Associate of Science in Engineering (ASE)

NMC offers an intensive Associate of Science in Engineering transfer degree that is intended to prepare students for transfer to a four-year engineering program. The NMC engineering curriculum parallels engineering programs offered during the first two years at other colleges and universities. Traditionally, these first two years emphasize the tools and theories that provide background for all engineering fields. Students are required to meet with an advisor for completion of this degree.

Course Title Credits
Core General Education Requirements48
ENG 111English Composition4
ENG 112English Composition4
Any Group 1 class from: art, history, humanities, literature, music, philosophy or second year foreign language3
MTH 141Calculus I5
MTH 142Calculus II5
MTH 241Calculus III5
MTH 251Differential Equations4
CHM 150General Chemistry I4
General Chemistry I Lab
General Chemistry I, Recitatn
PHY 221Problems & Princ.of Physics I4
Prob./Prin. of Physics I Lab
Prob.& Princ. of Physics I Rec
PHY 222Prob. & Princ. of Physics II4
Prob./ Prin. of Physics II Lab
Prob. & Princ. of Physics II R
Social Science
One Group 1 class from: anthropology, economics, geography, political science, psychology or sociology3
Directed Electives 25
Directed Electives will be determined by the type of engineering program the student is pursuing and the university to which they are transferring. See Program Advisor for course information.
BIO 227Human Anatomy & Physiology I4
Human Anatomy & Physiology I Lab
BIO 228Human Anatomy & Physiology II4
Human Anatomy & Phys II Lab
CHM 151General Chemistry II4
General Chemistry II Lab
General Chemistry II Recitatn
CHM 250Organic Chemistry I5
Organic Chemistry I Lab
CHM 251Organic Chemistry II5
Organic Chemistry II Lab
CIT 110Programming Logic and Design3
EGR 101Introduction To Engineering1
EGR 113Engineering Graphics I3
EGR 131Elementary Surveying5
Elementary Surveying Lab
EGR 201Statics3
EGR 202Mechanics of Materials3
EGR 203Dynamics4
EGR 211Electrical Circuits I3
EGR 220Engineering Practice I2
EGR 221Material Science3
EGR 232Introductory Thermodynamics3
ENV 111Physical Geology4
Physical Geology Lab
Total Credits73

Other Requirements

  • Complete the ASE degree with a 2.0 or higher cumulative grade point average.
  • Complete a minimum 15 of the 60 credits through NMC classes.


  • Courses with numbers below 100 level do not count toward graduation, but the grades do count toward your cumulative GPA. They may be prerequisites for other courses needed to complete degree or certificate requirements and may add to the total number of credits taken. Review course prerequisites carefully.
  • For elective courses to count toward graduation, a course must be completed with a grade of 1.0 or higher.