Course Description
Study and practice of basic elements of poetic composition, by reading and writing a variety of forms. Employs workshop format to develop reading and feedback skills. Skills developed include close reading, close observation, craft techniques, revision, discipline and practice, giving and receiving feedback, developing access to imaginative powers. Engages deeply with several works of contemporary poetry. Group 2 course.
Credit Hours
Contact Hours
Lecture Hours
Required Prerequisites
ENG 112 or permission of instructor
Recommended Prerequisites or Skills Competencies
Students should have language skills at least equivalent to
ENG 112.
General Education Outcomes supported by this course
Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct
Other college designations supported by this course
Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive
Course Learning Outcomes
- Identify basic poetic techniques: concrete language, sound, meaning, and form.
- Discuss poetry using the language of poetic techniques.
- Discern how a poet's body of work may feature characteristic use of techniques.
- Write poems demonstrating basic poetic techniques.
- Apply revision techniques to their work and the work of others.
- Demonstrate informed reading of professional examples.
- Engage with a text by memorization.
- Incorporate knowledge of poetic techniques into their reading and discussion of poems.
- Incorporate poetic techniques into their writing.
- Uncover patterns and critique their own and others' poetry.
- Describe how the deep study of one poet impacts their own creative work.
Human Dimension:
- Interact productively in giving and receiving constructive feedback.
- Achieve a deeper understanding of human emotion, desire, belief, and motivation as expressed via basic prose techniques.
- See the world from other points of view.
- Come to see themselves as actors guided by a set of beliefs.
Caring - Civic Learning:
- Write ethically.
- Consider alternative values presented in texts and life.
- Recognize alternative meanings presented in texts and life.
- View the world vis-a-vis potential for creative engagement.
Learning How to Learn:
- Use the tools of basic poetic techniques to recognize how a poem has been constructed.
- Imagine new possibilities for their own and other's creative processes.
- Experience how creative processes engage with deeply held values and beliefs.
- Recognize the difference between working in creative community and working in solitude and how these conditions impact their creative process.