
Construction Technology - Carpentry Technology, Certificate of Achievement (Level I)

Certificate Requirements

Course Title Credits
CAR 101Introduction to Carpentry3
CAR 105Foundations and Framing3
CAR 121Exterior Construction3
CAR 125Interior Construction3
CMT 100Introductory Craft Skills2
CMT 102Construction Blueprint Reading3
CMT 107Construction Supervision4
MTH 111Intermediate Algebra3-4
or MTH 120 Mathematical Explorations
EGY 105Sustainable Building Design3
Total Credits27-28
Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
CAR 101 Introduction to Carpentry (Fall only) 3
CAR 105 Foundations and Framing (Fall only) 3
CMT 100 Introductory Craft Skills 2
CMT 102 Construction Blueprint Reading 3
MTH 111
Intermediate Algebra
or Mathematical Explorations
CAR 121 Exterior Construction (Spring only) 3
CAR 125 Interior Construction (Spring only) 3
CMT 107 Construction Supervision (Spring only) 4
EGY 105 Sustainable Building Design 3
 Total Credits27-28

Note: Completion of CMT 107 Construction Supervision provides students the 60 hours required for Builders License testing.

The responsibility for determining the transferability of this degree and courses to another institution is the sole responsibility of the student.