
Marine Technology, Bachelor of Science

Course Title Credits
General Education Requirements
ENG 111English Composition4
ENG 220Technical Writing3
Group I Humanities
MTH 121College Algebra4
MTH 122Trigonometry3
MTH 131Intro to Prob & Stats3
PHY 121General Physics I4
PHY 121LGeneral Physics I Lab0
ECO 202Principles of Microeconomics3
GEO 115Introduction to GIS3
Course Title Credits
Marine Technology Requirements
DD 170CADD/Computer Modeling4
EET 103Electrical Studies I3
EET 204Electrical Studies II3
WSI 304Marine Electronics4
ENV 117Meteorology & Climatology4
ENV 117LMeteorology & Climatology Lab0
ENV 131Oceanography4
ENV 131LOceanography Lab0
MFG 104Fluid Power3
RAM 155Microcontroller Programming3
RAM 205Microcontroller Systems3
SVR 111Intro to Field Surveying2
UAS 121UAS Applications in Surveying3
WSI 106Introduction to Water Quality3
WSI 200GL Research Technologies3
WSI 210Underwater Acoustics and Sonar3
WSI 215Marine GIS & Data Processing3
WSI 240ROV Systems and Operations3
WSI 300Remote Sensing and Sensors3
WSI 310Sonar Systems and Operations4
WSI 315Advanced Marine Survey & Data3
WSI 390Marine Tech Internship2-4
WSI 400Marine Technology Capstone4
WSI 405Marine Industry3
WSI 433Marine Project Management3
WSI 440Advanced Marine Platforms3
Course Title Credits
MTH 141Calculus I5
PHY 122General Physics II4
PHY 122LGeneral Physics II Lab0
EET 260System Engineering in Practice3
ENV 111Physical Geology4
ENV 111LPhysical Geology Lab0
WSI 150Introduction to Site Assessment and Remediation3
WSI 230Water Policy & Sustainability3
WSI 250Groundwater Monitoring and Aquifer Sampling4
SVR 112Intro to Surveying Data Use3
SVR 120CAD for Surveying4
UAS 141Remote Pilot Flight3
WPT 111Welding Theory I3
WPT 112Welding Lab I4
CIT 110Programming Logic and Design3
CIT 135Intro to Programming UsiPython3
CIT 190JavaScript Programming3
Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
EET 103 Electrical Studies I 3
ENG 111 English Composition 4
Group 1 Humanities 3
RAM 155 Microcontroller Programming 3
WSI 106 Introduction to Water Quality 3
DD 170 CADD/Computer Modeling 4
EET 204 Electrical Studies II 3
ENG 220 Technical Writing 3
RAM 205 Microcontroller Systems 3
WSI 200 GL Research Technologies (Summer only) 3
Year 2
GEO 115 Introduction to GIS 3
MFG 104 Fluid Power 3
MTH 121 College Algebra 4
WSI 210 Underwater Acoustics and Sonar (Fall only) 3
WSI 240 ROV Systems and Operations (Fall only) 3
ENV 117 Meteorology & Climatology 4
MTH 122 Trigonometry 3
UAS 121 UAS Applications in Surveying (Spring only) 3
WSI 215 Marine GIS & Data Processing (Spring only) 3
WSI 315 Advanced Marine Survey & Data (Spring only) 3
WSI 310
Sonar Systems and Operations (Summer only)
or Advanced Marine Platforms
Year 3
PHY 121 General Physics I (Fall only) 4
SVR 111 Intro to Field Surveying (Fall only) 2
WSI 300 Remote Sensing and Sensors 3
WSI 304 Marine Electronics 3
ENV 131 Oceanography 4
MTH 131 Intro to Prob & Stats 3
Approved Technical Electives 6
WSI 390 Marine Tech Internship 1 3
OR WSI 297A Independent Study - Water Studies  
WSI 440
Advanced Marine Platforms
or Sonar Systems and Operations
Year 4
ECO 202 Principles of Microeconomics 3
Approved Technical Electives 6
WSI 400 Marine Technology Capstone 4
WSI 405 Marine Industry (Spring only) 3
WSI 433 Marine Project Management (Spring only) 3
Optional: Internship or Independent Study 3
 Total Credits120-122

WSI 390 Marine Tech Internship or WSI 297A Independent Study - Water Studies option to take Summer year 3 OR Spring year 4.