
Early Childhood Education, Certificate of Achievement (Level II)

Certificate requirements

Course Title Credits
ECE 101Early Childhood Education3
ECE 202Human Development and Learning5
ECE 203Curriculum for Child Guidance 14
ECE 204Early Childhood Curriculum 14
ECE 206Infant Toddler Care Curriculum 14
ECE 210Child Observation & Assessment3
ECE 220Early Education Administration3
ECE 230Early Literacy and Learning3
ECE 240Integrated Arts in Curriculum3
ECE 290BEarly Education Practicum 32
ENG 111English Composition4
PSY 101Introduction to Psychology3
Math competency 2
Total Credits41

Includes practicum hours with early childhood lab experience (required by most schools that have an early childhood program). Students can complete hours at their place of employment if it meets the placement requirements.


Math competency may be fulfilled by completing MTH 100 Quantitative Literacy with a grade of 2.0 or better, or placement into any math course higher than MTH 100.


ECE 290B Early Education Practicum can be taken any semester.

NMC Certificate Program

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
ECE 101 Early Childhood Education 3
ECE 202 Human Development and Learning 5
ECE 204 Early Childhood Curriculum 1 4
ECE 220 Early Education Administration 3
ECE 203 Curriculum for Child Guidance 1 4
ECE 206 Infant Toddler Care Curriculum 1 4
ECE 210 Observation and Assessment of the Young Child 3
ECE 230 Early Literacy and Learning 3
ECE 240 Integrated Arts in Curriculum 3
MTH Competency 2  
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 3
ENG 111 English Composition 4
ECE 290B Early Education Practicum 3 2
 Total Credits41

Includes practicum hours with early childhood lab experience (required by most schools that have an early childhood program).  Students can complete hours at their place of employment if it meets the placement requirements.  Placements are arranged through the Early Childhood Coordinator, Cheryl Bloomquist (231)995-1293.


Math Competency may be fulfilled by completing MTH 100 Quantitative Literacy with a grade of 2.0 or better, or placement into any math course higher than MTH 100


ECE 290B Early Education Practicum can be taken any semester