Course Description
The student builds on object-oriented fundamentals learned in
CIT 195, focusing on implementing SOLID Principles throughout the course. Projects will explore design patterns, UI/UX considerations, multiple forms of desktop and online persistence, and the integration of various technologies to form a complete solution. Course content is mapped to the Certiport Information Technology Specialist - Software Development learning objectives, and students enrolled in this course will take the certification exam. Group 2 course.
Credit Hours
Contact Hours
Lecture Hours
Lab Hours
Required Prerequisites
CIT 178 with a grade of 2.0 or higher,
CIT 195 with a grade of 2.0 or higher.
CIT 218 (may also be taken concurrently).
General Education Outcomes supported by this course
Critical Thinking - Direct
Course Learning Outcomes
- Explain the SOLID Principles of object-oriented programming.
- Demonstrate the application of the SOLID Principles object-oriented programming.
- Choose a design pattern based on application requirements, maintenance, and expendability.
- Develop a complex application.
- Deploy a complex application.
Human Dimension:
- Demonstrate interpersonal communication skills while relating design decisions.
- Demonstrate the ability to work effectively in a team environment.
- Construct a functional user interface (UI) and experience (UX).
Caring - Civic Learning:
- Identify how the quality of code effects our daily experience and interaction with technology.
Learning How to Learn:
- Select professional development resources that support their learning styles.
- Independently seek out solutions to problems.