Course Descriptions

Course Prefixes by Academic Area


Prefix Academic Area
AVF Aviation Flight
AVG Aviation Ground
UAS Unmanned Aerial Systems


Prefix Academic Area
ACC Accounting
BUS Business Administration
CIT Computer Information Technology
CUL Culinary Arts
ESP Esports
MGT Management
MKT Marketing


Prefix Academic Area
ASL World Language - American Sign Language
COM Communications
ENG English
FRN World Language - French
GRM World Language - German
SPN World Language - Spanish
THR Theater

Health Occupations

Prefix Academic Area
HAH Allied Health
HDA Dental Assistant
HNR Nursing
HPD Health Professional Development
SRG Surgical Technology


Prefix Academic Area
AUD Audio Technology
DNC Dance
HST History
HUM Humanities
MUS Music
PHL Philosophy
VCA Visual Communications


Prefix Academic Area
MDK Maritime-Deck
MNG Maritime-Engineering
MNS Naval Science

Science and Mathematics

Prefix Academic Area
AST Astronomy
BIO Biology
CHM Chemistry
EGR Engineering
ENV Environmental Science
MTH Mathematics
PHY Physics

Social Sciences

Prefix Academic Area
ANT Anthropology
CJ Criminal Justice
ECE Early Childhood Education
ECO Economics
EDU Education
GEO Geography
LWE Law Enforcement
PLS Political Science
PSY Psychology
SOC Sociology
SWK Social Work


Prefix Academic Area
AT Automotive
DD Drafting and Design
CAR Carpentry Technology
CMT Construction Management
EET Electronical/Electronics Technology
EGY Renewable Energty
ELE Electrical Technology
HVA HVAC/R Technology
MFG Manufacturing Technology
PLU Plumbing Technology
RAM Robotics and Automation
SVR Surveying
WPT Welding Process Technology

Water Studies

Prefix Academic Area
WSI Water Studies

Reading a Course Description

The semester credit hours followed by (contact hours) are listed below the title of the course description. Student tuition, in most cases, is based on the course contact hour. Exceptions are MDK, MNG, MNS, Applied Music, Ensembles and private lessons. At the end of the description the course is identified by group number.

In addition to the courses listed in this section, each instructional area within Northwestern Michigan College may offer the following courses:

291 Special Topics

Seminars, lectures, etc. on a selected topic within a field are sometimes offered as special courses. Students may enroll in more than one Special Topics offering but not all four-year schools accept special topics credits. Group 2 course.

293 Study Abroad 

Study Abroad courses provide students with the opportunity to travel to a specified destination affiliated with a corresponding course. This course will serve to integrate the student learning experience and provide a sense of cultural perspective, diversity and regional awareness. Students will explore unique areas around the world while applying discipline-specific course content. Along with course registration, an additional application process and GPA requirements are mandatory before final travel approval will be given. Group 2 course. 

297 Independent Study

Independent Study provides students the opportunity to explore a topic of study in greater breadth and depth than would be possible in an established College course. Students must seek faculty approval and complete a formal contract that stipulates the student learning outcomes, the activities that will help the student meet those outcomes, and the methods and measures to be employed to assess the student's performance. The Independent Study will appear on the student's transcript under the appropriate disciplinary prefix followed by 297. Group 2 course.