Dance (DNC)

DNC 100 -  Dance Appreciation  
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
This course is designed to introduce a basic historical context of dance and dance as an emblem of cultural identity and expression of cultural mores; dance as an expression of social order; dance as a classical art; dance as a medium of aesthetic fusion; and dance as a creation of individual artists. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.
DNC 101 -  Beg. Dance: An Exploration  
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course will introduce the major disciplines of dance: ballet, jazz, and modern. Basic dance skills will be acquired through the practice of exercises, steps, and techniques. This course is designed for those with little or no background in dance. Group 2 course.
DNC 110 -  Modern Dance I  
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course is designed to introduce students to the physical training and the creative thought process involved in executing modern dance as an art form. This course will consist of technique, improvisation, and creative problem solving through movement. Modern dance and its relationship to music and the historical development of modern dance will also be explored. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): DNC 101 or previous experience
DNC 111 -  Modern Dance II  
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course is designed as an extension of Modern Dance I. This class will consist of increasing proficiency in modern dance through extended studies in technique, improvisation, creative problem-solving, and performance. Dance history and critical perspectives in dance will also be explored. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): DNC 110 or previous experience