
Construction Technology - Carpentry Technology, Certificate of Achievement (Level II)

Certificate Requirements

Course Title Credits
Level I Certificate Requirements
Complete the Level I Certificate Requirements27-28
Level II Certificate Requirements
CAR 102Intro to Woodworking3
CAR 104Woodworking Applications I3
CIT 100Computers in Business-An Intro3
CMT 207Construction Cost Estimating3
EGY 115Residential Energy Efficiency3
Total Credits42-43
Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
CAR 101 Introduction to Carpentry (Fall only) 3
CAR 105 Foundations and Framing (Fall only) 3
CMT 100 Introductory Craft Skills 2
CMT 102 Construction Blueprint Reading 3
MTH 111
Intermediate Algebra
or Mathematical Explorations
CAR 102 Intro to Woodworking 3
CAR 121 Exterior Construction 3
CAR 125 Interior Construction (Spring only) 3
CMT 107 Construction Supervision (Spring only) 4
Year 2
CIT 100 Computers in Business-An Intro 3
CAR 104 Woodworking Applications I 3
CMT 207 Construction Cost Estimating (Fall only) 3
EGY 105 Sustainable Building Design (Fall only) 3
EGY 115 Residential Energy Efficiency (Fall only) 3
 Total Credits42-43