Allied Health
The following courses are appropriate for students in pre-professional medical studies in many health careers, and for those health professionals who wish professional continuing education course work. The content of these courses provides a broad background and can be a useful tool in the medical field. Students who wish credits from these courses transferred to other college or university health programs should consult with a NMC counselor to facilitate the process. Admission to a NMC Health Occupations program is not required to enroll in most of these elective courses.
HAH 100C - Informatics Essentials
Required Prerequisite(s): Admission to ADN, PN, or LPN Completion nursing programs
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
HNR 102 may be taken concurrently
HAH 101 - Medical Terminology
HAH 120 - Infection Control
Dental Assistant
HDA 101 - Introduction to Dentistry
HDA 102 - Introduction to Dentistry Lab
Required Prerequisite(s):
HDA 101 (can be taken concurrently)
HDA 112 - Dental Materials
HDA 113 - Dental Materials Lab
HDA 140 - Oral Pathology/Pharmacology
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
HDA 120
HDA 150 - Dental Office Management
HDA 160 - Dental Emergencies
HDA 170 - Preventive Dentistry
HDA 240 - Chairside Procedures
HDA 241 - Chairside Procedures Lab
HDA 242 - Dental Radiography
HDA 243 - Dental Radiography Lab
HDA 282 - CDA/RDA Written Exam Prep
HDA 286 - RDA Clinical Exam Prep
HDA 290 - Dental Assistant Internship
HNR 101 - Fundamentals of Nursing-Lectur
Required Prerequisite(s): Admission to the nursing program; Beginning in Fall 2023,
BIO 228 will be a prerequisite for admission to all nursing programs and can no longer be taken concurrently. Applications may be submitted while enrolled in
BIO 228.
HNR 102 - Fund of Nursing-Clinical
Required Prerequisite(s): Admission to the nursing program; Beginning in Fall 2023,
BIO 228 will be a prerequisite for admission to all nursing programs and can no longer be taken concurrently. Applications may be submitted while enrolled in
BIO 228.
HNR 106 - Pharmacology I
Required Prerequisite(s): Admission to the nursing program; Beginning in Fall 2023,
BIO 228 will be a prerequisite for admission to all nursing programs and can no longer be taken concurrently. Applications may be submitted while enrolled in
BIO 228.
HNR 107 - Pharmacology II
HNR 125 - Lifespan Nursing Lecture
HNR 126 - Lifespan Nursing-Clinical
HNR 145 - Practical Nursing Roles & Issu
Required Prerequisite(s):
HNR 125 with a grade of 2.5 or higher, and
HNR 126 with an S, may be taken concurrently.
HNR 221 - Acute Care Nursing I
Required Prerequisite(s):
HNR 251 with 2.5 or higher,
HNR 252 with an S.
HNR 222 - Acute Care Nursing II
HNR 241 - Adv Maternal Child Nursing-Lec
Required Prerequisite(s):
HNR 251 with a grade of 2.5 or higher and
HNR 252 with an S.
HNR 242 - Adv Maternal Child Nursing-Cli
Required Prerequisite(s):
HNR 251 with a grade of 2.5 or higher and
HNR 252 with an S.
HNR 248 - Acute Care Nursing - Clinical
HNR 251 - Mental Health Nursing - Lec
HNR 252 - Mental Health Nursing-Clinical
HNR 261 - Nursing Management
Required Prerequisite(s):
HNR 222 with a grade of 2.5 or higher;
HNR 248 with S.
HNR 262 - Nursing Management Clinical
Required Prerequisite(s):
HNR 222 with a grade of 2.5 or higher;
HNR 248 with S.
HNR 293 - Nursing Study Abroad
Health Professional Development
HPD 110 - BLS for Health Care Providers
Required Prerequisite(s): Admission to the ADN or PN programs or the Dental Assisting program, or by instructor permission.
Surgical Technology
SRG 101 - Intro to Surgical Technology
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
BIO 228
SRG 101L - Intro to Surg Tech Lab
SRG 102 - Surgical Microbiology
SRG 103 - Surgical Pharmacology
SRG 121 - Surgical Procedures I
SRG 121L - Surgical Procedures I Lab
SRG 122 - The Surgical Patient
SRG 123 - Biomed Sciences and MIS
SRG 201 - Surgical Procedures II
SRG 202 - Surg Procedures II Clinical
Required Prerequisite(s):
SRG 201 and
SRG 204 may be taken concurrently
SRG 204 - Professional Career Prep I
Required Prerequisite(s):
SRG 201 and
SRG 202 may be taken concurrently
SRG 221 - Surgical Procedures III
SRG 222 - Surg Procedures III Clinical
Required Prerequisite(s):
SRG 221 and
SRG 224 may be taken concurrently
SRG 224 - Professional Career Prep II
Required Prerequisite(s):
SRG 221 and
SRG 222 may be taken concurrently