Right to Know

In 1990, Congress passed into law the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act. The legislation is designed to provide better consumer information to students and their families by requiring institutions of higher education to compile and report completion or graduation rates, job placement statistics, crime statistics, as well as general information about the college. Job placement statistics, crime statistics, and general information about the college is available at www.nmc.edu and the student newspaper, or may be obtained in the Admissions Office, Tanis Building, (231) 995-1054. For completion or graduation rates contact the NMC Registrar at (231) 995-1058. All Board of Trustee and Student Government meetings are open to students.

Campus Security & Safety Policy

The safety of students, faculty, staff and visitors is of vital concern to Northwestern Michigan College. Everyone in the campus community is involved in creating a safe environment and is encouraged to report all safety concerns by calling campus security, (231) 883-9099. Emergency outdoor phones are identified by a blue light; all incidents will be documented and investigated. NMC has a staff of campus security personnel who work closely with the Traverse City Police Department. On a regular basis, information and presentations are made available to students and employees on issues of importance to campus safety. The campus safety report is published online at www.nmc.edu/safety and is in compliance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act. Visit www.nmc.edu/safety to view a daily crime log. Click on crime log.

Campus Safety Report

Mission: to establish a system of communication and response to provide for the safety of students and employees.

  1. Report Procedures: To report criminal actions, emergencies, or suspicious situations, call:

    Emergencies 911
    Campus Security (231) 995-1111

    Emergency outdoor phones are identified by a blue light and can be used to make on-campus calls. To make an emergency call, press the red button, state your location and the situation. Police personnel will respond.
  2. Access to Campus Facilities: All campus buildings are open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday through Friday, and at other times on weekends depending on need. Residence halls are open from 7 a.m. to 12 midnight every day. Residents have keys and guests are required to register with the residence hall staff after midnight. All guests must be escorted by the resident they are visiting.
  3. Authority of Institutional Security Personnel: The NMC Campus Security personnel have the authority to confront the individuals related to an incident, require identification, and when necessary, contact the Traverse City Police Department. Officers keep a daily record of activities and all incidents are promptly reported to the Campus Liaison Officer.
  4. Information Programs: On a regular basis students and employees receive information on campus security and crime prevention and are invited to attend presentations on such subjects as sexual assault and rape; fire prevention; crime prevention; bomb threats; and alcohol and drug abuse prevention.
  5. Occurrence Statistics: The NMC Campus Security and Safety Department has compiled these statistics for incidents on NMC’s four campuses from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. Go to www.nmc.edu/security to view statistics for the past three years.

Offenses On Campus

Offense On Campus On Campus Residential Non-Campus Property
Murder / Non Negligent 0 0 0
Negligent Manslaughter 0 0 0
Sex Offenses: Forcible 0 0 0
Sex Offenses: Non forcible 0 0 0
Robbery 0 0 0
Aggravated Assault 0 0 0
Burglary 0 0 0
Motor Theft 0 0 0
Arson 0 0 0
Liquor Law Violations: Referred for action 10 10 0
Liquor Law Violations: Arrest 0 0 0
Drug Law Violations: Referred for action 1 1 0
Drug Law Violations: Arrest 0 0 0
Illegal Weapons Violations: Referred for action 0 0 0
Illegal Weapons Violations: Arrest 0 0 0
Hate Crime 0 0 0
Domestic Violence 0 0 0
Dating Violence 0 0 0
Stalking 1 1 0

The Michigan State Police make available the list of registered sex offenders at www.michigan.gov/msp select “Michigan Sex Offender Registry.”

This information is published in compliance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act, Public Law 101-542, as amended by the Higher Education Technical Amendments of 1991, Public Law 102-26.

Drug-Free Learning Environment Policy

It is the intent of Northwestern Michigan College to provide a drug-free workplace and learning environment for students, faculty and staff. Furthermore, NMC intends to comply with the provisions of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989. All students, employees, and visitors are expected to observe all federal, state and local laws and college regulations governing the use and possession of alcohol and illicit drugs. All students, employees and visitors are specifically forbidden to use or possess alcoholic beverages, or to be under the influence of any controlled substance while on college property (except as provided by policy for use of alcohol on campus) or violate conditions of Controlled Substance Act.

Tobacco-Free Policy

In the interest of providing a safe, clean and healthy environment for students, employees and visitors, NMC has prohibited smoking on all campuses.

Student Sexual Assault Policy

  1. Legal and Behavioral Definition of Sexual Assault
    Northwestern Michigan College (NMC) prohibits sexual misconduct, which includes but is not limited to: rape, acquaintance rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, dating violence, and domestic violence. Sexually violent acts, termed sexual misconduct by NMC are violations of NMC’s Student Rights & Responsibilities, and can be crimes as well. All reported incidents will be investigated and, if necessary, disciplinary sanctions will be imposed. Procedures detailing the investigation and resolution processes of NMC can be found online: www.nmc.edu/policies (D-602.05 - Student Sexual Assault).
  2. Reporting Sexual Assault
    The following campus offices may be contacted to report a sexual assault:
    Office Phone Number
    Vice President of Student Services and Technologies (231) 995-1671
    Office of Residence Life (231) 995-1400
    Office of Student Life (231) 995-1118
    Student Health Services (231) 995-1255
    Local law enforcement 911
    Campus Safety and Security (231) 995-1111

    The option of reporting to a supervisor in any discipline or department is also available.

Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) helps protect the privacy of student records. The Act provides for the right to inspect and review educational records, the right to seek to amend those records and to limit disclosure of information from the records. Institutions may disclose information on a student without violating FERPA through what is known as “directory information.” Directory information includes the student’s name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, date and place of birth, major field of of study, participation in officially recognized activities, enrollment status, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received. Questions about student records may be directed to the Registrar. Go to www.nmc.edu/records for more information.

Privacy Statement

In order to improve the instruction offered at Northwestern Michigan College and to meet the requirements of the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act, Section 113 and the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Section 122, we will be using your Social Security Number in order to compile summary reports. Section 113 of the Carl D. Perkins and Technical Education Act, 20 USC 2323, and section 122 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, 29 USC 2842, requires Northwestern Michigan College and the State of Michigan to assess the effectiveness of vocational and technical education programs aimed at training, placement, and retention of students in employment. Although these laws require that performance reports be compiled based on wage record information, neither law requires students to give their social security numbers (SSN) to the college. Northwestern Michigan College reports currently enrolled student status to the National Student Clearinghouse each semester. This information is provided to assist students to defer repayment of student loans during the time a student is enrolled. Information is also provided to verify degrees earned and may be used by potential employers who contact the National Student Clearinghouse. Students may access the Clearinghouse website through NMC’s secure website to obtain verification of their student status to be used for insurance purposes.