
Law Enforcement, Associate in Applied Science Degree

Major Requirements

Course Title Credits
General Education Requirements
ENG 111English Composition4
ENG 220Technical Writing3
PHL 201Ethics3
or PHL 202 Contemporary Ethical Dilemmas
Math Competency 1
Any Group 1 Science course with lab4
PLS 101Intro to American Politics3
or PLS 132 Comparative Politics
Core Requirements
CJ 101Intro to Criminal Justice4
PSY 101Introduction to Psychology3
PSY 250Abnormal Psychology3
or SOC 231 Deviance and Criminal Behavior
SOC 101Introduction to Sociology3
Occupational Specialty Requirements
LWE 102Police Operations4
LWE 200Emergency Asses.& Intervention2
LWE 210Cultural Awareness/Diversity2
LWE 212Criminal Investigation4
LWE 214Firearms4
LWE 215Defensive Driving3
LWE 216Traffic Enforcement & Invest3
LWE 217Apex Officer Training1
LWE 218Physical Training/Wellness2
LWE 225Defensive Tactics4
LWE 226Michigan Criminal Law3
LWE 227Criminal Procedures3
LWE 228Speed Measurement1
UAS 131UAS in Law Enforcement1
Recommended Course
Police Practicum 2
Total Credits67

Math Competency may be fulfilled by completing MTH 100 Quantitative Literacy with a grade of 2.0 or better, or placement into any math course higher than MTH 100


Recommended for students with no police field experience.

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
ENG 111 English Composition 4
MTH 100 Quantitative Literacy 4
PLS 101
Intro to American Politics
or Comparative Politics
CJ 101 Intro to Criminal Justice 4
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 3
ENG 220 Technical Writing 3
PHL 201
or Contemporary Ethical Dilemmas
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology 3
PSY 250
Abnormal Psychology
or Deviance and Criminal Behavior
Science with Lab 4
Year 2
Full academy is offered Fall & Spring, depending on enrollment.  
Students must take MCOLES Physical Fitness and Reading/Writing tests before 2nd year classes.  
LWE 102 Police Operations 4
LWE 200 Emergency Asses.& Intervention 2
LWE 210 Cultural Awareness/Diversity 2
LWE 212 Criminal Investigation 4
LWE 214 Firearms 4
LWE 215 Defensive Driving 3
LWE 216 Traffic Enforcement & Invest 3
LWE 217 Virtual Reality Training for Law Enforcement 1
LWE 218 Physical Training/Wellness 2
LWE 225 Defensive Tactics 4
LWE 226 Michigan Criminal Law 3
LWE 227 Criminal Procedures 3
LWE 228 Speed Measurement 1
UAS 131 UAS in Law Enforcement 1
 Total Credits71

Math Competency may be fulfilled by completing MTH 100 Quantitative Literacy with a grade of 2.0 or better, or placement into any math course higher than MTH 100

Program Notes

LWE 195 Police Practicum 4 credits/contacts, is optional but recommended for police field experience, and may be taken Fall, Spring, or Summer.

Students must meet with Gail Kurowski, Academy Director, before beginning the Police Academy Program.  Contact email: