AVG 201 - International Aviation

Course Description

This course will provide an overview and analysis of the international aviation industry. International oversight organizations will be reviewed along with interactions with national regulations. Students will evaluate country differences with regard to aviation regulations, global aviation safety and business forecasts. An analysis of cultural differences for International Aviation Operations will be covered with case studies from current international pilots. Group 2 course.

Credit Hours


Contact Hours


Lecture Hours


Recommended Prerequisites or Skills Competencies

Placement into ENG 111

Course Learning Outcomes

  • Describe the different organizations that are responsible for oversight of international aviation regulations and how these impact national regulators.
  • Review global aviation accident records to compare how different international organizations oversee aviation safety.
  • Assess, by researching a self-selected overseas national regulator, the similarities and differences between domestic and international aviation regulations.
Human Dimension:
  • Evaluate the impact of social, cultural, political, economic, and ethical environments on international aviation operations.
Caring - Civic Learning:
  • Evaluate the operational challenges/differences a pilot will encounter when flying internationally in comparison to domestic operations.
Learning How to Learn:
  • Evaluate major global aviation business financial forecasts and future predictions for pilot demand.