidance on college logistics.
- Use self-awareness to make realistic choices and develop healthy habits.
- Integrate self-management skills to further learning.
- Apply and transfer learning strategies across a variety of academic and non-academic situations.
Human Dimension:
- Communicate with others using effective listening and speaking strategies.
- Collaborate actively and effectively in groups.
- Leverage strategies for physical and mental self-care to improve well-being and academic success.
Caring - Civic Learning:
- Strengthen their commitment to hard work and effort in order to reach goals.
- Articulate their own motivation for academic success.
- Set effective and manageable goals.
Learning How to Learn:
- Develop new learning strategies based on an understanding of learning science.
- Select appropriate strategies for academic and personal learning situations.
- Use reflection to develop and connect elements of academic and personal learning.