Catalog A-Z Index
- ACC 121 - Accounting Principles I
- ACC 123 - Accounting Principles II
- ACC 199 - Accounting Practicum
- ACC 221 - Intermediate Accounting I
- ACC 222 - Intermediate Accounting II
- ACC 223 - Cost Accounting
- ACC 231 - Federal Income Tax Problems
- ACC 241 - Principles Fraud Examination
- ACC 290 - Accounting Internship
- ANI 101 - Elementary Anishinaabemowin I
- ANI 102 - Elementary Anishinaabemowin II
- ANT 102 - Underwater Archaeology
- ANT 113 - Intro to Cultural Anthropology
- ANT 201 - Nautical Archaeology I
- ANT 202 - Nautical Archaeology II
- ART 100 - Art Appreciation
- ART 111 - History of Western Art I
- ART 112 - History of Western Art II
- ART 121 - Drawing I
- ART 122 - Drawing II
- ART 131 - 2-D Design
- ART 132 - 3-D Design
- ART 151 - Ceramics I
- ART 152 - Ceramics II
- ART 160 - Professional Practices
- ART 161 - Painting I
- ART 162 - Painting II
- ART 165 - Watercolor Painting I
- ART 166 - Watercolor Painting II
- ART 174 - Digital Photography I
- ART 181 - Printmaking I
- ART 182 - Printmaking II
- ART 191 - Sculpture I
- ART 213 - Modern Art History
- ART 221 - Life Drawing I
- ART 222 - Life Drawing II
- ART 274 - Digital Photography II
- ART 293 - Art Study Abroad
- ASL 101 - American Sign Language I
- ASL 102 - American Sign Language II
- ASL 103 - American Sign Language III
- ASL 104 - American Sign Language IV
- AST 100 - Observational Astronomy
- AST 109 - Planetary Astronomy
- AST 109L - Planetary Astronomy Lab
- AST 119 - Astronomy
- AST 119L - Astronomy Lab
- AT 100 - Automotive Service Basics
- AT 110 - Automotive Brake Systems
- AT 120 - Automotive Electrical I
- AT 130 - Engine Performance I
- AT 140 - Suspension and Steering
- AT 150 - Automatic Transmissions
- AT 160 - Engine Repair
- AT 170 - Heating and Air Conditioning
- AT 180 - Manual Drivetrain and Axles
- AT 210 - Hybrid Technology
- AT 220 - Automotive Electrical II
- AT 230 - Engine Performance II
- AT 290 - Automotive Internship
- AUD 100 - Applied Music - Audio Tech
- AUD 100B - Applied Music - Audio Tech
- AUD 100C - Applied Music - Audio Tech
- AUD 100D - Applied Music - Audio Tech
- AUD 100E - Applied Music - Audio Tech
- AUD 100F - Applied Music - Audio Tech
- AUD 101 - Theory for Studio Engineers
- AUD 110 - Studio Recording I
- AUD 111 - Studio Recording II
- AUD 120 - Digital Audio I
- AUD 121 - Digital Audio II
- AUD 130 - Live Sound I
- AUD 131 - Live Sound II
- AUD 210 - Studio Recording III
- AUD 220 - Digital Audio III
- AUD 230 - Live Sound III
- AUD 250 - Audio Tech Practicum
- AUD 260 - Audio Tech Internship
- AUD 270 - Audio Tech Final Project
- AVF 111 - Private Flight
- AVF 132 - Instrument Flight
- AVF 230 - Commercial Flight I
- AVF 232 - Commercial Flight II
- AVF 234 - Commercial Flight III
- AVF 271 - Multi-Engine Flight
- AVF 272 - Multi Engine Instructor
- AVF 274 - Tailwheel Flight
- AVF 275 - Seaplane Flight
- AVF 283 - Upset Maneuver Training
- AVF 284 - Instrument Flight Instructor
- AVF 382 - Flight Instructor Rating
- AVG 101 - Private Ground School
- AVG 102 - Leadership in Aviation
- AVG 161 - Mechanics for Pilots
- AVG 190 - Aviation Weather
- AVG 201 - International Aviation
- AVG 202 - Advanced Aircraft Systems
- AVG 231 - Aviation Law
- AVG 251 - Commercial Ground School
- AVG 252 - Instrument Ground School
- AVG 282 - EASA ATPL Groundschool Module1
- AVG 283 - EASA ATPL Groundschool Module2
- AVG 284 - EASA ATPL Groundschool Module3
- AVG 285 - Crew Resource Management
- AVG 381 - Instructor Ground School
- BIO 106 - Human Biology
- BIO 106L - Human Biology Lab
- BIO 108 - Plant Biology
- BIO 108L - Plant Biology Lab
- BIO 110 - Essential Biology
- BIO 110L - Essential Biology Lab
- BIO 115 - General Biology I
- BIO 115L - General Biology I Lab
- BIO 116 - General Biology II
- BIO 116L - General Biology II Lab
- BIO 208 - Microbiology
- BIO 208L - Microbiology Lab
- BIO 215 - Genetics
- BIO 220 - Nutrition in Human Health
- BIO 227 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I
- BIO 227L - Human Anatomy & Phys I Lab
- BIO 228 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II
- BIO 228L - Human Anatomy & Phys II Lab
- BIO 240 - Normal and Clinical Nutrition
- BIO 255 - Pathophysiology
- BIO 268 - Biochemistry
- BIO 293 - Biology Study Abroad
- BUS 101 - Introduction to Business
- BUS 105 - Business Math
- BUS 155 - Interpersonal Communications
- BUS 231 - Professional Communications
- BUS 261 - Business Law I
- BUS 290 - Business Admin Internship
- BUS 294 - Business Study Abroad
- CAR 101 - Introduction to Carpentry
- CAR 102 - Intro to Woodworking
- CAR 104 - Woodworking Applications I
- CAR 105 - Foundations and Framing
- CAR 121 - Exterior Construction
- CAR 125 - Interior Construction
- CHM 101 - Introductory Chemistry
- CHM 101L - Introductory Chemistry Lab
- CHM 150 - General Chemistry I
- CHM 150L - General Chemistry I Lab
- CHM 150R - General Chemistry I, Recitatn
- CHM 151 - General Chemistry II
- CHM 151L - General Chemistry II Lab
- CHM 151R - General Chemistry II Recitatn
- CHM 201 - Intro to Organic Chemistry
- CHM 201L - Intro to Organic Chemistry Lab
- CHM 250 - Organic Chemistry I
- CHM 250L - Organic Chemistry I Lab
- CHM 251 - Organic Chemistry II
- CHM 251L - Organic Chemistry II Lab
- CIT 100 - Computers in Business-An Intro
- CIT 110 - Programming Logic and Design
- CIT 112 - Scripting and Automation
- CIT 119 - Microsoft Office - Word
- CIT 122A - Computer & Internet Basics I
- CIT 124 - Microsoft Office - PowerPoint
- CIT 131 - Game Development and Design
- CIT 135 - Introduction to Programming Using Python
- CIT 156 - CompTIA A+ Certification I
- CIT 157 - CompTIA A+ Certification II
- CIT 160 - Cisco Internetworking I
- CIT 161 - Cisco Internetworking II
- CIT 178 - Relational Databases
- CIT 180 - Web Development
- CIT 190 - JavaScript Programming
- CIT 195 - Application Development
- CIT 210 - Microsoft Office - Excel
- CIT 211 - Intro to Data Analytics
- CIT 213 - Networking Technologies
- CIT 215 - Server Technologies
- CIT 216 - Computerized Acctg Systems
- CIT 218 - Web Application Development
- CIT 228 - Advanced Database Systems
- CIT 231 - Current Topics in IT
- CIT 240 - Network Security Management
- CIT 243 - Cloud Technologies
- CIT 247 - Windows Identity & Policy
- CIT 255 - Object-Oriented Programming
- CIT 256 - Linux Administration
- CIT 260 - Cisco Internetworking III
- CIT 263 - Cybersecurity Penetration Testing
- CIT 264 - Cybersecurity Analytics and Threat Analysis
- CIT 266 - Advanced Enterprise Security
- CIT 280 - Systems Analysis and Design
- CIT 290 - CIT Internship
- CIT 291 - Web Developer Internship
- CIT 292 - Support Specialist Internship
- CJ 101 - Intro to Criminal Justice
- CJ 202 - Police Administration
- CJ 211 - Criminal Law
- CJ 221 - Juvenile Delinquency
- CJ 231 - Survey of Corrections
- CJ 242 - Evidence & Criminal Procedures
- CMT 107 - Construction Supervision
- CMT 207 - Construction Cost Estimating
- COM 111 - Public Speaking
- COM 121 - Broadcasting Practicum I
- COM 122 - Broadcasting Practicum II
- CUL 102 - Culinary Concepts and Career Management
- CUL 110 - Safety and Sanitation
- CUL 111 - Professional Cookery
- CUL 118 - Intro to Baking and Pastry
- CUL 120 - Artisan Bread
- CUL 190 - Culinary Internship
- CUL 191 - Culinary Maritime Internship
- CUL 192 - Sports Performance Internship
- CUL 201 - Food and Beverage Operations
- CUL 208 - Galley Cooking
- CUL 209 - Butchery and Fabrication
- CUL 210 - Nutrition for Culinary Arts
- CUL 211 - Menu Planning and Purchasing
- CUL 213 - World Cuisine
- CUL 215 - Garde Manger
- CUL 219 - Plated Desserts
- CUL 220 - Chocolate and Confections
- CUL 222 - Cafe Ops, Bakery Prod & Mgmt
- CUL 223 - Cafe Ops Dining Room Mgmt
- CUL 224 - Bakery Sales with Merchandising and Packaging
- CUL 228 - Cake Design and Decorating
- CUL 232 - Beverage Management
- CUL 233 - Farm to Table
- CUL 234 - Culinary Sports Nutrition
- CUL 293 - Culinary Study Abroad
- CUL 295 - Contemp Cuisine Kitchen Mngmt
- CUL 296 - Contemp Svc Dining Room Mngmt
- DD 101 - Print Reading and Sketching
- DD 110 - Basic Metallurgy
- DD 160 - Tolerancing and GD&T
- DD 170 - CADD/Computer Modeling
- DD 290 - Drafting Internship
- DNC 100 - Dance Appreciation
- DNC 101 - Beg. Dance: An Exploration
- DNC 110 - Modern Dance I
- DNC 111 - Modern Dance II
- ECE 101 - Early Childhood Education
- ECE 202 - Human Development and Learning
- ECE 203 - Curriculum for Child Guidance
- ECE 204 - Early Childhood Curriculum
- ECE 206 - Infant Toddler Care Curriculum
- ECE 220 - Early Education Administration
- ECE 230 - Early Literacy and Learning
- ECE 240 - Integrated Arts in Curriculum
- ECE 290A - Early Education Internship
- ECE 290B - Early Education Internship
- ECE 290C - Early Education Internship
- ECO 201 - Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECO 202 - Principles of Microeconomics
- EDU 100 - College Success
- EDU 101 - Introduction to Teaching
- EDU 212 - Educating Exceptional Children
- EET 102 - Intro to Engineering Tech
- EET 103 - Electrical Studies I
- EET 161 - Fundamentals of Light & Lasers
- EET 180 - Biomedical Equipment I
- EET 190 - Biomedical Internship
- EET 204 - Electrical Studies II
- EET 212 - Elements of Photonics
- EET 221 - Industrial Controls
- EET 232 - Programmable Logic Controllers
- EET 233 - PLC Applications I
- EET 234 - PLC Applications II
- EET 260 - System Engineering in Practice
- EET 281 - Biomedical Equipment II
- EET 290 - Engineering Tech Internship
- EET 292 - Technical Career Development
- EGR 101 - Introduction To Engineering
- EGR 111 - Introduction to Computer Science
- EGR 113 - Engineering Graphics I
- EGR 131 - Elementary Surveying
- EGR 131L - Elementary Surveying Lab
- EGR 201 - Statics
- EGR 202 - Mechanics of Materials
- EGR 203 - Dynamics
- EGR 211 - Electrical Circuits I
- EGR 220 - Engineering Practice I
- EGR 221 - Material Science
- EGR 232 - Introductory Thermodynamics
- EGY 105 - Sustainable Building Design
- EGY 115 - Residential Energy Efficiency
- EGY 145 - Geothermal Technology
- ELE 101 - Introduction to Electrical
- ELE 105 - Beg Residential Electrical
- ELE 107 - Introduction to Electrical II
- ELE 110 - Electrical Code Studies I
- ELE 111 - Electrical Code Studies II
- ELE 121 - Adv Residential Electrical
- ELE 122 - Beginning Electrical Studies I
- ELE 125 - Pre-Commercial Electrical
- ELE 126 - Beginning Electrical Studies II
- ELE 131 - Commercial Electrical
- ELE 132 - Intermediate Electrical Studies I
- ELE 135 - Adv Commercial Electrical
- ELE 136 - Intermediate Electrical Studies II
- ELE 142 - Industrial Electrical
- ELE 144 - Advanced Electrical Studies I
- ELE 147 - Advanced Electrical Studies II
- ELE 210 - Electrical Code Studies I
- ELE 220 - Electrical Code Studies II
- ENG 108 - Critical Reading Strategies
- ENG 11 - English/Writing Methods
- ENG 111 - English Composition
- ENG 112 - English Composition
- ENG 12 - English/Writing Methods
- ENG 210 - Children's Literature
- ENG 220 - Technical Writing
- ENG 221 - Creative Writing
- ENG 222 - Advanced Creative Writing
- ENG 224 - Writing for the Media
- ENG 225 - Introduction to Screenwriting
- ENG 240 - Introduction to Literature
- ENG 241 - World Mythology
- ENG 254 - Shakespeare
- ENG 262 - American Literature
- ENG 263 - World Literature
- ENG 265 - Science Fiction and Fantasy
- ENG 267 - Film as Literature
- ENG 271 - Adolescent Literature
- ENG 293 - English Study Abroad
- ENG 295A - Writing Center Practicum
- ENG 99 - Intro to College Writing
- ENV 101 - Introduction to Environmental Science
- ENV 101L - Intro to Enviro Science Lab
- ENV 103 - Earth Science
- ENV 103L - Earth Science Lab
- ENV 104 - Life of the Past
- ENV 104L - Life of the Past Lab
- ENV 111 - Physical Geology
- ENV 111L - Physical Geology Lab
- ENV 112 - Historical Geology
- ENV 112L - Historical Geology Lab
- ENV 117 - Meteorology & Climatology
- ENV 117L - Meteorology & Climatology Lab
- ENV 131 - Oceanography
- ENV 131L - Oceanography Lab
- ENV 140 - Watershed Science
- ENV 140L - Watershed Science Lab
- ENV 270A - Michigan Basin Geology
- ENV 270B - Field Mapping Techniques
- ENV 270C - Precambrian Geology of MI
- ENV 293 - Environmental Science Study Abroad
- ESP 100 - Introduction to Esports
- ESP 201 - Esports Casting and Streaming
- ESP 202 - Esports Event Management
- ESP 203 - Esports Security
- ESP 204 - Esports Coaching
- GEO 101 - Introduction to Geography
- GEO 105 - Physical Geography
- GEO 105L - Physical Geography Lab
- GEO 108 - Geography of U S & Canada
- GEO 109 - World Regional Geography
- GEO 115 - Introduction to GIS
- HAH 100C - Informatics Essentials
- HAH 101 - Medical Terminology
- HAH 120 - Infection Control
- HDA 101 - Introduction to Dentistry
- HDA 102 - Introduction to Dentistry Lab
- HDA 112 - Dental Materials
- HDA 113 - Dental Materials Lab
- HDA 120 - Dental Anatomy
- HDA 140 - Oral Pathology/Pharmacology
- HDA 150 - Dental Office Management
- HDA 160 - Dental Emergencies
- HDA 170 - Preventive Dentistry
- HDA 240 - Chairside Procedures
- HDA 241 - Chairside Procedures Lab
- HDA 242 - Dental Radiography
- HDA 243 - Dental Radiography Lab
- HDA 282 - CDA/RDA Written Exam Prep
- HDA 286 - RDA Clinical Exam Prep
- HDA 290 - Dental Assistant Internship
- HNR 101 - Fundamentals of Nursing-Lectur
- HNR 102 - Fund of Nursing-Clinical
- HNR 106 - Pharmacology I
- HNR 107 - Pharmacology II
- HNR 125 - Lifespan Nursing Lecture
- HNR 126 - Lifespan Nursing-Clinical
- HNR 145 - Practical Nursing Roles & Issu
- HNR 221 - Acute Care Nursing I
- HNR 222 - Acute Care Nursing II
- HNR 241 - Adv Maternal Child Nursing-Lec
- HNR 242 - Adv Maternal Child Nursing-Cli
- HNR 248 - Acute Care Nursing - Clinical
- HNR 251 - Mental Health Nursing - Lec
- HNR 252 - Mental Health Nursing-Clinical
- HNR 261 - Nursing Management
- HNR 262 - Nursing Management Clinical
- HPD 110 - BLS for Health Care Providers
- HST 101 - Western Civilization to 1500AD
- HST 102 - Western Civilization from 1500
- HST 111 - U S History to 1865
- HST 112 - U S History Since 1865
- HST 211 - Native American History
- HST 212 - African-American History
- HST 213 - American Women's History
- HST 225 - American Civil War
- HST 228 - The Vietnam War
- HST 230 - A History of Michigan
- HST 235 - 20th Century Europe
- HST 293 - History Study Abroad
- HUM 101 - Introduction to Humanities
- HUM 102 - Introduction to Humanities
- HUM 116 - World Cultures
- HUM 150 - Museums in the Modern World
- HUM 293 - Humanities Study Abroad
- HVA 101 - Introduction to HVAC/R
- HVA 104 - Introduction to HVAC/R II
- HVA 120 - Intermediate HVAC/R I
- HVA 124 - Intermediate HVAC/R II
- HVA 130 - Advanced HVAC/R I
- HVA 136 - EPA Certification
- LWE 102 - Police Operations
- LWE 195 - Police Practicum
- LWE 200 - Emergency Asses.& Intervention
- LWE 210 - Cultural Awareness/Diversity
- LWE 212 - Criminal Investigation
- LWE 214 - Firearms
- LWE 215 - Defensive Driving
- LWE 216 - Traffic Enforcement & Invest
- LWE 217 - Apex Officer Training
- LWE 218 - Physical Training/Wellness
- LWE 225 - Defensive Tactics
- LWE 226 - Michigan Criminal Law
- LWE 227 - Criminal Procedures
- LWE 228 - Speed Measurement
- MDK 100 - Survival at Sea
- MDK 104 - Rigging & Ship Maintenance Lab
- MDK 106 - Watchstanding I
- MDK 112 - Rules of the Nautical Road
- MDK 121 - Navigation I
- MDK 122 - Navigation I Lab
- MDK 149 - Damage Control & Safety
- MDK 200 - Ship Business & Labor Relation
- MDK 206 - Watchstanding II
- MDK 210 - Deck Sea Project I
- MDK 221 - Lakes Piloting
- MDK 222 - River Piloting
- MDK 242 - Ship Stability
- MDK 250 - Stability for the Engineer
- MDK 311 - Deck Sea Project II
- MDK 312 - Deck Sea Project III
- MDK 324 - Navigation III
- MDK 330 - Medical First Aid Provider
- MDK 331 - Electronic Navigation
- MDK 332 - Electronic Navigation Lab
- MDK 333 - Automatic Radar Plotting Aids
- MDK 341 - Ship Construction
- MDK 345 - Dry Cargo Stowage
- MDK 404 - Marine Supervisory Lab
- MDK 411 - Marine Communications
- MDK 431 - ECDIS
- MDK 445 - Liquid Cargo Stowage
- MDK 446 - Bridge Resource Management
- MDK 448 - Pilot/Mate License Prep
- MDK 450 - Vessel & Port Security Officer
- MDK 454 - GMDSS
- MFG 104 - Fluid Power
- MFG 106 - Fluid Power Certification
- MFG 111 - Math for Manufacturing
- MFG 113 - Machining I
- MFG 114 - Machining II
- MFG 203 - Manuf/Engineering Processes
- MFG 217 - CNC Operations - Lathe
- MFG 219 - CNC Mill Operations
- MFG 290 - Manufacturing Tech Internship
- MGT 241 - Principles of Management
- MGT 251 - Human Resources Management
- MGT 290 - Management Internship
- MKT 201 - Principles of Marketing
- MKT 208 - Digital Marketing
- MKT 241 - Principles of Advertising
- MKT 290 - Marketing Internship
- MNG 100 - Intro to Vessel Operations
- MNG 104 - Engine Systems Graphics
- MNG 105 - Shipboard Information Systems
- MNG 110 - Engineering Mechanics
- MNG 234 - Electronic Fundamentals
- MNG 250 - Fluid Systems
- MNG 260 - Maritime Machining
- MNG 270 - Issues in Power Production
- MNG 271 - Maritime Welding
- MNG 271L - Maritime Welding Lab
- MNG 275 - Refrigeration
- MNG 290 - Power Systems Internship
- MNG 314 - Diesel Engineering
- MNG 317 - Engineering Sea Project I
- MNG 318 - Engineering Sea Project II
- MNG 319 - Engineering Sea Project III
- MNG 321 - Marine Boilers
- MNG 322 - Marine Turbines
- MNG 323 - Marine Steam Lab
- MNG 335 - Electric Machines and Controls
- MNG 336 - Electric Mach. & Controls Lab
- MNG 455 - Engine Room Resource Mgmt.
- MNG 466 - Engine Room Business
- MNG 496 - License Preparation - Engine
- MNS 100 - Naval Science
- MNS 200 - Naval Science II
- MNS 250 - Leadership and Ethics
- MTH 011 - MTH 111 Support
- MTH 020 - MTH 120 Support
- MTH 021 - MTH 121 Support
- MTH 031 - MTH 131 Support
- MTH 100 - Quantitative Literacy
- MTH 111 - Intermediate Algebra
- MTH 120 - Mathematical Explorations
- MTH 121 - College Algebra
- MTH 122 - Trigonometry
- MTH 131 - Intro to Prob & Stats
- MTH 141 - Calculus I
- MTH 142 - Calculus II
- MTH 241 - Calculus III
- MTH 251 - Differential Equations
- MUS 100A - Intro to Music Theory I
- MUS 100B - Intro to Music Theory II
- MUS 101 - Theory of Music
- MUS 102 - Theory of Music
- MUS 103 - Sight Singing & Ear Training
- MUS 104 - Sight Singing & Ear Training
- MUS 105 - Introduction to Music
- MUS 105A - Intro to Ear Training I
- MUS 105B - Intro to Ear Training II
- MUS 106 - Class Piano I
- MUS 107 - Class Piano II
- MUS 108 - Class Voice I
- MUS 109 - Class Voice II
- MUS 110 - Music Appreciation Stand Lit
- MUS 111 - Music Appreciation Jazz
- MUS 112 - Class Guitar I
- MUS 113 - Class Guitar II
- MUS 114 - NMC Grand Traverse Chorale
- MUS 115 - NMC Grand Traverse Chorale
- MUS 116 - NMC Chamber Singers
- MUS 117 - NMC Chamber Singers
- MUS 118 - NMC Concert Band
- MUS 119 - NMC Concert Band
- MUS 120 - NMC Jazz Band
- MUS 121 - NMC Jazz Band
- MUS 122 - Ensembles in Applied Music I
- MUS 123 - Ensembles in Applied Music II
- MUS 129 - History of Rock and Roll
- MUS 131A - Ensembles - Percussion I
- MUS 131B - Ensembles - Percussion I
- MUS 132A - Ensembles - Guitar I
- MUS 132B - Ensembles - Guitar I
- MUS 133A - Ensembles - Jazz Wind I
- MUS 133B - Ensembles - Jazz Wind I
- MUS 134A - Ensembles - Small Jazz I
- MUS 134B - Ensembles - Small Jazz I
- MUS 135A - Ensembles - Vocal Opera I
- MUS 135B - Ensembles - Vocal Opera I
- MUS 136A - Ensembles - Vocal Jazz I
- MUS 136B - Ensembles - Vocal Jazz I
- MUS 137A - Ensembles - Strings I
- MUS 137B - Ensembles - Strings I
- MUS 138A - Ensembles - Chamber Quintet
- MUS 138B - Ensembles - Chamber Quintet
- MUS 139A - Ensembles - Brass
- MUS 139B - Ensembles - Brass
- MUS 140 - Applied Music - Violin
- MUS 140B - Applied Music - Violin
- MUS 141 - Applied Music - Viola
- MUS 141B - Applied Music - Viola
- MUS 142 - Applied Music - Cello
- MUS 142B - Applied Music - Cello
- MUS 143 - Applied Music - Double Bass
- MUS 143B - Applied Music - Double Bass
- MUS 144 - Applied Music - Flute
- MUS 144B - Applied Music - Flute
- MUS 145 - Applied Music - Oboe
- MUS 145B - Applied Music - Oboe
- MUS 146 - Applied Music - English Horn
- MUS 146B - Applied Music - English Horn
- MUS 147 - Applied Music - Clarinet
- MUS 147B - Applied Music - Clarinet
- MUS 148 - Applied Music - Bass Clarinet
- MUS 148B - Applied Music - Bass Clarinet
- MUS 149 - Applied Music - Bassoon
- MUS 149B - Applied Music - Bassoon
- MUS 150B - Applied Music - Contrabassoon
- MUS 151 - Applied Music - Saxophone
- MUS 151B - Applied Music - Saxophone
- MUS 152 - Applied Music - Trumpet
- MUS 152B - Applied Music - Trumpet
- MUS 153 - Applied Music - French Horn
- MUS 153B - Applied Music - French Horn
- MUS 154 - Applied Music - Trombone
- MUS 154B - Applied Music - Trombone
- MUS 154C - Applied Music - Trombone
- MUS 155 - Applied Music - Bass Trombone
- MUS 155B - Applied Music - Bass Trombone
- MUS 156 - Applied Music - Baritone
- MUS 156B - Applied Music - Baritone
- MUS 157 - Applied Music - Tuba
- MUS 157B - Applied Music - Tuba
- MUS 158 - Applied Music - Percussion
- MUS 158B - Applied Music - Percussion
- MUS 158C - Applied Music - Percussion
- MUS 159 - Applied Music - Piano
- MUS 159B - Applied Music - Piano
- MUS 160 - Applied Music - Voice
- MUS 160B - Applied Music - Voice
- MUS 160C - Applied Music - Voice
- MUS 162 - Applied Music - Guitar
- MUS 162B - Applied Music - Guitar
- MUS 162C - Applied Music- Guitar
- MUS 163 - Applied Music - Jazz Guitar
- MUS 163B - Applied Music - Jazz Guitar
- MUS 164 - Applied Music-Classical Guitar
- MUS 164B - Applied Music-Classical Guitar
- MUS 164C - Applied Music-Classical Guitar
- MUS 165 - Applied Music - Electric Bass
- MUS 165B - Applied Music - Electric Bass
- MUS 165C - Applied Music - Electric Bass
- MUS 166 - Applied Music - Organ
- MUS 166B - Applied Music - Organ
- MUS 167 - Applied Music - Harp
- MUS 168 - Applied Music - Jazz Improv.
- MUS 170B - Applied Music-Digital Audio
- MUS 170C - Applied Music-Digital Audio
- MUS 201 - Theory of Music
- MUS 202 - Theory of Music
- MUS 203 - Sight Singing & Ear Training
- MUS 204 - Sight Singing & Ear Training
- MUS 206 - Class Piano III
- MUS 207 - Class Piano IV
- MUS 214 - NMC Grand Traverse Chorale
- MUS 215 - NMC Grand Traverse Chorale
- MUS 216 - NMC Chamber Singers
- MUS 217 - NMC Chamber Singers
- MUS 218 - NMC Concert Band
- MUS 219 - NMC Concert Band
- MUS 220 - NMC Jazz Band
- MUS 221 - NMC Jazz Band
- MUS 222 - Ensembles in Applied Music III
- MUS 223 - Ensembles in Applied Music IV
- MUS 231A - Ensembles - Percussion II
- MUS 231B - Ensembles - Percussion II
- MUS 232A - Ensembles - Guitar II
- MUS 232B - Ensembles - Guitar II
- MUS 233A - Ensembles - Jazz Wind II
- MUS 233B - Ensembles - Jazz Wind II
- MUS 234A - Ensembles - Small Jazz II
- MUS 234B - Ensembles - Small Jazz II
- MUS 235A - Ensembles - Vocal Opera II
- MUS 235B - Ensembles - Vocal Opera II
- MUS 236A - Ensembles - Vocal Jazz II
- MUS 236B - Ensembles - Vocal Jazz II
- MUS 237A - Ensembles - Strings II
- MUS 237B - Ensembles - Strings II
- MUS 239A - Ensembles - Brass
- MUS 239B - Ensembles - Brass
- MUS 240 - Applied Music - Violin
- MUS 240B - Applied Music - Violin
- MUS 240C - Applied Music - Violin
- MUS 241 - Applied Music - Viola
- MUS 241B - Applied Music - Viola
- MUS 242 - Applied Music - Cello
- MUS 242B - Applied Music - Cello
- MUS 242C - Applied Music - Cello
- MUS 243 - Applied Music - Double Bass
- MUS 243B - Applied Music - Double Bass
- MUS 244 - Applied Music - Flute
- MUS 244B - Applied Music - Flute
- MUS 244C - Applied Music - Flute
- MUS 244D - Applied Music - Flute
- MUS 244E - Applied Music - Flute
- MUS 245 - Applied Music - Oboe
- MUS 245B - Applied Music - Oboe
- MUS 246 - Applied Music - English Horn
- MUS 246B - Applied Music - English Horn
- MUS 247 - Applied Music - Clarinet
- MUS 247B - Applied Music - Clarinet
- MUS 248 - Applied Music - Bass Clarinet
- MUS 248B - Applied Music - Bass Clarinet
- MUS 249 - Applied Music - Bassoon
- MUS 249B - Applied Music - Bassoon
- MUS 250 - Applied Music - Contrabassoon
- MUS 250B - Applied Music - Contrabassoon
- MUS 251 - Applied Music - Saxophone
- MUS 251B - Applied Music - Saxophone
- MUS 251C - Applied Music - Saxophone
- MUS 251D - Applied Music - Saxophone
- MUS 252 - Applied Music - Trumpet
- MUS 252B - Applied Music - Trumpet
- MUS 253 - Applied Music - French Horn
- MUS 253B - Applied Music - French Horn
- MUS 254 - Applied Music - Trombone
- MUS 254B - Applied Music - Trombone
- MUS 254C - Applied Music - Trombone
- MUS 255 - Applied Music - Bass Trombone
- MUS 255B - Applied Music - Bass Trombone
- MUS 256 - Applied Music - Baritone
- MUS 256B - Applied Music - Baritone
- MUS 256C - Applied Music - Baritone
- MUS 257 - Applied Music - Tuba
- MUS 257B - Applied Music - Tuba
- MUS 258 - Applied Music - Percussion
- MUS 258B - Applied Music - Percussion
- MUS 259 - Applied Music - Piano
- MUS 259B - Applied Music - Piano
- MUS 259C - Applied Music - Piano
- MUS 260 - Applied Music - Voice
- MUS 260B - Applied Music - Voice
- MUS 260C - Applied Music - Voice
- MUS 260D - Applied Music - Voice
- MUS 261 - Applied Music - Recorder
- MUS 261B - Applied Music - Recorder
- MUS 262 - Applied Music - Guitar
- MUS 262B - Applied Music - Guitar
- MUS 262C - Applied Music - Guitar
- MUS 263 - Applied Music - Jazz Guitar
- MUS 263B - Applied Music - Jazz Guitar
- MUS 263C - Applied Music - Jazz Guitar
- MUS 264 - Applied Music-Classical Guitar
- MUS 264B - Applied Music-Classical Guitar
- MUS 265 - Applied Music - Electric Bass
- MUS 265B - Applied Music - Electric Bass
- MUS 266 - Applied Music - Organ
- MUS 266B - Applied Music - Organ
- PHL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy
- PHL 105 - Critical Thinking
- PHL 121 - Western Religions
- PHL 122 - Eastern Religions
- PHL 201 - Ethics
- PHL 202 - Contemporary Ethical Dilemmas
- PHL 203 - Environmental Ethics
- PHL 293 - Philosophy Study Abroad
- PHY 105 - Physics of the World Around Us
- PHY 105L - Physics/World Around Us Lab
- PHY 121 - General Physics I
- PHY 121L - General Physics I Lab
- PHY 122 - General Physics II
- PHY 122L - General Physics II Lab
- PHY 221 - Problems & Princ.of Physics I
- PHY 221L - Prob./Prin. of Physics I Lab
- PHY 221R - Prob.& Princ. of Physics I Rec
- PHY 222 - Prob. & Princ. of Physics II
- PHY 222L - Prob./ Prin. of Physics II Lab
- PHY 222R - Prob. & Princ. of Physics II R
- PLS 101 - Intro to American Politics
- PLS 132 - Comparative Politics
- PLS 211 - International Relations
- PLS 222 - Intro to Political Theory
- PLS 233 - U.S. Foreign Policy
- PLU 101 - Introduction to Plumbing
- PLU 105 - Plumbing Components
- PLU 121 - Commercial Plumbing
- PLU 125 - Plumbing Installation
- PSY 100 - Career Exploration & Planning
- PSY 101 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSY 211 - Developmental Psychology
- PSY 221 - Psychology of Personality
- PSY 223 - Intro to Social Psychology
- PSY 225 - Human Sexuality
- PSY 231 - Psychology of Adjustment
- PSY 250 - Abnormal Psychology
- SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology
- SOC 201 - Modern Social Problems
- SOC 211 - Marriage and the Family
- SOC 220 - Gender and Society
- SOC 231 - Deviance and Criminal Behavior
- SOC 260 - Race and Ethnicity
- SPN 101 - Elementary Spanish I
- SPN 102 - Elementary Spanish II
- SPN 201 - Intermediate Spanish I
- SPN 202 - Intermediate Spanish II
- SPN 227A - Spanish for Environmental Mgmt
- SRG 101 - Intro to Surgical Technology
- SRG 101L - Intro to Surg Tech Lab
- SRG 102 - Surgical Microbiology
- SRG 103 - Surgical Pharmacology
- SRG 121 - Surgical Procedures I
- SRG 121L - Surgical Procedures I Lab
- SRG 122 - The Surgical Patient
- SRG 123 - Biomed Sciences and MIS
- SRG 201 - Surgical Procedures II
- SRG 202 - Surg Procedures II Clinical
- SRG 204 - Professional Career Prep I
- SRG 221 - Surgical Procedures III
- SRG 222 - Surg Procedures III Clinical
- SRG 224 - Professional Career Prep II
- SVR 111 - Intro to Field Surveying
- SVR 112 - Intro to Surveying Data Use
- SVR 120 - CAD for Surveying
- SVR 150 - Construction Survey App
- SVR 160 - Surveying Calculations
- SVR 210 - Surveying Positioning
- SVR 220 - Boundary Surveying
- SWK 121 - Introduction to Social Work
- SWK 211 - Social Interviewing Skills
- SWK 221 - Introduction to Social Welfare
- SWK 290 - Social Work Internship
- UAS 107 - Remote Pilot Ground
- UAS 121 - UAS Applications in Surveying
- UAS 131 - UAS in Law Enforcement
- UAS 141 - Remote Pilot Flight
- UAS 211 - Commercial Drone Operations
- UAS 220 - UAS Projects and Maintenance
- UAS 241 - Advanced Drone Operations
- UAS 255 - UAS Safety Management
- UAS 260 - Aerosonde UAS Ground Training
- UAS 261 - Aerosonde UAS Flight Training
- VCA 100 - Materials and Techniques
- VCA 125 - Typography I
- VCA 126 - Typography II
- VCA 127 - Digital Imaging
- VCA 146 - Interactive Animation
- VCA 147 - Web Design I
- VCA 150 - Digital Graphics Design I
- VCA 200 - Visual Communications II
- VCA 220 - Visual Communications III
- VCA 225 - Visual Communications Studio
- VCA 230 - Visual Communications V
- VCA 235 - Visual Comm Portfolio
- VCA 246 - Interactive Animation II
- VCA 247 - Web Design II
- VCA 250 - Time Based Media
- VCA 252 - Time Based Media II
- VCA 290 - Visual Comm Internship
- VCA 293 - Visual Comm Study Abroad
- WPT 111 - Welding Theory I
- WPT 112 - Welding Lab I
- WPT 113 - Welding Theory II
- WPT 114 - Welding Lab II
- WPT 161 - Welding Qualification Prep
- WPT 210 - Welding Fabrication and Repair
- WPT 211 - Welding Fabrication I
- WPT 212 - Welding Fabrication II
- WPT 213 - Weld Quality Testing
- WPT 260 - Intro to Welding Automation
- WPT 290 - Welding Internship
- WSI 105 - Intro to Freshwater Studies
- WSI 106 - Introduction to Water Quality
- WSI 110 - OSHA HAZWOPER 40 hour
- WSI 150 - Introduction to Site Assessment and Remediation
- WSI 200 - GL Research Technologies
- WSI 210 - Underwater Acoustics and Sonar
- WSI 211 - Sonar for Search & Recovery
- WSI 212 - Sonar for Marine Engineering
- WSI 215 - Marine GIS & Data Processing
- WSI 230 - Water Policy & Sustainability
- WSI 240 - ROV Systems and Operations
- WSI 250 - Groundwater Monitoring and Aquifer Sampling
- WSI 290 - Freshwater Studies Internship
- WSI 300 - Remote Sensing and Sensors
- WSI 304 - Marine Electronics
- WSI 310 - Sonar Systems and Operations
- WSI 315 - Advanced Marine Survey & Data
- WSI 390 - Marine Tech Internship
- WSI 400 - Marine Technology Capstone
- WSI 405 - Marine Industry
- WSI 433 - Marine Project Management
- WSI 440 - Advanced Marine Platforms
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