
Dental Assistant, Associate in Applied Science Degree

major requirements

Course Title Credits
General Education Requirements
ENG 111English Composition4
ENG 112English Composition4
Any Group 1 Humanities Course3
Math Competency 1
BIO 106Human Biology4
PSY 101Introduction to Psychology3
Elective Course(s) 100 level or above3-4
Occupational Specialty Requirements
BUS 155Interpersonal Communications3-4
or COM 111 Public Speaking
HAH 120Infection Control2
HDA 101Introduction to Dentistry2
HDA 102Introduction to Dentistry Lab1
HDA 112Dental Materials2
HDA 113Dental Materials Lab1
HDA 120Dental Anatomy3
HDA 140Oral Pathology/Pharmacology2
HDA 150Dental Office Management2
HDA 160Dental Emergencies1
HDA 170Preventive Dentistry2
HDA 240Chairside Procedures5
HDA 241Chairside Procedures Lab2
HDA 242Dental Radiography2
HDA 243Dental Radiography Lab1.5
HDA 282CDA/RDA Written Exam Prep2
HDA 286RDA Clinical Exam Prep1
HDA 290Dental Assistant Internship6
HPD 110BLS for Health Care Providers 2,30.2
Total Credits61.7-63.7

Math competency may be fulfilled by completing MTH 100 Quantitative Literacy with a grade of 2.0 or better, or placement into any math course higher than MTH 100 Quantitative Literacy


Equivalent classes are AHA or ARC Basic Life Support for Health Care Providers


These credits do no count toward degree requirements

Note: A grade of 2.0 or higher is required in HDA and HAH courses.

Placement Requirements

Program admission requires a 2.0 minimum GPA on high school or college transcript, or successful GED completion.
Mathematics: Math competency may be fulfilled by completing MTH 100 Quantitative Literacy with a grade of 2.0 or better, or placement into any math course higher than MTH 100.
Communications: Placement into ENG 111 English Composition/ENG 11 English/Writing Methods

General Education Requirements

The following courses may be taken before entering the program, after completing the program, or in any semester prior to graduation:

Course Title Credits
PSY 101Introduction to Psychology3
ENG 111English Composition4
ENG 112English Composition4
BIO 106Human Biology4
BUS 155Interpersonal Communications3-4
or COM 111 Public Speaking
Humanities Group I3
Group I Elective3-4
Total Credits24-26

Model Schedule

Plan of Study Grid
HPD 110 BLS for Health Care Providers (or equivalent) (0.2)
HAH 120 Infection Control 2
HDA 101 Introduction to Dentistry 2
HDA 102 Introduction to Dentistry Lab 1
HDA 120 Dental Anatomy 3
HDA 150 Dental Office Management 2
HDA 160 Dental Emergencies 1
HDA 242 Dental Radiography (Lecture) 2
HDA 243 Dental Radiography Lab 1.5
HDA 112 Dental Materials (Lecture) 2
HDA 113 Dental Materials Lab 1
HDA 140 Oral Pathology/Pharmacology 2
HDA 170 Preventive Dentistry 2
HDA 240 Chairside Procedures (Lecture) 5
HDA 241 Chairside Procedures Lab 2
HDA 282 CDA/RDA Written Exam Prep 2
HDA 286 RDA Clinical Exam Prep 1
HDA 290 Dental Assistant Internship 6
 Total Credits37.5

General Information

  • An overall GPA of 2.0 must be maintained throughout the program.
  • A 2.0 grade or higher is required in all HDA and HAH classes.