Communications (COM)
COM 111 - Public Speaking
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Communications
Designed to acquaint students with the fundamentals of the discipline and to give them confidence in speech situations. This course considers voice, platform technique, message organization and audience analysis. Emphasis is upon the formal speaking situation. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct.
COM 121 - Broadcasting Practicum I
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Communications
Practical experience in underwriting, announcing, script writing, "on-air" studio operations and the management of the non-profit college radio station are all part of this course. Internships with local radio stations may be arranged. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): College level reading and writing skills
COM 122 - Broadcasting Practicum II
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Communications
This course continues practical experience in underwriting, announcing, script writing, "on-air" studio operations and management. Internships with local radio stations may be arranged. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): College-level reading and writing skills
COM 290 - Professional/Public Communications Internship
Credit Hours: 1-3, Contact Hours: 1-3
Division: Communications
This internship will help students explore a career in the communications field by working with a communications professional to help produce a variety of texts. With their professional mentor, students will engage in all aspects of the writing process, including finding credible sources and revising to meet the organization's style and content requirements. By the end of their internships, students will have an understanding of the job of a professional communicator and will have produced finished writing or other pieces of communication which will be gathered in a portfolio. Students will meet with their internship mentor and a sponsoring communications instructor throughout the semester for: internship support, feedback, review of professional employment documents and an internship exit interview. Finally, students may sign up for a 1, 2 or 3 credit internship, and each credit hour will equate to 50 internship work hours. Students must have at least a cumulative 3.0 GPA in all Communications Area courses. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct.