BIO 106 - Human Biology

Course Description

A survey of human anatomy and physiology with a primary focus on health and disease. Topics to be discussed will include the cell structure, simple chemistry of biology, homeostasis, the organ systems, genetics, evolution, nutrition, exercise physiology, cancer, heart disease, immunology, AIDS, and other topics of current interest. This course does not meet the requirements for the Nursing program. Consult an advisor before enrolling. Group 1 lab course.

Credit Hours


Contact Hours


Lecture Hours



BIO 106L

Recommended Prerequisites or Skills Competencies

ENG 111, MTH 100

General Education Outcomes supported by this course

Critical Thinking - Direct

Course Learning Outcomes

  • Discuss the 5 core concepts that the course addresses: Evolution, Structure and Function, Information Flow, Exchange and Storage, Pathways and Transformations of Energy Matter.
  • Use the scientific problem solving process to make decisions.
  • Apply course concepts to real-life situations and experiences.
Human Dimension:
  • Collaborate with peers.
Caring - Civic Learning:
  • Elaborate on the growing value of science in society, especially as it relates to human health.
Learning How to Learn:
  • Formulate useful questions about controversial subjects.