
Nursing - ADN Completion Option

Prerequisite Requirements

Prerequisite requirements include the following:

  • 2.5 overall GPA or higher.
  • ENG 111 English Composition (2.0 grade or higher)
  • PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology (2.0 grade or higher)
  • BIO 227 Human Anatomy & Physiology I (2.5 grade or higher. Must have been completed within five years of program entry, or successfully complete a competency exam if the class is older than five years.)
  • BIO 228 Human Anatomy & Physiology II  (2.5 grade or higher. Must have been completed within five years of program entry, or successfully complete a competency exam if the class is older than five years.)
  • Math Competency: Placement into MTH 121 College Algebra or higher with qualifying test scores or completion of MTH 111 Intermediate Algebra or MTH 120 Mathematical Explorations (2.0 grade or higher. Must be completed within five years of program entry.)

Note: Current CPR certification must be documented by the start of the program, and maintained throughout the program.

Major Requirements

Course Title Credits
General Education Requirements
ENG 111English Composition4
ENG 112English Composition4
Any Group 1 Humanities course3
Math Competency 14
BIO 227
Human Anatomy & Physiology I
and Human Anatomy & Phys I Lab
BIO 228
Human Anatomy & Physiology II
and Human Anatomy & Phys II Lab
PSY 101Introduction to Psychology3
Nursing Specialty Requirements
HAH 100CInformatics Essentials1
HNR 101Fundamentals of Nursing-Lectur4
HNR 102Fund of Nursing-Clinical4
HNR 106Pharmacology I1
HNR 107Pharmacology II2
HNR 125Lifespan Nursing Lecture5
HNR 126Lifespan Nursing-Clinical5
HNR 241Adv Maternal Child Nursing-Lec3
HNR 242Adv Maternal Child Nursing-Cli2
HNR 221Acute Care Nursing I1.5
HNR 222Acute Care Nursing II1.5
HNR 248Acute Care Nursing - Clinical4
HNR 251Mental Health Nursing - Lec2
HNR 252Mental Health Nursing-Clinical1
HNR 261Nursing Management3
HNR 262Nursing Management Clinical4
HPD 110BLS for Health Care Providers 2, 3(0.2)
Total Credits70

Math Competency may be fulfilled in one of two ways:

  • Placement scores into MTH 121 College Algebra or higher, or
  • Successful completion of MTH 111 Intermediate Algebra or MTH 120 Mathematical Explorations with a grade of 2.0 or higher.

Equivalent class is AHA or ARC Basic Life Support for Health Care Providers.


These credits do not count toward degree requirements.

Note: A 2.5 grade or higher is required in all Nursing (HNR and HAH) courses. Nursing course completion with a grade less than 2.5 is considered a course failure and requires readmission. Failing more than one HNR or HAH  nursing course will result in nursing program dismissal.


Course Title Credits
ENG 111English Composition4
PSY 101Introduction to Psychology3
BIO 227Human Anatomy & Physiology I4
BIO 228Human Anatomy & Physiology II4
HPD 110BLS for Health Care Providers(0.2)
MTH 111Intermediate Algebra4
or MTH 120 Mathematical Explorations
Level One Nursing Coursework22
Total Credits41

Model Schedule

Plan of Study Grid
HNR 251 Mental Health Nursing - Lec 2
HNR 252 Mental Health Nursing-Clinical 1
HNR 241 Adv Maternal Child Nursing-Lec 3
HNR 242 Adv Maternal Child Nursing-Cli 2
HNR 221 Acute Care Nursing I 1.5
HNR 222 Acute Care Nursing II 1.5
HNR 248 Acute Care Nursing - Clinical 4
HNR 261 Nursing Management 3
HNR 262 Nursing Management Clinical 4
 Total Credits22

The following courses may be taken during any semester prior to graduation.

Course Title Credits
ENG 112English Composition4
One Group 1 Humaities Course3
Total Credits7

Program Total 70