
Audio Technology, Associate in Applied Science Degree

Major Requirements

Course Title Credits
General Education Requirements
ENG 111English Composition4
BUS 231Professional Communications3
Select one of the following:3
Music Appreciation Stand Lit
Music Appreciation Jazz
History of Rock and Roll
Math Competency 1
Any Group 1 Science course with lab4
Any Group 1 Social Science course3
Occupational Specialty Requirements
AUD 100Applied Music - Audio Tech2
AUD 101Theory for Studio Engineers2
AUD 110Studio Recording I2
AUD 111Studio Recording II2
AUD 120Digital Audio I2
AUD 121Digital Audio II2
AUD 130Live Sound I2
AUD 131Live Sound II2
AUD 210Studio Recording III2
AUD 220Digital Audio III2
AUD 230Live Sound III2
AUD 250Audio Tech Practicum3
AUD 270Audio Tech Final Project3
MUS 101Theory of Music 23
or MUS 100A Intro to Music Theory I
MUS 103Sight Singing & Ear Training 21
or MUS 105A Intro to Ear Training I
MUS 106Class Piano I2
MUS 112Class Guitar I2
Directed Electives (select four of the following:)8-9
Introduction to Ableton Live
Introduction to Music Business
Audio for Film, TV, and Gaming
Music Production & Songwriting
Studio Recording IV
Electrical Studies I
Total Credits61-62

Math Competency may be fulfilled by completing MTH 100 Quantitative Literacy with a grade of 2.0 or better, or placement into any math course higher than MTH 100.


Students will take a Music Theory Placement Test at the start of the semester.

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
AUD 101 Theory for Studio Engineers 2
AUD 110 Studio Recording I 2
AUD 120 Digital Audio I 2
AUD 130 Live Sound I 2
MUS 101
Theory of Music
or Intro to Music Theory I
MUS 103
Sight Singing & Ear Training
or Intro to Ear Training I
MUS 106 Class Piano I 2
MUS 112 Class Guitar I 2
AUD 100 Applied Music - Audio Tech 2
AUD 111 Studio Recording II 2
AUD 121 Digital Audio II 2
AUD 131 Live Sound II 2
ENG 111 English Composition 4
MUS 110
Music Appreciation Stand Lit
or Music Appreciation Jazz
or History of Rock and Roll
Year 2
AUD 210 Studio Recording III 2
AUD 220 Digital Audio III 2
AUD 230 Live Sound III 2
AUD 250 Audio Tech Practicum 3
Directed Electives (select two courses, see list) 4-5
Social Sciences: any Group 1 course 3
AUD 270 Audio Tech Final Project 3
BUS 231 Professional Communications 3
Directed Electives (select two courses , see list) 4
Science: any Group 1 course with a lab 4
 Total Credits61-62

directed electives

Select any combination to equal 8-9 credits.

Course Title Credits
AUD 112Introduction to Ableton Live2
AUD 114Introduction to Music Business2
AUD 122Audio for Film, TV, and Gaming2
AUD 124Music Production & Songwriting2
AUD 240Studio Recording IV2
EET 103Electrical Studies I3

program notes

  • Based on results of the Music Theory Placement Test, students may be placed in MUS 100A Intro to Music Theory I and MUS 105A Intro to Ear Training I instead of MUS 101 Theory of Music and MUS 103 Sight Singing & Ear Training.
  • Students may also enroll in other Applied Lesson and/or Ensembles.
  • Math Competency may be fulfilled by completing MTH 100 Quantitative Literacy with a grade of 2.0 or better, or placement into any math course higher than MTH 100.