AST 100 - Observational Astronomy
AST 109 - Planetary Astronomy
AST 109L - Planetary Astronomy Lab
How to select a first course in Biology: If you are in a transfer program requiring a full year of introductory biology such as pre-med, pre-dental, pre-vet, agriculture, wildlife and fisheries, or environmental programs, you should choose:
If you need a one semester laboratory science course to fulfill
a basic education requirement, you should choose:
All of the above include a common core that is basic to the understanding of any branch of biology. The core topics include cell structure and function, genetics, the chemical and physical principles governing life processes, and evolution. Any 100-level Biology course may serve as a prerequisite for 200-level Biology courses.
It has been the experience of the Biology Department that students with placement scores below MTH 111 Intermediate Algebra and ENG 111 English Composition levels have difficulty successfully completing introductory-level biology courses. If your placement scores are below these levels, the Biology Department recommends that you complete ENG 99 Intro to College Writing, ENG 108 Critical Reading Strategies or ENG 11 English/Writing Methods/ENG 111 English Composition and MTH 100 Quantitative Literacy before enrolling in any biology course. If your placement scores are below these levels and you decide to enroll in a Biology course, allow yourself additional time for study and preparation. If you are unsure of your ability, consult your advisor, or a biology instructor.
BIO 106L - Human Biology Lab
BIO 108L - Plant Biology Lab
BIO 110 - Essential Biology
BIO 110L - Essential Biology Lab
BIO 115 - General Biology I
BIO 115L - General Biology I
BIO 116 - General Biology II
BIO 116L - General Biology II Lab
BIO 208 - Microbiology
Required Prerequisite(s): Completion of any 100-level BIO course.
BIO 208L - Microbiology Lab
BIO 215 - Genetics
Required Prerequisite(s): Completion of any 100-level BIO course.
BIO 220 - Nutrition in Human Health
BIO 227 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
CHM 101 or
HAH 101 or completion of any 100-level Biology course
BIO 227L - Human Anatomy & Physiology I Lab
BIO 228 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO 228L - Human Anatomy & Phys II Lab
BIO 240 - Normal and Clinical Nutrition
BIO 255 - Pathophysiology
BIO 293 - Biology Study Abroad
Required Prerequisite(s): any NMC biology, geology, or environmental science course.
CHM 101 - Introductory Chemistry
Required Prerequisite(s):
MTH 111 or
MTH 120 with a grade of 2.0 or better.
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
ENG 111; the ability to work algebraic problems involving unknown variables, fractions, percents and proportions
CHM 101L - Introductory Chemistry Lab
CHM 150 - General Chemistry I
Required Prerequisite(s):
MTH 111 with a grade of 2.0 or better.
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
MTH 121 and
ENG 111 with a grade of 2.0 or better
CHM 150L - General Chemistry I Lab
CHM 150R - General Chemistry I, Recitatn
Required Prerequisite(s):
MTH 111 with a grade of 2.0 or better.
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
MTH 121 and
ENG 111 with a grade of 2.0 or better
CHM 151 - General Chemistry II
CHM 151L - General Chemistry II Lab
CHM 151R - General Chemistry II Recitatn
CHM 201 - Intro to Organic Chemistry
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
ENG 111
CHM 201L - Intro to Organic Chemistry Lab
CHM 250 - Organic Chemistry I
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
ENG 111 with a grade of 2.0 or better
CHM 250L - Organic Chemistry I Lab
CHM 251 - Organic Chemistry II
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
ENG 111 with a grade of 2.0 or better
CHM 251L - Organic Chemistry II Lab
EGR 101 - Introduction To Engineering
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
ENG 111
EGR 111 - Introduction to Computer Science
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into
ENG 111
EGR 113 - Engineering Graphics I
EGR 131 - Elementary Surveying
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
ENG 111
EGR 131L - Elementary Surveying Lab
EGR 202 - Mechanics of Materials
EGR 211 - Electrical Circuits I
Required Prerequisite(s):
MTH 142, may be taken concurrently.
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
ENG 111
EGR 220 - Engineering Practice I
EGR 221 - Material Science
EGR 232 - Introductory Thermodynamics
Environmental Sciences
ENV 101 - Introduction to Environmental Science
Required Prerequisite(s):
MTH 100 or equivalent may be taken concurrently
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
ENG 111
ENV 101L - Intro to Enviro Science Lab
ENV 103 - Earth Science
Required Prerequisite(s):
MTH 100 or equivalent
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
ENG 111
ENV 103L - Earth Science Lab
ENV 104 - Life of the Past
Required Prerequisite(s):
MTH 100 or equivalent
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
ENG 111
ENV 104L - Life of the Past Lab
ENV 111 - Physical Geology
Required Prerequisite(s):
MTH 100 or equivalent
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
ENG 111
ENV 111L - Physical Geology Lab
ENV 112 - Historical Geology
ENV 112L - Historical Geology Lab
ENV 117 - Meteorology & Climatology
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
ENG 111
ENV 117L - Meteorology & Climatology Lab
ENV 131L - Oceanography Lab
ENV 140 - Watershed Science
Required Prerequisite(s):
MTH 100 or equivalent
ENV 140L - Watershed Science Lab
ENV 270A - Michigan Basin Geology
Required Prerequisite(s): Completion of any science course with laboratory and instructor permission.
ENV 270B - Field Mapping Techniques
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
ENG 111, completion of any Science course with laboratory
ENV 270C - Precambrian Geology of MI
Required Prerequisite(s): Completion of any science course with laboratory and instructor permission.
ENV 293 - Environmental Science Study Abroad
Required Prerequisite(s): Any ENV or BIO course with a lab.
Students are REQUIRED to have and learn to use a TI-84 graphing calculator for ALL math classes.
Required Prerequisite(s): A grade of 2.0 or better in
MTH 100 or appropriate placement score
Recommended Prerequisite(s): High school algebra and geometry
Required Prerequisite(s): A grade of 2.0 or higher in
MTH 100 or appropriate placement score
Recommended Prerequisite(s): High school algebra and geometry
Required Prerequisite(s): Appropriate placement score
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
MTH 111
Required Prerequisite(s): A grade of 2.0 or better in
MTH 100 or appropriate placement score
Recommended Prerequisite(s): College level reading
MTH 100 - Quantitative Literacy
Required Prerequisite(s): Appropriate placement score
Recommended Prerequisite(s): High school algebra and geometry
MTH 111 - Intermediate Algebra
Required Prerequisite(s): Placement into
MTH 111
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into
ENG 111
MTH 120 - Mathematical Explorations
Required Prerequisite(s): Placement into
MTH 120
Recommended Prerequisite(s): High school algebra and geometry; Placement into
ENG 111
MTH 121 - College Algebra
Required Prerequisite(s): A grade of 2.0 or better in
MTH 111 or higher (excluding
MTH 120 and
MTH 131) or appropriate placement.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into
ENG 111
MTH 122 - Trigonometry
Required Prerequisite(s): A grade of 2.0 or better in
MTH 121 or higher (excluding
MTH 131) or appropriate placement.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into
ENG 111
MTH 131 - Intro to Prob & Stats
Required Prerequisite(s): Placement into
MTH 111 or
MTH 120 or higher or appropriate placement.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into
ENG 111
MTH 141 - Calculus I
Required Prerequisite(s): A grade of 2.0 or better in
MTH 122 or higher (excluding
MTH 131) or appropriate placement.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into
ENG 111
MTH 142 - Calculus II
Required Prerequisite(s): A grade of 2.0 or better in
MTH 141 or equivalent.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into
ENG 111
MTH 241 - Calculus III
Required Prerequisite(s): A grade of 2.0 or better in
MTH 142 or equivalent.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into
ENG 111
MTH 251 - Differential Equations
Required Prerequisite(s): A grade of 2.0 or better in
MTH 142 or equivalent.
Recommended Prerequisite(s): Placement into
ENG 111
PHY 105 - Physics of the World Around Us
Required Prerequisite(s): Placement into
MTH 111,
MTH 120 or
MTH 131 or successful completion of any of these
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
ENG 111
PHY 105L - Physics/World Around Us Lab
PHY 121 - General Physics I
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
ENG 111
PHY 121L - General Physics I Lab
PHY 122 - General Physics II
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
ENG 111
PHY 122L - General Physics II Lab
PHY 221 - Problems & Princ.of Physics I
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
ENG 111;
MTH 142 may be taken concurrently
PHY 221L - Prob./Prin. of Physics I Lab
PHY 221R - Prob.& Princ. of Physics I Rec
PHY 222 - Prob. & Princ. of Physics II
Recommended Prerequisite(s):
ENG 111;
MTH 142 may be taken concurrently
PHY 222L - Prob./ Prin. of Physics II Lab
PHY 222R - Prob. & Princ. of Physics II R