
Maritime - Engineering Officer, Bachelor of Science

Major Requirements

Course Title Credits
General Education Requirements
ENG 111English Composition4
ENG 112English Composition3-4
or ENG 220 Technical Writing
PHL 202Contemporary Ethical Dilemmas3
Math Competency 17
CHM 101Introductory Chemistry ( or higher)4
Group 1 Social Science Elective3
Occupational Specialty Requirements
MDK 100Survival at Sea1
MDK 149Damage Control & Safety2
MDK 250Stability for the Engineer1
MDK 330Medical First Aid Provider2
MDK 341Ship Construction2
MNG 100Intro to Vessel Operations1
MNG 104Engine Systems Graphics3
MNG 105Shipboard Information Systems3
MNG 110Engineering Mechanics3
MNG 234Electronic Fundamentals4
MNG 250Fluid Systems3
MNG 260Maritime Machining2
MNG 271
Maritime Welding
and Maritime Welding Lab
MNG 275Refrigeration3
MNG 314Diesel Engineering7
MNG 317Engineering Sea Project I3
MNG 318Engineering Sea Project II6
MNG 319Engineering Sea Project III6
MNG 321Marine Boilers3.5
MNG 322Marine Turbines2.5
MNG 323Marine Steam Lab1
MNG 335Electric Machines and Controls4
MNG 336Electric Mach. & Controls Lab2
MNG 455Engine Room Resource Mgmt.2
MNG 466Engine Room Business2
MNG 496License Preparation - Engine2
MNS 100Naval Science2
GLMA Program Electives21
Total Credits120-121

Placement into MTH 141 Calculus I or higher, or completion of MTH 121 College Algebra and MTH 122 Trigonometry

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
MDK 100 Survival at Sea 1
MNG 100 Intro to Vessel Operations 1
MNG 104 Engine Systems Graphics 3
MNG 110 Engineering Mechanics 3
ENG 111 English Composition 1 4
MTH 121 College Algebra 1 4
MNS 100 Naval Science 2
MNG 234 Electronic Fundamentals 4
MNG 314 Diesel Engineering 7
MTH 122 Trigonometry 1 3
MNG 317 Engineering Sea Project I 2 3
Second Year
MNG 250 Fluid Systems 3
MNG 260 Maritime Machining 2
MNG 335 Electric Machines and Controls 4
MNG 336 Electric Mach. & Controls Lab 2
CHM 101 Introductory Chemistry ( or higher) 1 4
MNG 105 Shipboard Information Systems 3
MDK 149 Damage Control & Safety 2
MNG 271 Maritime Welding 2
MNG 321 Marine Boilers 3.5
MNG 322 Marine Turbines 2.5
MNG 323 Marine Steam Lab 1
ENG 220
Technical Writing 1
or English Composition
No Classes  
Third Year
MNG 318 Engineering Sea Project II 2 6
MNG 275 Refrigeration 3
MDK 341 Ship Construction 2
GLMA Program Elective 1 3
GLMA Program Elective 1 3
Course Elective 1 3
PHL 202 Contemporary Ethical Dilemmas 1 3
MNG 319 Engineering Sea Project III 2 6
Fourth Year
MDK 250 Stability for the Engineer 1
MDK 330 Medical First Aid Provider 2
MNG 455 Engine Room Resource Mgmt. 2
MNG 466 Engine Room Business 2
MNG 496 License Preparation - Engine 2
GLMA Program Elective 1 3
GLMA Program Elective 1 3
GLMA Program Elective 1 3
GLMA Program Elective 1 3
Any Group 1 Social Science Elective 3
 Total Credits120-121

General education classes


Sailing projects/internships

Cadets must earn a minimum of 2.0 grade in all Maritime, NMC and transfer classes (BSMT is 120 credit hours).

Additional Requirements/Certifications

  • Firefighting
  • First Aid/CPR/AED
  • In Port Sea Days (30 required)
  • Completed Sea Days
  • Personal Safety & Social Responsibility Training
Course Title Credits
Maritime/Sea Projects Credit Hours75
NMC Credit Hours45-46
Total Credits120-121

Approved Program Electives

(NMC course transfer or equivalent)

21 credit hours required

Course Title Credits
ACC 121Accounting Principles I4
BUS 231Professional Communications3
BUS 261Business Law I3
CIT 110Programming Logic and Design3
CIT 210Microsoft Office - Excel3
CIT 213Networking Technologies4
COM 111Public Speaking4
DD 110Basic Metallurgy3
EET 221Industrial Controls 13
EET 232Programmable Logic Controllers 13
WSI 304Marine Electronics3
EGR 201Statics 23
EGR 202Mechanics of Materials 23
EGR 203Dynamics 24
MDK 445Liquid Cargo Stowage2
MFG 114Machining II 33
MFG 217CNC Operations - Lathe 34
MGT 241Principles of Management3
MGT 251Human Resources Management3
MNG 260Maritime Machining2
MNS 200Naval Science II2
MNS 250Leadership and Ethics2
RAM 155Microcontroller Programming3
Any Group 1 elective courses

Prerequisite required: EET 221 Industrial Controls, EET 232 Programmable Logic Controllers, and EET 234 PLC Applications II are met by MNG 234 Electronic Fundamentals and may require an instructor signature


All other courses with a required prerequisite must be met by the course(s) required in the catalog


Prerequisite required: MFG 114 Machining II and MFG 217 CNC Operations - Lathe are met by MNG 260 Maritime Machining and may require an instructor signature