
Business Administration, Associate in Applied Science Degree

Major Requirements

Course Title Credits
General Education Requirements
ENG 111English Composition4
BUS 231Professional Communications3
Select one of the following:3
Contemporary Ethical Dilemmas
Environmental Ethics
Math Competency 1
Any Group 1 Science course with a lab 24
ECO 201Principles of Macroeconomics3
Occupational Specialty Requirements
ACC 121Accounting Principles I4
ACC 123Accounting Principles II4
BUS 101Introduction to Business3
BUS 105Business Math3
BUS 155Interpersonal Communications3
BUS 261Business Law I3
BUS 290Business Admin Internship3
CIT 100Computers in Business-An Intro3
CIT 210Microsoft Office - Excel3
MGT 241Principles of Management3
MGT 251Human Resources Management3
MKT 201Principles of Marketing3
Directed Electives
Select any combination of at least 5 credits from the list 35
Total Credits60

Placement into MTH 111 Intermediate Algebra or higher, or completion of MTH 100 Quantitative Literacy (requires on-site attendance) or higher with a 2.0 or better.


This course might require on-site attendance for the lab portion.


Students intending to transfer to another college should take ENG 112 English Composition.

Directed Electives

Course Title Credits
ACC 223Cost Accounting4
ACC 231Federal Income Tax Problems3
ACC 241Principles Fraud Examination3
CIT 119Microsoft Office - Word3
CIT 124Microsoft Office - PowerPoint2
CIT 211Intro to Data Analytics3
CIT 213Networking Technologies4
CIT 216Computerized Acctg Systems3
COM 111Public Speaking4
ECO 202Principles of Microeconomics3
ENG 112English Composition4
MKT 208Digital Marketing2
MKT 241Principles of Advertising3
MTH 111Intermediate Algebra (Or a higher level math course)4
MTH 131Intro to Prob & Stats3
VCA 150Digital Graphics Design I3
Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
BUS 101 Introduction to Business 3
BUS 105 Business Math 1 3
CIT 100 Computers in Business-An Intro 3
ENG 111 English Composition 4
Math competency 2  
BUS 155 Interpersonal Communications 3
CIT 210 Microsoft Office - Excel 3
ECO 201 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
MGT 241 Principles of Management 3
Directed Elective (see list) 3
Year 2
ACC 121 Accounting Principles I 1 4
BUS 231 Professional Communications 3
BUS 261 Business Law I 3
MKT 201 Principles of Marketing 3
Select one of the following: 3
Contemporary Ethical Dilemmas  
Environmental Ethics  
ACC 123 Accounting Principles II 4
BUS 290 Business Admin Internship 3
Directed Elective (select a minimum of two credits, see list) 2
MGT 251 Human Resources Management 3
Any Group 1 Science course with lab 4
 Total Credits60

It is recommended that BUS 105 Business Math be taken before or concurrently with ACC 121 Accounting Principles I. Both courses require placement into MTH 111 Intermediate Algebra/MTH 011 or higher, or completion of MTH 100 Quantitative Literacy with a 2.0 or better.


Students must place into MTH 111 Intermediate Algebra or higher, or completion of MTH 100 Quantitative Literacy or higher with a 2.0 or better (4 credits). These credits do not count toward degree requirements.

Directed Electives

Select any combination for 5 credits:

Course Title Credits
ACC 223Cost Accounting4
ACC 231Federal Income Tax Problems3
ACC 241Principles Fraud Examination3
CIT 119Microsoft Office - Word3
CIT 124Microsoft Office - PowerPoint2
CIT 211Microsoft Power BI3
CIT 213Networking Technologies4
CIT 216Computerized Acctg Systems3
COM 111Public Speaking4
ECO 202Principles of Microeconomics3
ENG 112English Composition4
MKT 208Digital Marketing2
MKT 241Principles of Advertising3
MTH 111Intermediate Algebra (Or a higher level math course)4
MTH 131Intro to Prob & Stats3
VCA 150Digital Graphics Design I3