
Aviation Flight (AVF)

AVF 111 -  Private Flight  
Credit Hours: 5, Contact Hours: 5
Division: Aviation
A flight course structured to provide a minimum of 40 dual and solo flight hours to meet the aeronautical experience requirements for a private pilot. Upon completion of this course, the student will have attained the FAA Private Pilot Rating. Course requires 42.4 hours of flight time, 8.0 hours of pre/post, and 17.5 hours of ground instruction. Hourly rates effective August 2024 are $60/hour for ground instruction and $259/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): Instructor Permission Required
AVF 132 -  Instrument Flight  
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Aviation
A flight course designed to meet the aeronautical experience requirements for the FAA Instrument check ride. Upon completion of this course, the student will have attained the FAA Instrument Rating. Course requires 39.8 flight hours, 9.8 hours of pre/post, and 17.7 hours of ground instruction. Hourly rates effective August 2024 are $60/hour for ground instruction and $259/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): Private Pilot Rating; AVF 111 and AVG 101
AVF 230 -  Commercial Flight I  
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Aviation
The student will advance their skills required by the FAA to obtain a Commercial Pilot Certificate. They will gain experience in different aircraft with the opportunity to gain a Tailwheel Endorsement or Seaplane Rating. Students will increase their instrument proficiency while conducting cross country flights. Course requires 35 flight hours, 6 of pre/post, and 7 hours of ground instruction. Hourly rates effective August 2024 are $60/hour for ground instruction and $259/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): AVF 130 or AVF 132 and AVG 252, both with a 2.0 or better or equivalent rating.
AVF 232 -  Commercial Flight II  
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Aviation
A flight course structured to provide dual and solo flight hours to partially fulfill the flight hour requirements for the FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate. This course will provide a review of VFR cross-country navigation procedures and introduce the student to multi-engine flight. Course requires 35.4 flight hours, 3.0 hours of pre/post, and 27.8 hours of ground instruction. Hourly rates effective August 2024 are $60/hour for single-engine ground instruction and $70/hour for multi-engine flight instruction and $259/hour for the single aircraft and flight instructor and $375/hour for the multi-engine aircraft and instructor. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): AVF 230 - may be taken concurrently.
AVF 234 -  Commercial Flight III  
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Aviation
This course is the last of three flight courses required to obtain the FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate. This course consists of flight hours with an emphasis on commercial flight maneuvers in preparation for the Commercial Pilot FAA Practical Test. Upon completion of this course, the student will have attained the FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate. Course requires 24.6 flight hours, 3.6 hours of pre/post, and 8.0 hours of ground instruction. Hourly rates effective August 2024 are $60/hour for ground instruction and $259/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): AVF 232 with a 2.0 or better.
AVF 271 -  Multi-Engine Flight  
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Aviation
This flight course is designed to give the student the aeronautical knowledge, proficiency, and experience required to meet the FAA Practical Test Standards for the Private or Commercial Multi-engine rating. Upon completion of this course, the student will have attained the FAA Multi-engine Land Rating. Course requires 7.5 flight hours, 3 hour of pre/post, and 4.5 ground hour. Hourly rates effective August 2023 are $70/hour for ground instruction and $367/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): AVF 234 with a 2.0 or better.
AVF 272 -  Multi Engine Instructor  
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Aviation
In this course, the student will learn the skills to be a Certified Multi Engine Flight Instructor (MEI). They will master the skills of the Private and Commercial Pilot ratings. In addition, they will learn how to be an effective teacher and understand all FAA rules and regulations that accompany being an instructor. Course requires 5 flight hours, 1.3 hours of pre/post, and 5 hours of ground instruction. Hourly rates for effective August 2024 are $70/hour for ground instruction and $375/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): AVF 382
AVF 274 -  Tailwheel Flight  
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Aviation
This course is designed to provide the student with the skills, knowledge, and experience to receive a logbook endorsement to fly tailwheel aircraft. Course requires 4 flight hours, and 1 hour of pre/post. Hourly rate effective August 2024 is $240/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Pilot weight restrictions may apply in this aircraft. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): AVF 111 and AVG 101 - both with a 2.0 or better.
AVF 275 -  Seaplane Flight  
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Aviation
In this course, the student will gain the skills, knowledge, and experience to receive endorsement for the FAA Practical Test. Students will learn in a Piper Super Cub on floats as they demonstrate maneuvers and landings. Course requires 5 flight hours, 1.2 hours of pre/post, and 1 hour of ground instruction. Hourly rates effective August 2024 are $60/hour for ground instruction and $240/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Pilot weight restrictions may apply in this aircraft. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): AVF 234 with a 2.0 or better.
AVF 283 -  Upset Maneuver Training  
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Aviation
In this course, the student will learn the foundations to safely perform basic aerobatic maneuvers. Also, the student will gain confidence and skills necessary to recover from various unusual flight attitudes that will increase the students' overall flight safety. Course requires 6 flight hours, 1.5 hours of pre/post, and 2 hours of ground instruction. Hourly rates effective August 2024 are $60/hour for ground instruction and $240/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Pilot weight restrictions may apply in this aircraft. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): AVF 111 and AVG 101, both with a 2.0 or better.
AVF 284 -  Instrument Flight Instructor  
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Aviation
The student perfects both teaching and instrument flying skills while sitting in the right seat of the cockpit. The student develops the knowledge and ability to teach others instrument flying procedures. Course requires 6 flight hours, 1.2 hours of pre/post, and 8 hours of ground instruction. Hourly rates effective August 2024 are $60/hour for ground instruction and $259/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): AVF 382 with a 2.0 or better.
AVF 382 -  Flight Instructor Rating  
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Aviation
In this course, the student will learn the skills to be a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI). They will master the skills of the Private and Commercial Pilot ratings. In addition, they will learn how to be an effective teacher and understand all FAA rules and regulations that accompany being an instructor. Course requires 18 flight hours, 4.5 hours of pre/post, and 20 hours of ground instruction. Hourly rates for effective August 2024 are $60/hour for ground instruction and $259/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Pilot weight restrictions may apply in training aircraft. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): AVF 234, AVG 251, AVG 252, AVG 381 all with a 3.0 or better; complete pre-admittance exam with 80% or better; NMC transcript with a GPA of 3.0 or higher; no policy violations or suspensions with NMC; complete letter of interest to the Chief Flight Instructor declaring interest in CFI training at NMC; preference given to students with 2 or fewer failed stage checks and/or practical tests; approval by staff based on review on these qualifications. Required enrollment in AVF 382.