
Course Learning Options

Experiential Learning Institute

Experiential learning provides you with real-world and hands-on opportunities preparing yourself for an everchanging and diverse world. The purpose of experiential learning is to actively engage you through relevant and ongoing experience, critical problem-solving, and reflective practices. Those who engage in experiential learning are more likely to persist through their college experience, graduate, and become lifelong, self-directed learners. The Experiential Learning Institute (ELI) exists to expand experiential learning college-wide. The Institute collaborates with both on-campus and community stakeholders to engage you and the community, locally, nationally, and globally. This connects the community and NMC by seeking creative partnerships, serving ongoing community needs, and preparing you for future employment.

(231) 995-1170

Work-based learning

NMC provides various work-based learning options.


Internship opportunities are offered for students who wish to integrate academics with professional work experience. Students can earn college credit while working in positions related to their academic and career goals. Contact the Office Manager in the academic area where you would like to pursue your internship.


nEXt (NMC EXperiencence Transcript) Endorsement

The nEXt (NMC EXperience Transcript) Endorsement is a transcript-level recognition that awards you for participating in various curricular and extracurricular activities at NMC. It is designed to help you develop essential personal and professional skills for work and life readiness. To earn the nEXt Endorsement, you must accumulate a minimum of 100 points by participating in activities across three tiers: Master (minimum 50 points), Discover (minimum 30 points), and Explore (minimum 20 points). You must also complete a Capstone Reflection at the NMC ELI Learning Symposium or another designated time and develop a nEXt Resume. Activities that earn nEXt points include Experiential Learning Designated (ELD) courses, study abroad, internships, service-learning projects, leadership roles, workshops, attending events, volunteering, and more.

The nEXt endorsement offers several benefits, including the development of valuable soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and collaboration. These skills are highly sought after by employers and can enhance your career readiness. Additionally, nEXt allows you to stand out from the crowd, showcasing your commitment to holistic development and providing a competitive edge in the job market. You may also have the opportunity to unlock exclusive scholarships or other opportunities designed for nEXt applicants. The program also promotes personal growth, allowing you to explore your interests and discover new passions. Finally, the nEXt endorsement is a valuable credential, and it can serve as a way to showcase accomplishments beyond a traditional academic record. 

For more information and to apply for the nEXt Endorsement, go to https://www.nmc.edu/experiential-learning/index.html

Find Experiential Learning Designated (ELD) courses on the searchable schedule. For instructions, visit https://www.nmc.edu/experiential-learning/students.html

International Services

(231) 995-2524

Seeking to prepare students with a foundation to create a broader understanding of the world in which we live, International Services includes:

Global Endorsement

NMC offers a Global Endorsement on the college transcript for students who have acquired a minimum of 100 Global Endorsement points prior to graduation. Depending on one’s degree, points may be earned in a variety of ways, but must be made up of a minimum number in each of the three following categories: academic coursework, on- and off-campus global experiences, and international events. Visit the International Services web page for complete details on the requirements needed to complete the endorsement. For a list of qualifying courses please visit https://www.nmc.edu/student-services/international-services/global-endorsement/index.html.

Study Abroad

The office of International Services and Service Learning offers short-term opportunities to multiple destinations affiliated with various academic programs. NMC is the leading community college for short term faculty-led study abroad in Michigan. Since 2014, we have sent over 600 students (approx. 65 per year) to 26 different countries on NMC faculty-led programs. Over 20 different disciplines have participated. Unique programs have included: coral reef mapping in Indonesia, unmanned aerial system work with banana farms in Costa Rica, audio technology study in Ireland, archeology in England and Wales, creative writing and journalism in Guatemala, sustainable energy in Denmark, restaurant development and menu planning in Ecuador, biology work in South Africa, and working with refugees in Greece and Morocco. NMC students have also participated in four-month Internships in Morocco, Costa Rica, Taiwan, India and Brazil. Check online for current opportunities. 

Global Events on Campus

International Affairs Forum lectures, Dennos Museum Center concerts and exhibits and more. Current events are posted online.

Service learning

Service Learning is an initiative to instill a sense of civic responsibility in students. It’s volunteerism with a learning twist, centered on the benefits students receive while providing services to their community and/or college. It is an opportunity for students to explore career or interest areas, apply classroom theory to a real situation, and gain practical experience for resume building. Up to four service learning elective credits can be applied to graduation. Students may also do non-credit volunteering using the same process. Information: (231) 995-2527.

Prior service

Articulation with the student’s high school and the NMC Registrar Is required for students desiring one academic credit for at least 32 hours of prior service. Such service must include a reflection piece (journal, blog, vlog, presentation, report, etc.) with a specific organization, e.g., Big Brothers Big Sisters. The verification process will include a recording of accumulated hours, interview with field supervisor, timesheets, approval forms, or other forms of agreement/communication between the student and the community partner. Following approval, an Independent Study #297 will be affixed to the academic transcript. Prior service will be assigned as a general elective. 

current or potential service

Specific academic service credits are acquired through an independent study one-credit course (course #297) via existing disciplines. Requirements of the student, community sponsor, and academic coordinator are listed in the Academic Service Learning Agreement form. A total of 32 hours are needed to accrue 1-credit. A recording of accumulated hours and a reflection piece are also required. 

A maximum of four credits of academic service learning internships may count toward a degree. Fulfillment of an honors contract within an existing course can also provide a student with service learning hours on their transcript; however, no additional credits will be granted.

Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA)

In an effort to improve the transferability of college courses between Michigan public community colleges and universities, MTA took effect beginning the fall of 2014. Students who began prior to fall of 2014 will be able to complete the existing MACRAO agreement until the end of summer 2019. If a student already has the MACRAO agreement stamp on their transcript it is expected that the receiving institution will still honor it.

To fulfill the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) students must successfully complete at least 30 Group 1 semester credit hours. Students must earn a grade of 2.0 or higher in each MTA course in order for it to count toward the minimum MTA requirements. Credits are distributed as follows:

  • English Composition: Two courses - 6 credits.
  • Humanities: Two Group 1 courses (at least 6 credits) from 2 subject areas excluding studio and performance classes.
  • Mathematics: One Group 1 course – 3 credits – MTH 120 Mathematical Explorations or higher.
  • Natural Sciences: Two Group 1 courses (at least 6 credits) from 2 subject areas. One course must include a lecture/lab.
  • Social Sciences: Two Group 1 courses (at least 6 credits) from 2 subject areas.

Students are required to complete at least one for-credit course at NMC before requesting the MTA Satisfied endorsement. It must be a college level course but need not be from the areas represented in the MTA. When students have completed the MTA requirements, they should notify the NMC Records Office so their transcripts will be noted “MTA SATISFIED.” Students are not required to complete an associate degree in order to satisfy the MTA.

Some students select a course of study that requires a four-year degree, of which two years may be completed at NMC through completion of the Associate in Science and Arts degree (ASA). Students completing the ASA will also complete the MTA. However, please note that College Level Examination Program (CLEP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST) are not applicable to the MTA at this time. Advanced Placement (AP) will be accepted toward the MTA. Visit www.nmc.edu/student-services/records-registration/policies/michigan-transfer-agreement.html for additional information.