SRG 122 - The Surgical Patient

This is an archived copy of the 2020-2021 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Course Description

In this course students will define patient-centered care to determine the differing needs of the various patient populations that visit the surgical department. Important areas that will be described include appropriate communication, cultural and spiritual competence, and grief advocacy. This course will cover the aspects of the death in the operating room along with the organ transplant process. Students will also cover patient transport, transfer, urinary catheterization, skin prep, patient positioning and draping procedures. Group 2 course.

Credit Hours


Contact Hours


Lecture Hours


Required Prerequisites

SRG 121, SRG 121L, SRG 123-may be taken concurrently

General Education Outcomes supported by this course

Critical Thinking - Direct

Course Learning Outcomes

  • Define patient-centered and outcome-oriented care.
  • Describe human needs utilizing Maslow's Hierarchy as they relate to the patient and patient's family.
  • Describe cultural competence and spirituality and their importance in ethics and health care.
  • Identify special patient populations and their differing needs.
  • Describe the end of life period and brain death along with the stages of dying.
  • Identify ways to provide comfort and support to patients and their families in the dying period utilizing the Kubler-Ross model for the stages of grief.
  • Describe the conflicts and stress families face during the dying period.
  • Identify significant cultural competences and ethical issues surrounding death and dying.
  • Identify the concept of determination of death and the physical changes in the body.
  • Identify examples of a coroner's case.
  • Describe the principles of organ recovery.
  • Describe common methods of patient transport and lateral moving devices used in the perioperative environment.
  • Describe guidelines for transporting special patient populations.
  • Describe the responsibilities of the surgical technologist in patient positioning.
  • Describe all the surgical positions and how to prevent patient injury during positioning.
  • Identify the guidelines for patient hygiene before surgery.
  • Describe the materials needed, process and safety guidelines for urinary catheterization.
  • Describe the role of hair removal and skin marking in the surgical prep.
  • List the FDA's approved antiseptics for the surgical prep.
  • Describe the supplies needed, elements of, and safety for skin prep.
  • Describe the rationale and techniques for surgical draping.
  • Describe how to maintain asepsis during draping and how to remove.
  • Exhibit appropriate communication with the surgical patient and their family.
  • Analyze the appropriate steps taken in the event of a death in the operating room with various scenarios.
  • Analyze the different scenarios involving transferring and transporting ambulatory and wheelchair-assisted patients.
  • Serve as a patient advocate in a real-world application.
  • Connect the role of the surgical technologist in patient safety during all points of the perioperative experience.
  • Utilize professional communication skills to interact with the patient and their family during the perioperative experience.
  • Utilize internal and external resources to guide a patient's family in the event of death.
Human Dimension:
  • Identify communication needs based on cultural and ethical responsibilities to the patient and their families.
  • Demonstrate a growing level of compassion and empathy for the patient and their family as they cope with difficult surgical procedures and outcomes.
  • Demonstrate a growing awareness of the role as patient advocate as it relates to personal patient privacy.
Caring - Civic Learning:
  • Demonstrate awareness of differing patient needs based on cultural, ethical, racial, gender, and religious requirements.
  • Demonstrate a growing level of empathy and professionalism in assisting the grieving family after the death of a family member.
Learning How to Learn:
  • Utilize internal and external resources to aid in personal and professional coping skills in the event of a patient death.