
Computer Information Technology - Developer, Associate in Applied Science Degree

Major Requirements

Course Title Credits
General Education Requirements
ENG 111English Composition4
ENG 112English Composition 43-4
or ENG 220 Technical Writing
PHL 105Critical Thinking 43
or PHL 202 Contemporary Ethical Dilemmas
Math Competency 1
Any Group 1 Science course with lab4
Any Group 1 Social Sciences course3
Occupational Specialty Courses
CIT 110Programming Logic and Design3
CIT 178Relational Databases 23
CIT 180Web Development 23
CIT 190JavaScript Programming 23
CIT 195Application Development3
CIT 213Networking Technologies 24
CIT 218Web Application Development3
CIT 228Advanced Database Systems 23
CIT 255Object-Oriented Programming 23
CIT 280Systems Analysis and Design4
CIT 290CIT Internship 33
Specialty Electives
Select two courses from the list5-6
Directed Elective
Select one course from the list3-4
Total Credits60-63

Directed electives

Directed Electives

Course Title Credits
ACC 121Accounting Principles I4
BUS 155Interpersonal Communications3
BUS 231Professional Communications3
COM 111Public Speaking4

 Specialty Electives

Course Title Credits
Any CIT Courses2-4
MKT 208Digital Marketing2
VCA 125Typography I3
VCA 127Digital Imaging3
VCA 147Web Design I3
VCA 150Digital Graphics Design I3

Placement into MTH 121 College Algebra, or higher, or completion of MTH 111 Intermediate Algebra. The four credits of MTH 111 Intermediate Algebra do not count toward total CIT program credits.   


Certiport Information Technology Specialist certification exam included.


Students planning to take the internship class require department approval and are required to have a GPA of 3.0 in their CIT classes. It is also recommended that students have 20 credits in CIT classes and an overall GPA of 2.0. While a 3.0 GPA in classes is required for this internship, an alternative, campus-based internship opportunity is available for students who do not meet this requirement.


Students intending to transfer to another college should take ENG 112 and PHL 202

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
CIT 110 Programming Logic and Design 3
CIT 178 Relational Databases 2 3
CIT 180 Web Development 2 3
ENG 111 English Composition 4
Math Competency 1  
CIT 190 JavaScript Programming 2 3
CIT 195 Application Development 3
CIT 213 Networking Technologies 2 4
CIT 228 Advanced Database Systems 2 3
ENG 112
English Composition
or Technical Writing
Year 2
Select two of the following Specialty Electives: 5-6
Any CIT course
Digital Marketing  
Typography I 3  
Digital Imaging 3  
Digital Graphics Design I 3  
Web Design I  
CIT 218 Web Application Development 3
CIT 255 Object-Oriented Programming 2 3
Select one of the following Directed Electives: 3-4
Accounting Principles I  
Interpersonal Communications  
Professional Communications  
Public Speaking  
Science with lab (see Gen Ed requirements) 4
CIT 280 Systems Analysis and Design 4
CIT 290 CIT Internship 4 3
PHL 105
Critical Thinking
or Contemporary Ethical Dilemmas
Social Science (see Gen Ed Requirements) 3
 Total Credits60-63

Placement into MTH 121 College Algebra or higher, or completion of MTH 111 Intermediate Algebra. The four credits of MTH 111 Intermediate Algebra do not count toward total CIT program credits.


Certiport Information Technology Specialist certification exam included.


Adobe Certified Associate certification exam is included.


Students planning to take the internship class require department approval and are required to have a GPA of 3.0 in their CIT classes. It is also recommended that students have 20 credits in CIT classes and an overall GPA of 2.0. While a 3.0 GPA in CIT classes is required for this internship, an alternative, campus-based internship opportunity is available for students who do not meet this requirement.