Course Description
An introduction to organic chemistry. Topics include the classes of organic compounds, reactions, synthesis, and mechanisms. Includes laboratory. NOTE: This course is a one semester course and is not appropriate for all majors. Please check with an advisor prior to registration. Group 1 lab course.
Credit Hours
Contact Hours
Lecture Hours
Required Prerequisites
CHM 101 or
CHM 150 and
MTH 111 or
MTH 120, all with a grade of 2.0 or better.
CHM 201LRecommended Prerequisites or Skills Competencies
ENG 111General Education Outcomes supported by this course
Quantitative Reasoning
Course Learning Outcomes
- Be able to articulate a broad set of chemical knowledge concerning the fundamentals in organic chemistry.
- Explain electron delocalization and its effect on stability and reactivity.
- Interpret patterns of reactivity on the basis of mechanistic reasoning.
- Design syntheses of organic molecules of moderate complexity.
- Demonstrate the fundamentals acid/base and electrophile/nucleophile reactions in organic chemistry.
- Use standard laboratory equipment, modern instrumentation, and classical techniques to carry out experiments.
- Perform the experiments, and appropriately record and analyze the results.
- Critique the synthesis, labeling, and production of organic chemicals.
- Connect to real world examples of organic chemistry in action.
- Evaluate the consequences (reactivity, properties) of the three-dimensionality of molecules.
- Summarize the concepts and results of their laboratory experiments through effective writing and oral communication skills.
Human Dimension:
- Develop interpersonal skills by working in groups: through joint assignments, study groups, and most importantly in collaboration during laboratory experiments.
Caring - Civic Learning:
- Recognize the connections between organic chemistry and real life applications.
- Better appreciate the concepts of this course and how they related to the real world.
Learning How to Learn:
- Think intuitively about organic chemistry reactions.
- Organize, summarize, and synthesize complicated conceptual ideas.
- Initiate new problem solving skills and strategies"