BUS 261 - Business Law I

Course Description

This course will provide a foundation in business law, covering a wide range of subjects. Students will examine state and Federal legal systems, the Constitution, the nature and uses of law, along with a variety of legal areas relevant to business, including business structures, agency, contracts, torts, property and employment law. Group 2 course.

Credit Hours


Contact Hours


Lecture Hours


Recommended Prerequisites or Skills Competencies

ENG 111 minimum placement

General Education Outcomes supported by this course

Critical Thinking - Direct

Course Learning Outcomes

  • Identify basic legal principles within course-specific laws.
  • Illustrate basic legal principles within course-specific laws with factual examples.
  • Evaluate various scenarios using basic legal principles within course-specific laws.
Human Dimension:
  • Analyze the major underlying reasons for legal disputes within course-specific laws.
Caring - Civic Learning:
  • Reflect on the major civic responsibilities of citizens within the U.S. legal system.
Learning How to Learn:
  • Develop skills in analogical reasoning through the analysis of various judicial precedents.