- Audio Technology, Associate in Applied Science Degree
- Audio Technology, Certificate of Achievement (Level I)
- Audio Technology, Certificate of Achievement (Level II)
- Visual Communications - Creative Management in Art Direction, Associate in Applied Science Degree
- Visual Communications, Associate in Applied Science Degree
ART 100 - Art Appreciation
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
Art Appreciation is a course which allows for a great deal of exploration into the world of art as we see it. The course provides an avenue for understanding this world by investigating technique, media, idea, personal expression and meaning. In examining personal expression, surrounding issues and their effect upon society will also be analyzed. Students in this course will develop a foundation for understanding art through analytical observation, examination, interpretation and writing about art. Group 1 course. Critical Thinking - Direct.
ART 111 - History of Western Art I
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
The course will introduce major trends of Western Art from Pre-History through Greece, Rome and the Middle Ages. Significant works of painting, sculpture and architecture will be presented within the social, political and cultural context of each period. Group 1 course. Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): ENG 111
ART 112 - History of Western Art II
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course is designed to introduce major trends in Western Art from the Renaissance through Modernism to the present. Significant works of painting, sculpture and architecture will be presented within the social, political and cultural context of each period. Group 1 course. Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): ENG 111
ART 121 - Drawing I
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
Drawing I introduces basic skills and materials for drawing objects, still life compositions and the live model representationally from direct observation. Students will learn to recognize and incorporate perspective cues in their drawings to accurately convey the size, shape and spatial position of their subjects, as well as methods for calibrating their proportions and for judging and conveying the intensity and textural qualities of their illumination. Graphite, charcoal and colored chalks will be used. Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Students are encouraged to have good reading skills or seek help
ART 122 - Drawing II
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course will explore advanced methods and concepts in drawing, including those affecting the representation of light and color, the composition and arrangement of pictorial elements, and the effective utilization of media beyond those used in Drawing I. Assignments will include still lifes, imagined scenes/objects, landscape and life drawing. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): ART 121
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Students are encouraged to have good reading skills or seek help
ART 131 - 2-D Design
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
A problem-solving course covering the elements and principles of design. This course will study the concepts and theory of two-dimensional design, pattern, and color as they apply to visual perception and communication. The application and utilization of these concepts will be explored during the semester. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Students are encouraged to have good reading skills or seek help
ART 132 - 3-D Design
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course will introduce the basics of three-dimensional design and creation. It will cover elements and principles of design, visual perception, and the application of these concepts in a 3-D art setting. A wide variety of materials and their functions will be explored in this course. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Students are encouraged to have good reading skills or seek help
ART 151 - Ceramics I
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course is an introduction to the ceramic art medium. It provides students with the opportunity to explore a variety of hand-building techniques while also introducing the pottery wheel. Included will be an exploration into the diverse array of historic/contemporary ceramic artists, glazing for high and low fire applications, clay making, and kiln loading and unloading. All other general studio practices and safety will also be covered. Group 2 course.
ART 152 - Ceramics II
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course is a continued exploration into the ceramic medium. Students will primarily utilize the potter's wheel as a tool to create ceramic forms/objects. An investigation into function, utility, and surface adornment will be explored as will basic glaze chemistry and firing operations. Expanding individuality in the understanding of advanced technique and sensitivity to form will be expected. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): ART 151
ART 160 - Professional Practices
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course presents the professional/business side of art. Students will engage in grant writing, applications for exhibitions, and documentation of personal research. Students will have the opportunity to talk with gallerists, curators, and visiting artists throughout the semester. Students will work to develop their professional portfolios and artist statements, as well as learn the skills required for shipping and exhibiting work. Group 1 Course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.
ART 161 - Painting I
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
The course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental concepts and techniques of oil painting. Students will spend the first part of the semester gaining skill with the medium by focusing on formal aspects of visual art and becoming more visually perceptive and technically competent by learning to see and represent shape, value, edge, and color. During the second part of the semester, students will use the technical skills they’ve acquired to create visual artworks by focusing on composition, style, and content. *Preferred Prerequisite: ART 121 (Drawing I). Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Students are encouraged to have good reading skills or seek help
ART 162 - Painting II
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course is structured to help students develop a visual language through their paintings. It is designed to build upon the painting fundamentals learned in Painting 1. Students will spend class time honing their skills with the formal attributes of visual art through the medium of oil paint. Group 2 course. Students are encouraged to have good reading skills or seek help. Critical Thinking - Direct.
ART 165 - Watercolor Painting I
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
An introduction to the techniques and materials of watercolor painting. Includes use of creative effects, additive and subtractive approaches, and mixing of color to create effective paintings in a step-by-step manner. Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct.
ART 166 - Watercolor Painting II
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
Watercolor II deals with advanced problems in watercolor painting with special emphasis on individual development and creativity particularly in the area of compositional conceptualization. Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct.
Required Prerequisite(s): ART 165
ART 174 - Digital Photography I
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
The student will gain a strong understanding of manual exposure with a digital camera, working in camera raw, digital workflow, and natural light. Students are introduced to the artistic principles of aesthetics, composition, color, and applying those principles to the digital photography medium. Students also work in post processing with lightroom, photoshop, and output to digital prints. Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct.
ART 181 - Printmaking I
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
Printmaking I is an introductory survey course that introduces the student to a variety of print media including monotype, relief, intaglio, and lithography. Students will gain knowledge of the history, conception, production and presentation of achromatic prints, and proficiency in proofing and editioning. Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Students are encouraged to have good reading skills or seek help
ART 182 - Printmaking II
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
Printmaking II expands on processes and concepts explored in Printmaking I with the emphasis on refining technical skills and conceptual development. Students will choose from more complex techniques including lithography, reduction relief prints, and multi-color intaglio prints. Students will explore contemporary printing techniques and issues. Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct.
Required Prerequisite(s): ART 181
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Students are encouraged to have good reading skills or seek help
ART 191 - Sculpture I
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course is an introduction to sculpture. An understanding of 3D Design, elements and principles, and their applications will be explored. Students will be exposed to a variety of materials (wood, wax, plaster…etc) and processes through which they will learn how to speak about and render objects in 3-D. Group 2 course.
ART 213 - Modern Art History
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
This course examines the history of art from the beginning of the 20th century to present. Emphasis is placed on the continuing connection between modern art movements and the relationship of art to current social and cultural contexts. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): ENG 111
ART 221 - Life Drawing I
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
Life Drawing I focuses on the representation of the human form as observed from live models. Methods for conveying, swiftly and yet also accurately, the visual and anatomical complexities of a live model will be learned. Poses of both longer and shorter duration will provide opportunities for gaining practice in contemporary and “classical” variations of these methods, and also for explorations in the use of varied drawing materials, including graphite, charcoal, colored chalks and ink applied with both pen and brush. Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct.
Required Prerequisite(s): ART 121
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Students are encouraged to have good reading skills or seek help
ART 222 - Life Drawing II
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
Life Drawing II is an advanced study of problems in drawing the human figure in multiple views and in longer studies with an accent on composition and dealing not only with the model but the environment the model is in. Life Drawing II will include the introduction of color and wet media. Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct.
Required Prerequisite(s): ART 221
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Students are encouraged to have good reading skills or seek help
ART 274 - Digital Photography II
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
Digital Photography II is an intermediate photography course covering advanced techniques in capturing & processing of photographs in the digital form. Specific topics will include image enhancement by use of software programs (Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop), color management, in depth artistic principles and expression for a photographic series, and output to digital prints. Students also work in studio with professional studio lighting to create work in the commercial and portrait genres. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): ART 174
ART 290A - Academic/Service Internship
Credit Hours: 1-4, Contact Hours: 1-4
Division: Humanities
ART 290C - Academic/Service Internship
Credit Hours: 1-4, Contact Hours: 1-4
Division: Humanities
Critical Thinking - Direct.
ART 293 - Art Study Abroad
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
In this class, students are provided the opportunity to travel to a specified destination affiliated with the corresponding art non-trip course. This course will serve to integrate the student learning experience and provide a sense of cultural perspective, diversity and regional awareness. The course is an opportunity for students to explore other areas around the world while applying discipline-specific course content. For a more specific course description, please review the course description of the associated non-trip course. Group 2 course.
Audio Technology
AUD 100 - Applied Music - Audio Tech
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This course consists of one-on-one mentoring in audio technology with our NMC Audio Technology staff. It is designed to customize the audio tech training experience for each student, helping to identify interests and aptitude, or to provide tutoring as needed. Group 2 course.
AUD 100B - Applied Music - Audio Tech
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This course consists of one-on-one mentoring in audio technology with our NMC Audio Technology Staff. It is designed to customize the audio tech training experience for each student, helping to identify interests and aptitude, or to provide tutoring as needed. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): AUD 100
AUD 100C - Applied Music - Audio Tech
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
The course consists of one-on-one mentoring in audio technology with our NMC Audio Technology Staff. It is designed to customize the audio tech training experience for each student, helping to identify interests and aptitude, or to provide tutoring as needed. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): AUD 100B
AUD 100D - Applied Music - Audio Tech
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
This course consists of one-on-one mentoring in audio technology with our NMC Audio Technology Staff. It is designed to customize the audio tech training experience for each student, helping to identify interests and aptitude, or to provide tutoring as needed. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): AUD 100C
AUD 100E - Applied Music - Audio Tech
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This course consists of one-on-one mentoring in audio technology with our NMC Audio Technology Staff. It is designed to customize the audio tech training experience for each student, helping to identify interests and aptitude, or to provide tutoring as needed. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): AUD 100D
AUD 100F - Applied Music - Audio Tech
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This course consists of one-on-one mentoring in audio technology with our NMC Audio Technology Staff. It is designed to customize the audio tech training experience for each student, helping to identify interests and aptitude, or to provide tutoring as needed. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): AUD 100E
AUD 101 - Theory for Studio Engineers
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This course is a study of song forms, notation of rhythms, chord symbols, key and time signatures, and familiarization with lead sheets and scores as commonly used in Pop and Jazz. This course will provide students the knowledge needed to work in a variety of musical genres and mediums. Group 2 course.
AUD 110 - Studio Recording I
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This course is a combination of the study of audio and recording theory with instruction and practice in audio studio recording techniques. There is an emphasis on developing skills in the use of current technology. Group 2 course.
AUD 111 - Studio Recording II
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This course is a study of audio signal processing theory, history, and application using current industry standard technology. There is an emphasis on developing skills in the operation of hardware and software to manipulate digital audio recordings. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): AUD 110 with a grade of 2.0 or higher.
AUD 112 - Introduction to Ableton Live
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This course provides an in-depth exploration of Ableton Live, a leading software for music production, composition, and live performance, catering to aspiring producers and performers. Students will gain hands-on experience with the software’s interface, learning essential techniques in MIDI and audio recording, sampling, synthesis, mixing, and mastering, while also building skills in both studio and live settings. The curriculum combines theoretical knowledge with practical applications, guiding students in creating original compositions, remixes, and live sets, and emphasizes critical listening skills to analyze diverse genres and production techniques effectively. Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct, Quantitative Reasoning.
AUD 114 - Introduction to Music Business
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This course offers students an in-depth exploration into the multifaceted world of music business, providing a comprehensive understanding of its historical evolution, current structures, and future trends. Through a blend of theoretical study, practical applications, case analyses, and industry insights, students will navigate key components such as music publishing, record labels, artist management, digital transformation, licensing, marketing, and international markets. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Quantitative Reasoning.
AUD 120 - Digital Audio I
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This course is an introduction to digital audio theory and application through the use of digital audio workstations (DAWs), specifically Logic Pro X (Apple). Students will use Logic Pro to record, edit, and mix audio and MIDI. There is an emphasis on the concept of signal flow that will translate to other DAWs in future courses. Group 2 course.
AUD 121 - Digital Audio II
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
Digital Audio II is the continuation of AUD 120, Digital Audio I. This course will introduce students to Pro Tools (Avid), the industry-leader digital audio software and hardware. Students can achieve Pro Tools User-Level Certification upon the successful completion of both the midterm and final exams. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): AUD 120 with a grade of 2.0 or higher.
AUD 122 - Audio for Film, TV, and Gaming
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This comprehensive course explores audio production for film, television, and video games, combining theory with hands-on practice to teach sound design, music composition, dialogue recording, and post-production. Students learn to use digital audio workstations (DAWs), various microphones, and advanced mixing techniques, while exploring specialized topics like interactive audio for games, surround sound, and adaptive audio design. Through case studies, industry guest lectures, and project-based assignments, students gain insights into real-world applications and trends. By course end, they’ll have a versatile skill set for audio recording, editing, and mixing, with a deep understanding of industry demands and career pathways. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Quantitative Reasoning.
Required Prerequisite(s): AUD 120 with a final grade of 2.0 or higher.
AUD 124 - Music Production & Songwriting
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This course delves deep into the art and science of songwriting and music production, offering students a comprehensive understanding of the creative and technical processes involved in crafting compelling musical compositions. Designed for aspiring songwriters, producers, and musicians, this course combines theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience, providing students with the skills and confidence to express their musical ideas effectively. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Quantitative Reasoning.
Required Prerequisite(s): AUD 120 with a final grade of 2.0 or higher.
AUD 130 - Live Sound I
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This course is an introduction to live sound techniques, including basic properties of sound, sound equipment, signal flow, and system engineering. Group 2 course.
AUD 131 - Live Sound II
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This course is a continuation of live sound techniques, including acoustic properties of sound, sound equipment, signal flow, and system engineering. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): AUD 130 with a grade of 2.0 or higher.
AUD 132 - Audiotronics and Acoustics
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This course is designed to provide students with comprehensive, practical, and theoretical knowledge in various facets of audio technology. This collegiate-level course integrates hands-on training with theoretical instruction, focusing on essential skills such as soldering techniques, basic electronics principles, audio equipment maintenance and repair, and fundamentals of acoustics. Through a combination of lectures, demonstrations, laboratory exercises, and real-world projects, students will gain proficiency in audio equipment handling, troubleshooting, repair, and optimization. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Quantitative Reasoning.
Required Prerequisite(s): AUD110
AUD 210 - Studio Recording III
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This course builds on the topics covered in AUD 110 and AUD 111, focusing on the refining and addition of skills in digital audio recording. Students develop competencies in working with hardware and software in audio project-based settings. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): AUD 111 with a grade of 2.0 or higher.
AUD 220 - Digital Audio III
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
Digital Audio III is the continuation of AUD 121, Digital Audio II. This course further explores MIDI and audio recording and editing in Logic and Pro Tools, and also delves into an exploration of software sound synthesizers and sampler instruments found in Digital Audio Workstations. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): AUD 121 with a grade of 2.0 or higher.
AUD 230 - Live Sound III
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This course is an advanced exploration of live sound techniques, including room acoustics, digital sound equipment, software analysis, and system engineering. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): AUD 131 with a grade of 2.0 or higher.
AUD 240 - Studio Recording IV
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This advanced course offers an in-depth study of recording and mixing techniques used in professional audio production, covering topics like room acoustics, microphone techniques, Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) proficiency, and dynamic processing. Students will gain hands-on experience through exercises, projects, and real-world scenarios, with specialized modules on vocal production, instrumental arrangement, and mixing challenges. Blending theoretical lectures, workshops, industry guest sessions, and collaboration, the curriculum equips students to confidently approach complex audio projects, preparing them for careers in music production, sound engineering, and related fields within today’s competitive industry. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Quantitative Reasoning.
Required Prerequisite(s): AUD 210 with a final grade of 2.0 or higher
AUD 250 - Audio Tech Practicum
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
This course is designed to give students practical experience in digital audio recording. Students participate in a variety of recording situations using various hardware and software recording techniques. Students apply techniques used in previous recording and digital audio courses. Group 2 course.
AUD 260 - Audio Tech Internship
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
This course is required for the Associate of Applied Science degree in Audio Technology. The purpose of the internship is to provide on-the-job experience for the student who wishes to pursue a career in audio related fields. The internship will be customized to meet the learning needs of the student and the job requirements of the sponsoring firms. Students must apply one month prior to the semester in which they will complete the internship. Group 2 course.
AUD 270 - Audio Tech Final Project
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
This course is required for the Associate of Applied Science degree in Audio Technology. The purpose of the Audio Tech Final Project course is to provide in-depth intensive training experience in an area of specialization in audio technology. The student will be paired with staff in their area of expertise. Examples are Audio for Worship, Mastering, Audio for Film, Scoring, etc. Group 2 course.
AUD 293 - Audio Technology Study Abroad
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
In this class, students are provided the opportunity to travel to a specified destination affiliated with the corresponding audio technology non-trip course. This course will serve to integrate the student learning experience and provide a sense of cultural perspective, diversity and regional awareness. The course is an opportunity for students to explore other areas around the world while applying discipline-specific course content. For a more specific course description, please review the course description of the associated non-trip course. Group 2 course.
DNC 100 - Dance Appreciation
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
This course is designed to introduce a basic historical context of dance and dance as an emblem of cultural identity and expression of cultural mores; dance as an expression of social order; dance as a classical art; dance as a medium of aesthetic fusion; and dance as a creation of individual artists. Group 1 course.
Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.
DNC 101 - Beg. Dance: An Exploration
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course will introduce the major disciplines of dance: ballet, jazz, and modern. Basic dance skills will be acquired through the practice of exercises, steps, and techniques. This course is designed for those with little or no background in dance. Group 2 course.
DNC 110 - Modern Dance I
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course is designed to introduce students to the physical training and the creative thought process involved in executing modern dance as an art form. This course will consist of technique, improvisation, and creative problem solving through movement. Modern dance and its relationship to music and the historical development of modern dance will also be explored. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): DNC 101 or previous experience
DNC 111 - Modern Dance II
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course is designed as an extension of Modern Dance I. This class will consist of increasing proficiency in modern dance through extended studies in technique, improvisation, creative problem-solving, and performance. Dance history and critical perspectives in dance will also be explored. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): DNC 110 or previous experience
HST 101 - Western Civilization to 1500AD
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This is the first course in a year-long study of western civilizations from the birth of civilization through the First World War. The main instructional goal is to have students demonstrate an understanding of the diverse societies and culture of the western world. It's important that students recognize that western civilization includes many diverse cultures and has interacted with many other diverse cultures throughout its development. In addition, students will analyze the distinctive characteristics of western civilizations, identify the achievements and limitations of western civilizations, and develop an awareness of how contemporary problems were caused by past forces. As students achieve these goals, they will develop skills in communication and critical thinking. This course covers the period from the birth of civilization through the Renaissance. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into ENG 111
HST 102 - Western Civilization from 1500
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This is the second course in a year-long study of western civilizations from the birth of civilization through the First World War. The main instructional goal is to have students demonstrate an understanding of the diverse societies and culture of the western world. It's important that students recognize that western civilization includes many diverse cultures and has interacted with many other diverse cultures throughout its development. In addition, students will analyze the distinctive characteristics of western civilizations, identify the achievements and limitations of western civilizations, and develop an awareness of how contemporary problems were caused by past forces. As students achieve these goals, they will develop skills in communication and critical thinking. This course covers the period from the Reformation through the First World War. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into ENG 111
HST 111 - U S History to 1865
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This is the first course in a year-long study of U.S. History from Native American origins to the modern world. A main instructional goal is to have students demonstrate an understanding of how diverse societies and cultures have contributed to the development of the United States. In addition, students will analyze the distinctive characteristics of the development of the United States, identify the achievements and limitations of these developments, and develop an awareness of how contemporary problems were caused by past forces. Students will learn how American society developed from Native American origins through the Civil War, and how society has impacted both individuals and groups in America. As students achieve this goal, they will develop skills in communications and critical thinking. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into ENG 111
HST 112 - U S History Since 1865
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This is the second course in a year-long study of U.S. History from Native American origins to the modern era. A main instructional goal is to have students demonstrate an understanding of how diverse societies and cultures have contributed to the development of the United States. In addition, students will analyze the distinctive characteristics of the development of the US, identify the achievements and limitations of these developments, and develop an awareness of how contemporary problems were caused by past forces. As students achieve these goals, they will develop skills in communication and critical thinking. Students will learn how American society developed from Reconstruction to the modern era, and how society has impacted both individuals and groups in America. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into ENG 111
HST 211 - Native American History
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
A history of the Native American experience from the pre-Columbian period to the post World War II era. Major emphasis is placed upon the social, political, and economic role of the Native American community in American society and its unique role as a part of that society. Students will also demonstrate an awareness of how contemporary problems were caused by past forces. Students will develop skills in analysis, critical thinking, historical reasoning and writing. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into ENG 111
HST 212 - African-American History
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
This course is a history of the African-American experience from African origins to the Modern era in America. Major emphasis is placed upon the social, political, and economic role of the African-American community in American society and its unique role as a part of that society. Students will also demonstrate an awareness of how contemporary problems were caused by past forces. As students achieve this goal, they will develop skills in analysis, critical thinking, historical reasoning, and writing. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into ENG 111
HST 213 - American Women's History
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
A history of American women's experience from Native American origins to the Modern Era. Major emphasis is placed upon the social, political, and economic role American women in American society and their unique role as a part of that society. Students will also demonstrate an awareness of how contemporary problems were caused by past forces. As students achieve this goal, they will develop skill in analysis, critical thinking, historical reasoning, and writing. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into ENG 111
HST 225 - American Civil War
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
This course is a study of the American Civil War. The instructional goal of this course is to have students demonstrate through discussions and essays the causes of the Civil War in antebellum America, how the war was waged, why the North won and the South lost the war, how the war affected American society, and how the war led to Reconstruction. Students will demonstrate an awareness of how contemporary problems were caused by past forces. As students achieve this goal they will develop skills in communications and critical thinking. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Infused: Writing Intensive.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into ENG 111
HST 228 - The Vietnam War
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
This course is a study of the history of the Vietnam War. The instructional goal of this course is to have students demonstrate through discussions and essays how America became involved in Vietnam, how the war was waged, the war's effect on American society, and how the war affected Vietnam. Students will also demonstrate an awareness of how Vietnamese culture affected the war and how Vietnam has affected America's contemporary society. As students achieve this goal, they will develop skills in analysis, critical thinking, historical reasoning, and writing. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Infused: Writing Intensive.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into ENG 111
HST 230 - A History of Michigan
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
This course is a history of Michigan from Native American origins to the modern era. The instructional goal of this course is to have students demonstrate through discussion and essays the distinctive characteristics of Michigan history, the common characteristics of Michigan history as compared to other states, the identification of achievements and limitations of Native American societies within Michigan, and an awareness of how contemporary problems were caused by past forces. As students achieve this goal, they will develop skills in analysis, critical thinking, historical reasoning, and writing. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Infused: Writing Intensive.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into ENG 111
HST 235 - 20th Century Europe
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
This course is a study of the history of Europe in the 20th Century with emphasis on Germany, England, France, and Russia. The instructional goal of this course is to have students demonstrate through discussions and essays the distinctive characteristics of European civilizations, the common characteristics of European civilizations, and the identification of achievements and limitations of European civilizations. Students will demonstrate an awareness of how contemporary problems were caused by past forces. As students achieve this goal, they will develop skills in analysis, critical thinking, historical reasoning, and writing. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Infused: Writing Intensive.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into ENG 111
HST 290A - Academic Service/Internship
Credit Hours: 1-4, Contact Hours: 1-4
Division: Humanities
HST 290C - Academic Service/Internship
Credit Hours: 1-4, Contact Hours: 1-4
Division: Humanities
HST 290E - Academic Service/Internship
Credit Hours: 1-4, Contact Hours: 1-4
Division: Humanities
HST 293 - History Study Abroad
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
In this class, students are provided the opportunity to travel to a specified destination affiliated with the corresponding history non-trip course. This course will serve to integrate the student learning experience and provide a sense of cultural perspective, diversity and regional awareness. The course is an opportunity for students to explore other areas around the world while applying discipline-specific course content. For a more specific course description, please review the course description of the associated non-trip course. Group 2 course.
HUM 101 - Introduction to Humanities
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
An interdisciplinary study of Western Culture focusing on the interrelationships of art, literature, and philosophy as they reveal the major ideas and values of Classical Greek, Roman, Medieval, and Renaissance civilizations. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into ENG 111
HUM 102 - Introduction to Humanities
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
An interdisciplinary study of Western Civilization focusing on the interrelationships of art, literature, and philosophy as they reveal the major ideas and values of the Reformation, Baroque, Neo-Classic, Romantic, 19th Century, and Modern periods. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into ENG 111
HUM 116 - World Cultures
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
The purpose of this course is to introduce major trends of non-Western culture. HUM 116 explores the culture of Asia, Africa, and the Americas utilizing an interdisciplinary and thematic approach focusing on social/political/historical issues, cultural and religious rituals, painting, sculpture, architecture, film, music, and customs and traditions of each region. Lectures focus on how cultures shape the world today, with appropriate references to historical events and trends. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into ENG 111
HUM 150 - Museums in the Modern World
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
This course will survey the complex history of museums and why they are important to us today. We will make extensive use of the unique collection and exhibition resources of the Dennos Museum Center to facilitate discussion about the history, power, influence, and diversity of museum systems. Group 2 course.
HUM 293 - Humanities Study Abroad
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
In this class, students are provided the opportunity to travel to a specified destination affiliated with the corresponding humanities non-trip course. This course will serve to integrate the student learning experience and provide a sense of cultural perspective, diversity and regional awareness. The course is an opportunity for students to explore other areas around the world while applying discipline-specific course content. For a more specific course description, please review the course description of the associated non-trip course. Group 2 course.
MUS 100A - Intro to Music Theory I
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
Intro to Music Theory I is designed for students who are pursuing music as an academic major or minor, particularly for those who need further work before entering MUS 101. This course focuses on the basic materials of music: the structures of tonality, harmonic progression, and the technique of harmonization. Students are required to complete and analyze music, using practices listed above. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): A basic understanding of music theory is recommended
MUS 100B - Intro to Music Theory II
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
Intro to Music Theory II is designed for students who are pursuing music as an academic major or minor, particularly for those who have completed MUS 100A or its equivalent and are not yet prepared to enter MUS 101. This course builds on the fundamentals of MUS 100A and includes a focus on more complex rhythmic and harmonic structures. Students are required to complete and analyze music, using practices and skills learned in the course. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): MUS 100A
MUS 101 - Theory of Music
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
Theory of Music is a four-semester/two-year sequence of coursework designed for students who are pursuing music as an academic major or minor. The first year includes the basic materials of music: the structures of tonality, harmonic progression, and the technique of harmonization. Students are required to complete and analyze music using practices listed above. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): An understanding of music fundamentals
MUS 102 - Theory of Music
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
This course in Theory of Music is the second semester of a four-semester/two-year sequence of coursework designed for students who are pursuing music as an academic major or minor. The first year includes the basic materials of music: the structures of tonality, harmonic progression, and the technique of harmonization. Students are required to complete and analyze music using practices listed above. Group 2 course.
MUS 103 - Sight Singing & Ear Training
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This is the first of a four-semester/two year sequence of coursework designed for students who are pursuing music as an academic major or minor. The content of this course is the building of skills in reading music, and developing aural competency in interval relationships, scales, and triads, through a variety of musical practices. Group 2 course.
MUS 104 - Sight Singing & Ear Training
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This is the second of a four-semester/two year sequence of coursework designed for students who are pursuing music as an academic major or minor. The content of this course is a continued building of skills as listed in MUS 103 through a variety of musical practices. Group 2 course.
MUS 105 - Introduction to Music
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
An introduction to the techniques of reading and writing music, notation, pitch, rhythmic organization, elementary sight singing, dictation, and keyboard familiarity will be covered during the semester. This course is designed for the student who lacks previous or little musical training. Group 2 course. Prerequisites: ENG 99 or has qualified for entry to ENG 111.
MUS 105A - Intro to Ear Training I
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This coursework is designed for students who are pursuing music as an academic major or minor, particularly for those who need further work before entering MUS 103. The content of this course is the building of skills in reading music, and developing aural competency in interval relationships, scales, and triads, through a variety of musical practices, principally the voice. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): A basic understanding of music theory is recommended
MUS 105B - Intro to Ear Training II
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This coursework is designed for students who are pursuing music as an academic major or minor, particularly for those who have completed MUS 105A or its equivalent and are not yet ready for MUS 103. This course will build on the skills learned in MUS 105A and will focus on developing more advanced skills, in reading music, aural competency in interval relationships, scales, and triads, through a variety of musical practices, principally the voice. Group 2 course.
MUS 106 - Class Piano I
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
Piano study for the beginning or near-beginning student. Cultivation of technical-musical awareness and keyboard playing ability, individually and in ensemble. Group 2 Course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): An understanding of music fundamentals
MUS 107 - Class Piano II
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This course is the second of a four-semester/ two-year sequence of the study of piano. Objectives are the cultivation of technical-musical awareness and keyboard playing ability. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): MUS 106 or equivalent competency
MUS 108 - Class Voice I
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
A study of the process of singing. Stresses fundamentals and development of techniques that would produce a vocal tone considered appropriate for the signing of classical/ folk and standard song literature. Designed to benefit the student interested in solo and choral singing.
MUS 109 - Class Voice II
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
A continuation of skills begun in MUS 108 with emphasis on advanced vocal exercises, more complex song literature, and additional physiological concepts in their relation to the act of singing.
MUS 110 - Music Appreciation Stand Lit
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
This course is a survey of the history of Western Music from medieval Europe to the present. Each music era of Western culture will be examined in regards to significant composers and compositions. This course places a strong emphasis on learning to listen and also provides students the opportunity to become familiar with the basic elements of music. No musical background or training is assumed or required. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct.
MUS 111 - Music Appreciation Jazz
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
Jazz Appreciation is a survey of the stylistic and historical elements of jazz from its earliest beginnings and influences through the contemporary jazz scene. Emphasis is placed on listening to the significant jazz artists and styles of each period of jazz. The class will also introduce students to the many musical characteristics, techniques, and terms found in the jazz tradition, as well as their historical significance. No musical background or training is assumed or required. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct.
MUS 112 - Class Guitar I
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This course is designed for the student who wishes to acquire basic knowledge and techniques for guitar playing. The instruction introduces the basic information of music notation, as well as mechanical skills for the development of individual playing ability. The format is a structured approach covering hand position, fundamentals of reading music and chord knowledge. Repertoire will include Folk music, popular music and the Blues, and will utilize both strumming and picking techniques. Group 2 course.
MUS 113 - Class Guitar II
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This course is a continuation of MUS 112. Emphasis is placed on developing music reading skills for the guitar, along with further development of Folk picking techniques and understanding of the Blues. An introduction to Jazz chords along with fundamentals of music theory will also be presented. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): MUS 112 or equivalent competency
MUS 114 - NMC Grand Traverse Chorale
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This large, mixed (SATB) choral ensemble is open to all students with past choral experience. The Grand Traverse Chorale provides its members with an educational experience and personal enrichment made possible through singing of quality choral literature selected from Antiquity through the 21st Century with an emphasis on large masterworks. Performance excellence is principal to the purpose of the ensemble. The Grand Traverse Chorale performs throughout the semester and frequently performs with the Traverse Symphony Orchestra. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): Choral experience or instructor permission.
MUS 115 - NMC Grand Traverse Chorale
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
MUS 115 is a continuation of rehearsal and performance as begun in MUS 114. This large, mixed (SATB) choral ensemble is open to all students with past choral experience. The Grand Traverse Chorale provides its members with an educational experience and personal enrichment made possible through singing of quality choral literature selected from Antiquity through the 21st Century with an emphasis on large masterworks. Performance excellence is principal to the purpose of the ensemble. The Grand Traverse Chorale performs throughout the semester and frequently performs with the Traverse Symphony Orchestra. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): MUS 114, choral experience or instructor permission
MUS 116 - NMC Chamber Singers
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
This mixed (SATB) choral ensemble is open to all students with past choral experience. The Chamber Singers provides its members with an educational experience and personal enrichment made possible through singing of quality choral literature selected from Antiquity through the 21st Century with an emphasis on newer works and works for small choral ensembles. Performance excellence is principal to the purpose of the ensemble. The Chamber Singers perform throughout the semester and frequently perform with the Traverse Symphony Orchestra. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): Choral experience or instructor permission.
MUS 117 - NMC Chamber Singers
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
MUS 117 is a continuation of rehearsal and performance as begun in MUS 116. This mixed (SATB) choral ensemble is open to all students with past choral experience. The Chamber Singers provides its members with an educational experience and personal enrichment made possible through singing of quality choral literature selected from Antiquity through the 21st Century with an emphasis on newer works and works for small choral ensembles. Performance excellence is principal to the purpose of the ensemble. The Chamber Singers perform throughout the semester and frequently perform with the Traverse Symphony Orchestra. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): MUS 116, choral experience or instructor permission.
MUS 118 - NMC Concert Band
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This course will provide a survey of significant concert and symphonic band repertoire. Students will learn performance techniques on their instrument as are relevant to the concert band medium. Students will also learn the role that their instrument plays within the context of a concert band. Generally, two to four concerts will be performed each semester. Students must have a high school level competency on a wind or percussion instrument. An audition or personal interview with the conductor will be required for placement in the ensemble. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): Previous band experience or instructor permission.
MUS 119 - NMC Concert Band
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
MUS 119 is a continuation of rehearsal and performance as begun in MUS 118. This course will provide a survey of significant concert and symphonic band repertoire. Students will learn performance techniques on their instrument as are relevant to the concert band medium. Students will also learn the role that their instrument plays within the context of a concert band. Generally, two to four concerts will be performed each semester. Students must have a high school level competency on a wind or percussion instrument. An audition or personal interview with the conductor will be required for placement in the ensemble. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): MUS 118, previous band experience or instructor permission.
MUS 120 - NMC Jazz Band
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
A course for the performer with a focus on big band jazz ensemble techniques and styles. A wide range of jazz styles are covered including swing, be-bop, ballads, rock/fusion and Latin. Some improvisation is briefly explored and always encouraged, although it is not the main focus of this course. A minimum of one concert will be performed each semester and all members are required to attend and participate in all scheduled performances. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): Previous band or jazz band experience or instructor permission.
MUS 121 - NMC Jazz Band
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
A course for the performer with a focus on big band jazz ensemble techniques and styles. A wide range of jazz styles are covered including swing, be-bop, ballads, rock/fusion and Latin. Some improvisation is briefly explored and always encouraged, although it is not the main focus of this course. A minimum of one concert will be performed each semester and all members are required to attend and participate in all scheduled performances. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): MUS 120, previous band or jazz band experience or instructor permission.
MUS 122 - Ensembles in Applied Music I
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study individually and in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. The course is designed for a year's participation and permission of the instructor is required. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): Previous choral experience, or instructor permission.
MUS 123 - Ensembles in Applied Music II
MUS 129 - History of Rock and Roll
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
This course will study the development of rock music styles from its roots to the present. We will watch historical footage and listen to musical examples of each musical period. Students will develop the ability to hear a direct relationship between the historical origins of rock music and the music currently popular. The class will include the analysis of the significant musical qualities and influential musicians of the different periods and styles of rock. The history and development of rock music will also be examined in the context of the political, historical, and social forces at work in the modern and post-modern world. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct.
MUS 131A - Ensembles - Percussion I
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 131B - Ensembles - Percussion I
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 132A - Ensembles - Guitar I
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 132B - Ensembles - Guitar I
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 133A - Ensembles - Jazz Wind I
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 133B - Ensembles - Jazz Wind I
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 134A - Ensembles - Small Jazz I
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 134B - Ensembles - Small Jazz I
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 135A - Ensembles - Vocal Opera I
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 135B - Ensembles - Vocal Opera I
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 136A - Ensembles - Vocal Jazz I
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
A small ensemble of men's and women's voices rehearses and performs vocal jazz works. Develop skills in vocal jazz styles, blending harmonies, microphone technique, and jazz theory. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): Previous choral experience or instructor permission.
MUS 136B - Ensembles - Vocal Jazz I
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
A small ensemble of men's and women's voices rehearses and performs vocal jazz works. Develop skills in vocal jazz styles, blending harmonies, microphone technique, and jazz theory. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): MUS 136A, previous choral experience or instructor permission.
MUS 137A - Ensembles - Strings I
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 137B - Ensembles - Strings I
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 138A - Ensembles - Chamber Quintet
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 138B - Ensembles - Chamber Quintet
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 139A - Ensembles - Brass
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 139B - Ensembles - Brass
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 140 - Applied Music - Violin
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 140B - Applied Music - Violin
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 141 - Applied Music - Viola
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 141B - Applied Music - Viola
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 142 - Applied Music - Cello
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 142B - Applied Music - Cello
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 143 - Applied Music - Double Bass
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 143B - Applied Music - Double Bass
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 144 - Applied Music - Flute
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 144B - Applied Music - Flute
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 145 - Applied Music - Oboe
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 145B - Applied Music - Oboe
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 146 - Applied Music - English Horn
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 146B - Applied Music - English Horn
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 147 - Applied Music - Clarinet
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 147B - Applied Music - Clarinet
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 148 - Applied Music - Bass Clarinet
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 148B - Applied Music - Bass Clarinet
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 149 - Applied Music - Bassoon
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 149B - Applied Music - Bassoon
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 150B - Applied Music - Contrabassoon
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 151 - Applied Music - Saxophone
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 151B - Applied Music - Saxophone
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 152 - Applied Music - Trumpet
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 152B - Applied Music - Trumpet
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 153 - Applied Music - French Horn
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 153B - Applied Music - French Horn
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 154 - Applied Music - Trombone
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 154B - Applied Music - Trombone
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 154C - Applied Music - Trombone
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 155 - Applied Music - Bass Trombone
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 155B - Applied Music - Bass Trombone
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 156 - Applied Music - Baritone
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 156B - Applied Music - Baritone
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 157 - Applied Music - Tuba
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 157B - Applied Music - Tuba
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 158 - Applied Music - Percussion
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 158B - Applied Music - Percussion
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 158C - Applied Music - Percussion
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 159 - Applied Music - Piano
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 159B - Applied Music - Piano
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 160 - Applied Music - Voice
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 160B - Applied Music - Voice
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 160C - Applied Music - Voice
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 162 - Applied Music - Guitar
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 162B - Applied Music - Guitar
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 162C - Applied Music- Guitar
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 163 - Applied Music - Jazz Guitar
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 163B - Applied Music - Jazz Guitar
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 164 - Applied Music-Classical Guitar
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 164B - Applied Music-Classical Guitar
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 164C - Applied Music-Classical Guitar
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 165 - Applied Music - Electric Bass
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 165B - Applied Music - Electric Bass
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 165C - Applied Music - Electric Bass
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 166 - Applied Music - Organ
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 166B - Applied Music - Organ
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 167 - Applied Music - Harp
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 168 - Applied Music - Jazz Improv.
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Students may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for applied lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs ( or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A prearranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): Students must have a high school level competency on a musical instrument and be able to read music at a high school level.
MUS 170B - Applied Music-Digital Audio
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/projects, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. A jury examination will be given at the conclusion of each semester of 100-level instruction. Students are to keep 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. on Wednesdays clear to participate as audience and soloists in convocation. Group 2 course.
MUS 170C - Applied Music-Digital Audio
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/projects, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. A jury examination will be given at the conclusion of each semester of 100-level instruction. Students are to keep 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. on Wednesdays clear to participate as audience and soloists in convocation. Group 2 course.
MUS 201 - Theory of Music
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
The third semester of a four-semester/two year sequence of coursework designed for students who are pursuing music as an academic major. Harmonic analyzation, traditional and non-traditional compositional techniques and musical form make up the course content. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct.
MUS 202 - Theory of Music
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
The fourth semester of a four-semester/two year sequence of coursework designed for students who are pursuing music as an academic major. The course content is a continuation of MUS 201 with the addition of the study of 20th Century compositional and beginning counterpoint. Group 1 course.
MUS 203 - Sight Singing & Ear Training
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
The third semester of a four-semester/two-year sequence of course work designed for students who are pursuing music as an academic major. The content of this course includes the building of skills in reading music, melodic and harmonic dictation and aural competency through a variety of musical practices, principally the voice. Group 2 course.
MUS 204 - Sight Singing & Ear Training
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
The fourth semester of a four-semester/two-year sequence of course work designed for students who are pursuing music as an academic major. A continuation of MUS 203, this course deals with the building of advanced skills in reading music, melodic and harmonic dictation and aural competency through a variety of musical practices, principally the voice. Group 2 course.
MUS 206 - Class Piano III
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This is the third of a four-semester/two-year sequence of the study of piano. Objectives are the cultivation of technical-musical awareness and keyboard playing ability. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): MUS 107, equivalent competency or instructor permission.
MUS 207 - Class Piano IV
Credit Hours: 2, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
This is the fourth of a four-semester/two-year sequence of the study of piano. Objectives are the cultivation of technical-musical awareness and keyboard playing ability. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): MUS 206, equivalent competency or instructor permission.
MUS 214 - NMC Grand Traverse Chorale
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
MUS 214 is a continuation of rehearsal and performance as begun in MUS 115. This large, mixed (SATB) choral ensemble is open to all students with past choral experience. The Grand Traverse Chorale provides its members with an educational experience and personal enrichment made possible through singing of quality choral literature selected from Antiquity through the 21st Century with an emphasis on large masterworks. Performance excellence is principal to the purpose of the ensemble. The Grand Traverse Chorale performs throughout the semester and frequently performs with the Traverse Symphony Orchestra. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): MUS 115, choral experience or instructor permission.
MUS 215 - NMC Grand Traverse Chorale
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
MUS 215 is a continuation of rehearsal and performance as begun in MUS 214. This large, mixed (SATB) choral ensemble is open to all students with past choral experience. The Grand Traverse Chorale provides its members with an educational experience and personal enrichment made possible through singing of quality choral literature selected from Antiquity through the 21st Century with an emphasis on large masterworks. Performance excellence is principal to the purpose of the ensemble. The Grand Traverse Chorale performs throughout the semester and frequently performs with the Traverse Symphony Orchestra. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): MUS 214, choral experience or instructor permission.
MUS 216 - NMC Chamber Singers
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
MUS 216 is a continuation of rehearsal and performance as begun in MUS 117. This mixed (SATB) choral ensemble is open to all students with past choral experience. The Chamber Singers provides its members with an educational experience and personal enrichment made possible through singing of quality choral literature selected from Antiquity through the 21st Century with an emphasis on newer works and works for small choral ensembles. Performance excellence is principal to the purpose of the ensemble. The Chamber Singers perform throughout the semester and frequently perform with the Traverse Symphony Orchestra. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): MUS 117, choral experience or instructor permission.
MUS 217 - NMC Chamber Singers
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
MUS 217 is a continuation of rehearsal and performance as begun in MUS 216. This mixed (SATB) choral ensemble is open to all students with past choral experience. The Chamber Singers provides its members with an educational experience and personal enrichment made possible through singing of quality choral literature selected from Antiquity through the 21st Century with an emphasis on newer works and works for small choral ensembles. Performance excellence is principal to the purpose of the ensemble. The Chamber Singers perform throughout the semester and frequently perform with the Traverse Symphony Orchestra. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): MUS 216, choral experience or instructor permission.
MUS 218 - NMC Concert Band
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
MUS 218 is a continuation of rehearsal and performance as begun in MUS 119. This course will provide a survey of significant concert and symphonic band repertoire. Students will learn performance techniques on their instrument as are relevant to the concert band medium. Students will also learn the role that their instrument plays within the context of a concert band. Generally, two to four concerts will be performed each semester. Students must have a high school level competency on a wind or percussion instrument. An audition or personal interview with the conductor will be required for placement in the ensemble. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): MUS 119, previous band experience or instructor permission.
MUS 219 - NMC Concert Band
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
MUS 219 is a continuation of rehearsal and performance as begun in MUS 218. This course will provide a survey of significant concert and symphonic band repertoire. Students will learn performance techniques on their instrument as are relevant to the concert band medium. Students will also learn the role that their instrument plays within the context of a concert band. Generally, two to four concerts will be performed each semester. Students must have a high school level competency on a wind or percussion instrument. An audition or personal interview with the conductor will be required for placement in the ensemble. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): MUS 218, previous band experience or instructor permission.
MUS 220 - NMC Jazz Band
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
A course for the performer with a focus on big band jazz ensemble techniques and styles. A wide range of jazz styles are covered including swing, be-bop, ballads, rock/fusion and Latin. Some improvisation is briefly explored and always encouraged, although it is not the main focus of this course. A minimum of one concert will be performed each semester and all members are required to attend and participate in all scheduled performances. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): MUS 121, previous band or jazz band experience or instructor permission.
MUS 221 - NMC Jazz Band
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 2
Division: Humanities
A course for the performer with a focus on big band jazz ensemble techniques and styles. A wide range of jazz styles are covered including swing, be-bop, ballads, rock/fusion and Latin. Some improvisation is briefly explored and always encouraged, although it is not the main focus of this course. A minimum of one concert will be performed each semester and all members are required to attend and participate in all scheduled performances. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): MUS 220, previous band experience or instructor permission.
MUS 222 - Ensembles in Applied Music III
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
Open to students who have completed a year of Ensembles in Appied Music. See MUS 122 for course description.
MUS 223 - Ensembles in Applied Music IV
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
Open to students who have completed a year of Ensembles in Applied Music. See MUS 122 for course description.
MUS 231A - Ensembles - Percussion II
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
A continuation of Ensembles, with emphasis on performance and repertoire. This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 231B - Ensembles - Percussion II
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
A continuation of Ensembles, with emphasis on performance and repertoire. This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 232A - Ensembles - Guitar II
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
A continuation of Ensembles, with emphasis on performance and repertoire. This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 232B - Ensembles - Guitar II
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
A continuation of Ensembles, with emphasis on performance and repertoire. This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 233A - Ensembles - Jazz Wind II
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
A continuation of Ensembles, with emphasis on performance and repertoire. This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 233B - Ensembles - Jazz Wind II
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
A continuation of Ensembles, with emphasis on performance and repertoire. This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 234A - Ensembles - Small Jazz II
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
A continuation of Ensembles, with emphasis on performance and repertoire. This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 234B - Ensembles - Small Jazz II
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
A continuation of Ensembles, with emphasis on performance and repertoire. This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 235A - Ensembles - Vocal Opera II
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
A continuation of Ensembles, with emphasis on performance and repertoire. This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 235B - Ensembles - Vocal Opera II
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
A continuation of Ensembles, with emphasis on performance and repertoire. This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 236A - Ensembles - Vocal Jazz II
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
A small ensemble of men's and women's voices rehearses and performs vocal jazz works. Develop skills in vocal jazz styles, blending harmonies, microphone technique, and jazz theory. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): MUS 136B, pervious choral experience or instructor permission.
MUS 236B - Ensembles - Vocal Jazz II
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
A small ensemble of men's and women's voices rehearses and performs vocal jazz works. Develop skills in vocal jazz styles, blending harmonies, microphone technique, and jazz theory. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisite(s): MUS 236A, previous choral experience or instructor permission.
MUS 236C - Ensembles - Vocal Jazz II
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
MUS 237A - Ensembles - Strings II
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
A continuation of Ensembles, with emphasis on performance and repertoire. This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 237B - Ensembles - Strings II
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
A continuation of Ensembles, with emphasis on performance and repertoire. This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 239A - Ensembles - Brass
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
A continuation of Ensembles, with emphasis on performance and repertoire. This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 239B - Ensembles - Brass
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
A continuation of Ensembles, with emphasis on performance and repertoire. This course prepares students for public performance and develops abilities in ensemble techniques. Students study in small ensembles (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, and octets) under faculty direction. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Course number suffix A designates fall semester and suffix B designates spring semester. Permission of instructor is required. Group 2 course.
MUS 240 - Applied Music - Violin
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform for, at a minimum, one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): MUS 140
MUS 240B - Applied Music - Violin
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 240C - Applied Music - Violin
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 241 - Applied Music - Viola
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 241B - Applied Music - Viola
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 242 - Applied Music - Cello
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): MUS 142
MUS 242B - Applied Music - Cello
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 242C - Applied Music - Cello
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 243 - Applied Music - Double Bass
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): MUS 143
MUS 243B - Applied Music - Double Bass
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 244 - Applied Music - Flute
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): MUS 144
MUS 244B - Applied Music - Flute
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 244C - Applied Music - Flute
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 244D - Applied Music - Flute
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 244E - Applied Music - Flute
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 245 - Applied Music - Oboe
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): MUS 145
MUS 245B - Applied Music - Oboe
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 246 - Applied Music - English Horn
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 246B - Applied Music - English Horn
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 247 - Applied Music - Clarinet
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): MUS 147
MUS 247B - Applied Music - Clarinet
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 248 - Applied Music - Bass Clarinet
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 248B - Applied Music - Bass Clarinet
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 249 - Applied Music - Bassoon
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 249B - Applied Music - Bassoon
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 250 - Applied Music - Contrabassoon
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 250B - Applied Music - Contrabassoon
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 251 - Applied Music - Saxophone
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): MUS 151
MUS 251B - Applied Music - Saxophone
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 251C - Applied Music - Saxophone
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): MUS 151
MUS 251D - Applied Music - Saxophone
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): MUS 151
MUS 252 - Applied Music - Trumpet
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): MUS 152
MUS 252B - Applied Music - Trumpet
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 252C - Applied Music - Trumpet
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 253 - Applied Music - French Horn
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 253B - Applied Music - French Horn
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 254 - Applied Music - Trombone
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): MUS 154
MUS 254B - Applied Music - Trombone
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 254C - Applied Music - Trombone
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 255 - Applied Music - Bass Trombone
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 255B - Applied Music - Bass Trombone
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 256 - Applied Music - Baritone
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 256B - Applied Music - Baritone
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 256C - Applied Music - Baritone
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 257 - Applied Music - Tuba
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 257B - Applied Music - Tuba
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 258 - Applied Music - Percussion
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): MUS 158
MUS 258B - Applied Music - Percussion
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 259 - Applied Music - Piano
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): MUS 159
MUS 259B - Applied Music - Piano
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 259C - Applied Music - Piano
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 260 - Applied Music - Voice
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 260B - Applied Music - Voice
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 260C - Applied Music - Voice
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 260D - Applied Music - Voice
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 261 - Applied Music - Recorder
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 261B - Applied Music - Recorder
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 262 - Applied Music - Guitar
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): MUS 162
MUS 262B - Applied Music - Guitar
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 262C - Applied Music - Guitar
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 263 - Applied Music - Jazz Guitar
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): MUS 163
MUS 263B - Applied Music - Jazz Guitar
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 263C - Applied Music - Jazz Guitar
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 264 - Applied Music-Classical Guitar
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): MUS 164
MUS 264B - Applied Music-Classical Guitar
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 265 - Applied Music - Electric Bass
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): MUS 165
MUS 265B - Applied Music - Electric Bass
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
MUS 266 - Applied Music - Organ
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): MUS 166
MUS 266B - Applied Music - Organ
Credit Hours: 1-2, Contact Hours: 1-2
Division: Humanities
Private lessons for strings, brass, woodwinds, guitar, piano, voice, organ, and percussion are offered. Student may enroll for 1.0 credit (for a 30 minute, weekly lesson) or for 2.0 credits (for a 60 minute, weekly lesson). Music Majors should enroll for 2.0 credits. After registering for Applied Lessons, please contact Jeffrey Cobb, Director of Music Programs (, or 995-1338), before or during the first week of classes for placement with an applied music instructor. A pre-arranged lesson time with the assigned instructor is arranged and studies/compositions, as appropriate, are prepared for continuing musical development. Students are expected to perform, at a minimum, for one Music Convocation each semester. Group 2 course.
PHL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
Introduction to Philosophy is an introduction to some of the major areas, ideas, and thinkers of philosophy. Students will read selections from major philosophers in Western Philosophy, as well as texts representing non-traditional or non-Western sources, such as Native American, Asian and Feminist thought. Students will also be introduced to some of the main problems and concepts in areas such as Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics, and Aesthetics, as well as investigate other issues of movements, such as Existentialism or Feminism. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.
PHL 105 - Critical Thinking
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
This course is about listening, reading, speaking, and writing more effectively. Students learn ways to assess information and to form sound evaluative judgments about what is seen, read, and heard. Critical questions provide a structure for critical thinking that supports a continuing search for better opinions, decisions, and judgments. Exercises in understanding and composing logically sound arguments are emphasized. Students learn what is fair and reasonable in an argument's structure. Examples are taken from various areas such as law, medicine, and politics, as well as from everyday life. Fallacies in rhetoric, such as name calling and begging the question, are identified and understood. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.
PHL 121 - Western Religions
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
Western Religions is a study of the historical development, main religious teachings, leading personalities, ethical values, and worship practices of the major religious traditions of the western world: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. We will also consider indigenous religious systems, new religious movements, and religion in the public sphere. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.
PHL 122 - Eastern Religions
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
Eastern Religions is a study of historical development, main religious teachings, leading personalities, ethical values and worship practices of the major religious traditions of the Eastern world: Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, and Chinese Religions/Philosophies. We will also consider indigenous religious systems, new religious movements, and religion in the public sphere. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.
PHL 201 - Ethics
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
Ethics is a thoughtful analysis of a variety of value systems found in societies today. It explores the nature and meaning of good and evil and how these concepts relate to concepts of right and wrong. Through the use of critical judgment and philosophical thought, the course explores ethical theories from classical to modern times and includes consideration of ethics that are part of Eastern philosophical traditions as well as sources from other non-traditional frameworks and paradigms. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.
PHL 202 - Contemporary Ethical Dilemmas
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
Contemporary Ethical Dilemmas examines the moral and ethical issues confronting modern societies locally and globally. Possible topics to be examined may include: the natural environment, the ethical treatment of animals, biomedical ethics; abortion and issues of human reproduction such as stem-cell research and cloning; business ethics; criminal justice and capital punishment; racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination, welfare and economics distribution. This course relies on the discipline of philosophy for its methods of inquiry with critical thinking serving as a guiding concept. Traditional approaches to ethics will be incorporated throughout the course. Eastern/Asian and Native American philosophy may also be considered for contrast with standard western approaches to ethical and social issues. This course considers various topics and specific cases in order to provide an overall view of how ethical reasoning might be applied to current issues. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.
PHL 203 - Environmental Ethics
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3
Division: Humanities
Environmental Ethics is an introduction to the major approaches to environmental ethics, including anthropocentrism, biocentrism, deep ecology, and ecofeminisim, as well as several others based on both Western and non-western philosophical and religious traditions. Since environmental ethics draws on a variety of disciplines, some of the perspectives presented will draw heavily on scientific arguments which emphasize methods based on reason, logic, objectivity, and repeatability. Other perspectives will draw on intuition, emotion, imagination, artistic, historic, and religious views, as well as everyday experience. A variety of perspectives will be examined for the purpose of both forming and informing one's own environmental ethic. Group 1 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.
PHL 293 - Philosophy Study Abroad
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
In this class, students are provided the opportunity to travel to a specified destination affiliated with the corresponding philosophy non-trip course. This course will serve to integrate the student learning experience and provide a sense of cultural perspective, diversity and regional awareness. The course is an opportunity for students to explore other areas around the world while applying discipline-specific course content. For a more specific course description, please review the course description of the associated non-trip course. Group 2 course.
Visual Communications
VCA 100 - Materials and Techniques
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course introduces students to commercial drawing techniques with an emphasis on perspective, pencil, pen & ink, marker, water color and gouache when illustrating a variety of different products and illustration formats. Creative media experimentation is encouraged through the assignments. Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct.
VCA 125 - Typography I
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course serves as an introduction to typographic history, letterforms, mechanics, terminology and usage. Students will complete projects that lead them to an understanding of the fundamental and technical aspects of this abstract art including font selection and typesetting. As part of this course, students will also learn the basics of Adobe In Design. Desktop publishing software used to create single and multi-page files, format text using style sheets, manage color, import and create graphics and tables and prepare files for print production. The Adobe Certified Professional Exam for In Design is included in the cost for this course. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct.
Required Prerequisite(s): VCA 150
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Intermediate keyboarding skills, intermediate to advanced understanding of vector drawing, desktop publishing software and the Macintosh system
VCA 126 - Typography II
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This class serves as continuation to typography history, trends, display faces, and grids with an emphasis on book typography, binding, and structuring methods. Students will complete projects that lead them to an understanding of intermediate typography, current typographic trends and comparative analysis of typefaces that relate to the field of Visual Communications as well as printed and electronic media. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct.
Required Prerequisite(s): VCA 125
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Intermediate keyboarding skills, intermediate to advanced understanding of vector drawing, desktop publishing software and the Macintosh system
VCA 127 - Digital Imaging
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
Students will learn Adobe Photoshop, a bitmap manipulation tool used to create images for both print and the web. Students will learn how to incorporate color, use layers, create special effects, use filters, and use a variety of selection techniques for proper image editing. Students will also learn the basics of using a digital camera and scanner as well as color management, how to restore damaged images, automate tasks, and how to prepare files for print. The Adobe Certified Professional Exam for Photoshop is included in the cost for this course. Use of the Macintosh or Windows operating system highly recommended. Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): CIT 100, Basic keyboarding skills highly recommended
VCA 146 - Interactive Animation
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course's focus will be on creation of animation using both traditional methods and Adobe Animate software. Students will learn the basics of animation and storytelling, file management and organization, as well as interactive navigation. Students will also learn how to incorporate sound and video in projects and learn how to prepare their files for use on the Web. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): VCA 125
VCA 147 - Web Design I
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course will focus on creative website design including site planning, interactive navigation, web fonts, information design theory, file management, and user experience (UX). Students will learn industry best practices and develop a basic process by which any web design challenge should be approached. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): VCA 125
VCA 150 - Digital Graphics Design I
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course covers the basics of using Adobe Illustrator to create vector objects and layouts for print and interactive environments. Students will learn how to create and manipulate shapes, work with type, color, gradients, fills and strokes. Students will learn how to work with spot and process colors, create die lines for packaging and other basic design principles. Students will also learn to prep files for print and choose the correct color space for various applications. The Adobe Certified Professional Exam for Illustrator is included in the cost for this course. Use of the Macintosh or Windows operating system highly recommended. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): CIT 100 and basic keyboarding skills highly recommended
VCA 200 - Visual Communications II
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
Through this course you will gain insight and an introduction to the theory of graphic design through practice in researching, brainstorming, creative problem solving, comping, design brief writing and production of print and digitally driven graphics projects like: logo marks, identity developments, posters, collateral and greeting cards. Students embrace print and digital pre-production techniques and receive constructive criticism of work and practice. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct.
Required Prerequisite(s): VCA 125
Recommended Prerequisite(s): ENG 112
Corequisites: VCA 220
VCA 220 - Visual Communications III
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
Through this course, you will gain insight and introduction to the theory of advertising design and art direction through practice in researching, brainstorming, marketing, creative problem solving, copywriting and editorial planning of print and digital advertising, advertising campaigns, television storyboards and product branding. Traditional and digital best practices will be explored as students work on campaign voice and receiving/giving constructive criticism using industry terminology. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct.
Required Prerequisite(s): VCA 125
Recommended Prerequisite(s): ENG 112
Corequisites: VCA 200
VCA 225 - Visual Communications Studio
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
By the end of this course, students will have participated in two hands-on "real world" design projects in which you will act as copywriter, art director, designer, filmmaker, photographer or illustrator. Service learning projects are for various regional not-for-profit clients. You will learn all aspects of pre-press work, digital workflow, production, and printing via field trips to area service providers and professionals while also learning to work with clients and the self-driven responsibilities of teamwork. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div.
VCA 230 - Visual Communications V
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
In this course you will excel in setting occupational/educational aspirations and offering/receiving constructive criticism of your work. You will design and produce a body of work for your portfolio, tailored to your individual goals, be it in Illustration, Graphic Design, Motion Graphics or Art Direction. Progressive Visual Communications theory and practice will also be studied through projects in packaging design, point-of-purchase displays, info-graphics, mobile app development and more. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct.
VCA 235 - Visual Comm Portfolio
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
Students explore various methods of preparing professional portfolios, as well as the packaging and marketing of their portfolio works in preparation for further education and/or job interviews related to their career goals in visual communications. Along with the portfolio, each student prepares a resume, digital portfolio, and considers other self-promotional pieces to complete his/her portfolio package. The emphasis of this course is that each student compiles a professional looking and complete portfolio package based on his/her occupational and educational goals. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct.
VCA 246 - Interactive Animation II
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course will focus on the advanced exploration of interactive navigation, animation and storytelling that is created for and exists on the web. Advanced Design theory, greater interactivity, file architecture, web loading, hosting and uploading for Animate and more exposure to Motion software will emphasis creative and narrative language. Students should be self-motivated, this advanced section involves independent projects. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct.
Required Prerequisite(s): VCA 146
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Intermediate to advanced understanding of bitmap or vector drawing, typography and the Macintosh platform
VCA 247 - Web Design II
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course will focus on advanced creative website development and design including site planning, interactive navigation, information design theory, file management, and user experience (UX). Students will explore app design and real-world web projects to deepen their understanding of interactive information design. Students should be self motivated since this advanced course involves independent projects. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div.
Required Prerequisite(s): VCA 147
VCA 250 - Time Based Media
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
A multisensory, theory-driven exposure and exploration of time-based visual communication environments. The role of typography, image, sound, space, luminosity and narrative are assessed and used to create sequences of film and moving image. Students are exposed to tools, theories, aesthetics and techniques used in film editing with Final Cut Pro X, Motion and Digital HD film cameras like Blackmagic and GoPro. Course is taught by an Apple Certified instructor. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div.
Required Prerequisite(s): VCA 127
Recommended Prerequisite(s): VCA 125
VCA 252 - Time Based Media II
Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
A multisensory, theory-driven continuation and exploration of time-based visual communication environments. The role of motion graphics, sound design, promo films and narrative are assessed and used to create more advanced sequences of moving images. Students are exposed to advanced tools, theories, aesthetics and techniques used in film editing medium using Final Cut Pro X and Motion. Students should be self-motivated, this advanced section involves independent projects. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div.
Required Prerequisite(s): VCA 250
VCA 290 - Visual Comm Internship
Credit Hours: 4, Contact Hours: 4
Division: Humanities
This course is the capstone for the AAS degree in Creative Management Art Direction. This internship provides on-the-job experience for the student who wishes to pursue a career in visual communications. Customized to meet the learning needs of the student and the job requirements of the sponsoring firms, students spend 180 hours in paid or non-paid, supervised on-the-job training experiences. In addition students participate in bi-weekly reports and weekly online methodology discussion boards with the instructor/peers. Students must apply one month prior to the semester they wish to complete class. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div.
Required Prerequisite(s): Students must have completed all VCA courses with a minimum 2.5 GPA and departmental approval.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): The student should possess good written, graphic and oral communication skills, and have a portfolio of work/resume to show employers
VCA 293 - Visual Comm Study Abroad
Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1
Division: Humanities
In this class, students are provided the opportunity to travel to a specified destination affiliated with the corresponding visual communications non-trip course. This course will serve to integrate the student learning experience and provide a sense of cultural perspective, diversity and regional awareness. The course is an opportunity for students to explore other areas around the world while applying discipline-specific course content. For a more specific course description, please review the course description of the associated non-trip course. Group 2 course.