Biology (BIO)
BIO 106 - Human Biology
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 5
Division: Science Math
A survey of human anatomy and physiology with a primary focus on health and disease. Topics to be discussed will include the cell structure, simple chemistry of biology, homeostasis, the organ systems, genetics, evolution, nutrition, exercise physiology, cancer, heart disease, immunology, AIDS, and other topics of current interest. This course does not meet the requirements for the Nursing program. Consult an advisor before enrolling. Group 1 lab course. Critical Thinking - Direct.
Corequisites: BIO 106L
BIO 106L - Human Biology Lab
BIO 108 - Plant Biology
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 5
Division: Science Math
In this class, we will examine some of the major ideas biologists use to study the living world. These will include the scientific method, biology of cells, and genetics. The emphasis in this course will be on: plant anatomy, the life cycle of plants, growth and its regulation, metabolism, and reproduction. Hands-on exercises and experiments will allow the student to observe these principles, and practice the skills required to cultivate and propagate plants. Group 1 lab course. Quantitative Reasoning.
Corequisites: BIO 108L
BIO 108L - Plant Biology Lab
BIO 110 - Essential Biology
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 5
Division: Science Math
Essential Biology is geared toward the non-major. The course will cover broad areas of biology, engage the student in how biology relates to their own life, and how science and society interact. Core concepts covered include: Evolution, Structure and Function, Information Flow, Exchange and Storage, Pathways and Transformations of Energy and Matter, and Living Systems. Group 1 lab course. Critical Thinking - Direct.
Corequisites: BIO 110L
BIO 110L - Essential Biology Lab
BIO 115 - General Biology I
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 6
Division: Science Math
An introduction to fundamental concepts in biology that include investigations and discussions in ecology, evolution and biodiversity. Laboratory includes field work and investigative exercises which illustrate discussion topics and real world applications. Students will be participating in novel research projects. Emphasis is placed on biological literacy. Biology 115 and 116 can be taken in either order. Group 1 lab course. Group 1 course. Quantitative Reasoning.
Corequisites: BIO 115L
BIO 115L - General Biology I
BIO 116 - General Biology II
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 6
Division: Science Math
An introduction to fundamental concepts in biology that includes investigations and discussions of cellular biology and the genetic basis for life. Laboratory includes field work and investigative exercises which illustrate discussion topics. Students will be participating in novel research projects. Emphasis is placed on biological literacy. Biology 115 and 116 can be taken in either order. Group 1 lab course. Group 1 course. Quantitative Reasoning.
Corequisites: BIO 116L
BIO 116L - General Biology II Lab
BIO 208 - Microbiology
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 6
Division: Science Math
This course reviews the two types of cells (prokaryotic and eukaryotic). Microbial anatomy, physiology, and diversity are introduced. Microbiological disease pathology and the role of microbes in food production are also discussed. This class includes a presentation on a disease caused by microbes, a diversity smorgasbord, a group project on a group of microbes, and a write-up on how microbes are used in food. Laboratory work culminates with the identification of an unknown bacterial solution. Group 1 lab course. Quantitative Reasoning.
Required Prerequisite(s): Completion of any 100-level BIO course.
Corequisites: BIO 208L
BIO 208L - Microbiology Lab
BIO 215 - Genetics
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Science Math
A comprehensive treatment of classical genetics will be covered in addition to an in-depth study of molecular genetics, research techniques and applications of recombinant DNA technology. A major emphasis will be on the current results of genetic research as it applies to the molecular mechanisms of inheritance, and other topics such as gene therapy, cloning stem cell research and genetically modified organisms. Population genetics will also be covered. Group 1 course. Quantitative Reasoning.
Required Prerequisite(s): Completion of any 100-level BIO course.
BIO 220 - Nutrition in Human Health
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Science Math
This course is an exploration of the fundamentals of nutrition: energy nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Function and sources of each is presented, as well as the role each plays in maintaining health. Students complete their own Food Intake Record and use this information throughout the semester so as to better understand human nutrition. In addition, study is made of the role nutrition along with other lifestyles plays in the prevention and protection from disease. Discussion also includes the relationship between nutrition and fitness. Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct.
BIO 227 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 6
Division: Science Math
This course will include an introduction to cells, histology, biochemistry, and homeostasis. In addition, the following systems will be discussed: integumentary, skeletal, muscle, and nervous. Lecture will be accompanied by lab work and applications, which will stress the anatomy, histology and function of these organ systems. Group 1 lab course. Group 1 course. Students enrolling in BIO 227 who have not met the recommended prerequisites should plan on additional study time. Quantitative Reasoning.
Corequisites: BIO 227L
BIO 227L - Human Anatomy & Physiology I Lab
BIO 228 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 6
Division: Science Math
This is the second part of a two-semester course. The second semester will continue major systems in the body including: the endocrine system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, metabolism, urinary system, fluid balance, reproduction and inheritance. Lecture will be accompanied by lab work, which will stress the anatomy and histology of these organ systems. Group 1 lab course. Quantitative Reasoning.
Corequisites: BIO 228L
BIO 228L - Human Anatomy & Phys II Lab
BIO 240 - Normal and Clinical Nutrition
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Science Math
Nutrition is considered from a strong biological point of view. Discussions will include a brief overview of principles of normal nutrition and then will proceed to how these principles apply to cause and treatment of specific disease states and the nutrition care process required. Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct.
BIO 255 - Pathophysiology
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Science Math
This course covers the etiology, progression, and treatment of disease in the human body. Cellular and tissue structure and function are addressed along with the role of the immune system in body defenses. Disorders and diseases for each body system are covered, including investigation of clinical case studies of pathophysiology. Group 1 course. Quantitative Reasoning.
BIO 268 - Biochemistry
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Science Math
This course is a study of the basic fundamentals of the chemical composition of living matter with application of concepts to normal and abnormal human function. Structure and function of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids will be covered as well as their metabolic interrelationships. The course also covers the most current biochemical techniques, and an investigation of molecular genetics and published findings in the field of biochemistry. Group 1 course. Critical Thinking - Direct.
BIO 293 - Biology Study Abroad
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Science Math
In this class, students are provided the opportunity to travel to a specified destination affiliated with the corresponding biology non-trip course. This course will serve to integrate the student learning experience and provide a sense of cultural perspective, diversity and regional awareness. The course is an opportunity for students to explore other areas around the world while applying discipline-specific course content. For a more specific course description, please review the course description of the associated non-trip course. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): any NMC biology, geology, or environmental science course.