
Addendum to the 2024-25 NMC Catalog

The information contained in this catalog addendum is provided as an update and in addition to the Academic Catalog effective March 2024.


Spring 2025

  • NMC Jan. Conference (Faculty and Staff):  Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Non-discrimination policy

Non-Discrimination Policy Northwestern Michigan College does not discriminate in admission, campus activities, education, employment, housing, public accommodation or public service on the basis of age, color, creed, disability, handicap, height, marital or familial status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, service in the military, veteran’s status, weight, or any other legally protected status under federal, state, or local law. No act of retaliation shall occur to any person making a charge, filing a complaint, testifying or participating in any discrimination investigation or proceeding. This catalog is in effect starting Fall Semester 2024 through Summer Semester 2025. The contents of this catalog are accurate at the time of publishing, March 2024. The NMC Board of Trustees reserves the right to make changes without notice.

Aviation flight fee updates:

Changes noted below in bold italic.


AVF 111: A flight course structured to provide a minimum of 40 dual and solo flight hours to meet the aeronautical experience requirements for a private pilot. Upon completion of this course, the student will have attained the FAA Private Pilot Rating. Course requires 42.4 hours of flight time, 8.0 hours of pre/post, and 17.5 hours of ground instruction. Hourly rates effective August 2024 are $60/hour for ground instruction and $259/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Group 2 course.

AVF132: A flight course designed to meet the aeronautical experience requirements for the FAA instrument check ride. Upon completion of this course, the student will have attained the FAA Instrument Rating. Course requires 39.8 flight hours, 9.8 hours of pre/post, and 17.7 hours of ground instruction. Hourly rates effective August 2024 are $60/hour for ground instruction and $259/hour for aircraft and flight instructor. Group 2 course.

AVF 230: The student will advance their skills required by the FAA to obtain a Commercial Pilot Certificate. They will gain experience in different aircraft with the opportunity to gain a Tailwheel Endorsement or Seaplane Rating. Students will increase their instrument proficiency while conducting cross country flights. Course requires 35 flight hours, 6 of pre/post, and 7 hours of ground instruction. Hourly rates effective August 2024 are $60/hour for ground instruction and $259/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Group 2 course.

AVF 232: A flight course structured to provide a dual and solo flight hours to partially fulfill the flight hour requirements for the FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate. This course will provide a review of VFR cross country navigation procedures and introduce the student to multi-engine flight. Course requires 35.4 flight hours, 3.0 hours of pre/post, and 27.8 hours of ground instruction. Hourly rates effective August 2024 are $60/hour for single engine ground instruction and $70/hour for multi-engine flight instruction and $259/hour for the single aircraft and flight instructor and $375/hour for the multi-engine aircraft and instructor. Group 2 course.

AVF 234: This course is the last of three flight courses required to obtain the FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate. This course consists of flight hours with an emphasis on commercial flight maneuvers in preparation for the Commercial Pilot FAA Practical Test. Upon completion of this course, the student will have attained the FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate. Course requires 24.6 flight hours, 3.6 hours of pre/post, and 8.0 hours of ground instruction. Hourly rates effective August 2024 are $60/hour for ground instruction and $259/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Group 2 course.

AVF 271: This flight course is designed to give the student the aeronautical knowledge, proficiency, and experience required to meet the FAA Practical Test Standards for the Private or Commercial Multi-engine rating. Upon completion of this course, the student will have attained the FAA Multi-engine Land Rating. Course requires 7.5 flight hours, 3 hour of pre/post, and 4.5 ground hour.  Hourly rates effective August 2024 are $70/hour for ground instruction and $375/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Group 2 course.

AVF 272: In this course, the student will learn the skills to be a Certified Multi Engine Flight Instructor (MEI). They will master the skills of the Private and Commercial Pilot ratings. In addition, they will learn how to be an effective teacher and understand all FAA rules and regulations that accompany being an instructor. Course requires 5 flight hours, 1.3 hours of pre/post, and 5 hours of ground instruction. Hourly rates for effective August 2024 are $70/hour for ground instruction and $375/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Group 2 course.

AVF 274: This course is designed to provide the student with the skills, knowledge, and experience to receive a logbook endorsement to fly tailwheel aircraft. Course requires 4 flight hours, and 1 hour of pre/post. Hourly rate effective August 2024 is $240/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Pilot weight restrictions may apply in this aircraft. Group 2 course.

AVF 275: In this course, the student will gain the skills, knowledge, and experience to receive endorsement for the FAA Practical Test. Students will learn in a Piper Super Cub on floats as they demonstrate maneuvers and landings. Course requires 5 flight hours, 1.2 hours of pre/post, and 1 hour of ground instruction. Hourly rates effective August 2024 are $60/hour for ground instruction and $240 hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Pilot weight restrictions may apply in this aircraft. Group 2 course.

AVF 283: In this course, the student will learn the foundations to safely perform basic aerobatic maneuvers. Also, the student will gain confidence and skills necessary to recover from various unusual flight attitudes that will increase the students' overall flight safety. Course requires 6 flight hours, 1.5 hours of pre/post, and 2 hours of ground instruction. Hourly rates effective August 2024 are $60/hour for ground instruction and $240/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Pilot weight restrictions may apply in this aircraft. Group 2 course.

AVF 284: The student perfects both teaching and instrument flying skills while sitting in the right seat of the cockpit. The student develops the knowledge and ability to teach others instrument flying procedures. Course requires 6 flight hours, 1.2 hours of pre/post, and 8 hours of ground instruction. Hourly rates effective August 2024 are $60/hour for ground instruction and $259/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Group 2 course.

AVF 382: In this course the student will learn the skills to be a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI). They will master the skills of the Private and Commercial Pilot ratings. In addition they will learn how to be an effective teacher and understand all FAA rules and regulations that accompany being an instructor. Course requires 18 flight hours, 4.5 hours of pre/post, and 20 hours of ground instruction. Hourly rates for effective August 2024 are $60/hour for ground instruction and $259/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Pilot weight restrictions may apply in this aircraft. Group 2 course.

Courses No Longer offered:

CIT 246 -  Windows Server Infrastructure  

Credit Hours: 3Contact Hours: 4

Division: Business

Students taking this course will learn how to setup, configure, and maintain a Windows Server Infrastructure. Topics covered include Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), Domain Name Systems (DNS), Distributed File Systems (DFS), and Virtual Private Networks. Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct.

Required Prerequisite(s): CIT 213 or instructor permission
Change:  No longer offered, Effective Fall 2024
CIT 249 -  Hybrid Cloud Technologies  

Credit Hours: 3Contact Hours: 4

Division: Business

Students in this course will deploy, package, secure, update and configure Windows Server workloads using on-premises, hybrid and cloud technologies. Topics include security, high-availability, disaster recovery and server migrations. This course aligns to the Microsoft AZ-801 certification exam. Group 2 course.

Required Prerequisite(s): CIT 215 and CIT 247, or instructor permission
Recommended Prerequisite(s): CIT 243
Change:  No longer offered, Effective Spring 2025

course updates:

AT 110 -  Automotive Brake Systems  

Credit Hours: 5Contact Hours: 7

Division: Technical

This course covers theory, components, nomenclature, and service of automotive brake systems. Students will use standard skills to diagnose hydraulic systems, drum and disk brakes, power assist units and systems. The study and repair of modern ABS systems along with the replacement of associated parts such as wheel bearings will also be covered. Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct.

Change, Effective Summer 2025:  Credits from 5 to 5.5, Contacts from 7 to 8.

AT 210 -  Hybrid Technology  

Credit Hours: 5Contact Hours: 8

Division: Technical

This course provides a comprehensive systems overview of the operating principles, maintenance, and service of hybrid electric vehicles. Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct.

Change, Effective Summer 2025:  Credits from 5 to 4, Contacts from 8 to 6.

AT 230 -  Engine Performance II  

Credit Hours: 4Contact Hours: 6

Division: Technical

This course covers computerized engine controls including the latest emission control systems. The student will become proficient with the use of scanners, scopes, and the latest engine analyzers. The art of diagnostics and troubleshooting will be stressed. The student will have hands-on experience in this area including practice using the computer as a source of information. Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct.

Change, Effective Summer 2025:  Credits from 4  to 4.5, Contacts from 6 to 7.

AVF 382 -  Flight Instructor Rating  

Credit Hours: 4Contact Hours: 4

Division: Aviation

In this course, the student will learn the skills to be a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI). They will master the skills of the Private and Commercial Pilot ratings. In addition, they will learn how to be an effective teacher and understand all FAA rules and regulations that accompany being an instructor. Course requires 18 flight hours, 4.5 hours of pre/post, and 20 hours of ground instruction. Hourly rates for effective March 2022 are $59/hour for ground instruction and $242/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Change in Course Description:  In this course, the student will learn the skills to be a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI). They will master the skills of the Private and Commercial Pilot ratings. In addition, they will learn how to be an effective teacher and understand all FAA rules and regulations that accompany being an instructor. Course requires 18 flight hours, 4.5 hours of pre/post, and 20 hours of ground instruction. Hourly rates for effective August 2024 are $60/hour for ground instruction and $259/hour for the aircraft and flight instructor. Pilot weight restrictions may apply in training aircraft. Group 2 course. 

Required Prerequisite(s): AVF 234 with a 2.0 or better and instructor permission. Change:  AVF 234, AVG 251, AVG 252, AVG 381 all with a 3.0 or better; complete pre-admittance exam with 80% or better; NMC transcript with a GPA of 3.0 or higher; no policy violations or suspensions with NMC; complete letter of interest to the Chief Flight Instructor declaring interest in CFI training at NMC; preference given to students with 2 or fewer failed stage checks and/or practical tests; approval by staff based on review on these qualifications. Required enrollment in AVF 382.
BIO 115 -  General Biology I  

Credit Hours: 4Contact Hours: 6

Division: Science Math

An introduction to fundamental concepts in biology that include investigations and discussions in ecology, evolution and biodiversity. Laboratory includes field work and investigative exercises which illustrate discussion topics and real world applications. Students will be participating in novel research projects. Emphasis is placed on biological literacy. Group 1 course. Quantitative Reasoning. Change:  Biology 115 and 116 can be taken in either order.

Recommended Prerequisite(s): ENG 111MTH 111

Corequisites: BIO 115L

BIO 116 -  General Biology II  

Credit Hours: 4Contact Hours: 6

Division: Science Math

An introduction to fundamental concepts in biology that includes investigations and discussions of cellular biology and the genetic basis for life. Laboratory includes field work and investigative exercises which illustrate discussion topics. Students will be participating in novel research projects. Emphasis is placed on biological literacy. Group 1 lab course. Group 1 course. Quantitative Reasoning. Change:  Biology 115 and 116 can be taken in either order.

Recommended Prerequisite(s): BIO 115ENG 111MTH 111

Corequisites: BIO 116L

BUS 261 -  Business Law I  

Credit Hours: 3Contact Hours: 3

Division: Business

This course begins by providing an introduction to the law and the U.S. legal system. Various laws related to business are discussed, with the predominant focus of this course being on a thorough examination of contract law. This course includes coverage of contracts for the sale of goods under the Uniform Commercial Code. Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct. Change in Course Description:  This course will provide a foundation in business law, covering a wide range of subjects. Students will examine state and Federal legal systems, the Constitution, the nature and uses of law, along with a variety of legal areas relevant to business, including business structures, agency, contracts, torts, property and employment law. Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct. 

Recommended Prerequisite(s): ENG 111 minimum placement
CIT 119 -  Microsoft Office - Word  

Credit Hours: 3Contact Hours: 3

Division: Business

This course teaches students how to use Microsoft Word and prepares them to pass the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Word certification exam. Skills students will learn include navigating in a document, customizing and formatting text, paragraphs and pages, inserting objects, maintaining and proofing documents, performing mail merge operations, document sharing and management, tracking and referencing documents, and managing macros and forms. Students enrolling in this course will take the Microsoft Office certification exam. Change in Course Description, Effective Spring 2025:  This course teaches students how to use Microsoft Word and prepares them to pass the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Word certification exam. Skills students will learn include navigating in a document, customizing and formatting text, paragraphs and pages, inserting objects, maintaining and proofing documents, performing mail merge operations, document sharing and management, tracking and referencing documents, and managing macros and forms. Course content is mapped to the current Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Word learning objectives and students enrolled in this course will take the certification exam. Group 2 course. 

CIT 124 -  Microsoft Office - PowerPoint  

Credit Hours: 2Contact Hours: 2

Division: Business

This course teaches students how to use Microsoft PowerPoint and prepares them to pass the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) PowerPoint certification exam. Skills students will learn include preparing and modifying a presentation, using help, formatting slides and inserting elements in slides, creating tables, charts, and SmartArt graphics, using slide masters and action buttons, applying custom animation and setting up shows, and integrating, reviewing, protecting and saving presentations. Students enrolling in this course will take the certification exam. Change in Course Description, Effective Spring 2025:  This course teaches students how to use Microsoft PowerPoint and prepares them to pass the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) PowerPoint certification exam. Skills students will learn include preparing and modifying a presentation, using help, formatting slides and inserting elements in slides, creating tables, charts, and SmartArt graphics, using slide masters and action buttons, applying custom animation and setting up shows, and integrating, reviewing, protecting and saving presentations. Course content is mapped to the current Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) PowerPoint learning objectives and students enrolled in this course will take the certification exam. Group 2 course.

CIT 135 -  Introduction to Programming Using Python  

Credit Hours: 3Contact Hours: 4

Division: Business

This course is an introduction to programming using the Python language and intended for students without prior programming experience. Python is an interpreted language with a rich programming environment, and while easy for beginners to learn, is widely used in many areas including the web, data analysis and application development. Through online coding exercises and engaging projects students will explore good coding practices, simple design pattern, data types, control structures, decisions and conditionals, collections, methods, functions, classes and File I/O. Change in Course Description, Effective Spring 2025:  This course is an introduction to programming using the Python language and intended for students without prior programming experience. Python is an interpreted language with a rich programming environment, and while easy for beginners to learn, is widely used in many areas including the web, data analysis and application development. Through online coding exercises and engaging projects students will explore good coding practices, simple design pattern, data types, control structures, decisions and conditionals, collections, methods, functions, classes and File I/O.  Course content is mapped to the Certiport Information Technology Specialist - Python learning objectives and students enrolled in this course will take the certification exam. Group 2 course.

DNC 100 -  Dance Appreciation  

Credit Hours: 3Contact Hours: 3

Division: Humanities

This course is designed to introduce a basic historical context of dance and dance as an emblem of cultural identity and expression of cultural mores; dance as an expression of social order; dance as a classical art; dance as a medium of aesthetic fusion; and dance as a creation of individual artists. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Degree Req:Cultural Persp/Div, Infused: Writing Intensive.

Change:  now a Group 1 course.

ECE 210 -  Child Observation & Assessment

Credit Hours: 3Contact Hours: 3

Division: Social Science

This course focuses on the use of a variety of observation tools and methods, screening surveys, and assessment systems. Students will hone their skills at observing and recording children’s development, and using that information for planning play experiences to promote children’s development. Collaboration with families and professionals is explored. This course requires 15 hours of observation of young children. (Two hours/week in class and one hour/week observation.)  Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisites: ECE 101 (can be taken concurrently.)

Change:  New course
ECE 250 -  Family/Community Partnership 

Credit Hours: 3Contact Hours: 3

Division: Social Science

This course examines partnerships between parents, communities and educators working with children ages birth through eight years old. Topics include understanding families’ uniqueness and diversity, promoting parents as a child’s first and most important teacher, effective communication between educators and family members, identifying family protective factors, and community resources. Advocating for children, families, and the early childhood community is explored. The unique area of home visiting in the field of early childhood is examined.  Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisites: ECE 101 and ECE 204 (can be taken concurrently.)

Change:  New course
ECO 201 -  Principles of Macroeconomics  

Credit Hours: 3Contact Hours: 3

Division: Social Science

Change:  all sections now have the Cultural Perspective/Diversity and Global Endorsement designations.

ECO 202 -  Principles of Microeconomics  

Credit Hours: 3Contact Hours: 3

Division: Social Science

This principles level course analyzes microeconomic theory and concepts; and applies them to contemporary economic issues, problems, and policies. Topics include supply and demand analysis, productivity and the firm's costs of production, price and output determination under various market structures, government interventions in markets, factor allocation and pricing, and international trade. Change in Course Description, Effective Spring 2025:   This principles level course analyzes microeconomic theory and concepts; and applies them to local, national, and multinational firms & industries. Topics include supply and demand analysis, productivity and the firm's costs of production, price and output determination under various market structures, government interventions in markets, factor allocation and pricing, and international trade. Group 1 course. 

EDU 100 -  College Success  

Credit Hours: 3Contact Hours: 3

Division: Social Science

This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and strategies necessary to succeed in college. Participants will draw on findings from cognitive psychology as they examine the characteristics of successful students as well as learn strategies for taking greater responsibility for their own learning. Additionally, the course will provide ways of developing greater intrinsic motivation, increased perseverance, and more effective time management skills, as well as help them discover and revise limiting beliefs and self-defeating behaviors. Practical skills will include a variety of note-taking and study strategies as well as confident and effective test preparation. Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct. 

Change, Effective Spring 2025:  Credits/Contacts from 2 to 3. 

Change in Course Description:  This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and strategies necessary to succeed in college. Students will draw on findings from cognitive psychology and brain science as they examine the characteristics of successful students as well as learn strategies for taking greater responsibility for their own learning and well-being. Additionally, the course will provide ways of developing greater intrinsic motivation, increased perseverance, and more effective time management skills, as well as help them discover and revise limiting beliefs and self-defeating behaviors. Practical skills will include a variety of note-taking and study strategies as well as confident and effective test preparation, and knowledgeable navigation of college systems, norms and procedures. Group 2 course. Critical Thinking - Direct. 

EDU 293 -  Education Study Abroad

Credit Hours: 1Contact Hours: 1

Division: Social Science

In this class, students are provided the opportunity to travel to a specified destination affiliated with the corresponding education non-trip course. This course will serve to integrate the student learning experience and provide a sense of cultural perspective, diversity and regional awareness. The course is an opportunity for students to explore other areas around the world while applying discipline-specific course content. For a more specific course description, please review the course description of the associated non-trip course. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisites: EDU 100.

Change:  New course
EGY 293 - Construction Technology Study Abroad

Credit Hours: 1Contact Hours: 1

Division: Technical

In this class, students are provided the opportunity to travel to a specified destination affiliated with the corresponding renewable energy non-trip course. This course will serve to integrate the student learning experience and provide a sense of cultural perspective, diversity and regional awareness. The course is an opportunity for students to explore other areas around the world while applying discipline-specific course content. For a more specific course description, please review the course description of the associated non-trip course. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisites: EGY 105, or EGY 115.

Change:  New course
HDA 290 -  Dental Assistant Internship  

Credit Hours: 6Contact Hours: 6

Division: Health Occupations

Students are assigned to two or more dental offices in the community. 300 hours of hands-on experience includes chairside assisting, office management, laboratory techniques and expanded functions. A majority (over 50%) of internship hours must be completed in a general practice and the additional hours can be in a specialty practice. In addition, each student must also observe for four hours in each of the following: endodontics, oral surgery, orthodontics and periodontics. This course includes 6 hours of internship meetings with the instructor and classmates. During the internship experience, students must show progression from "O" (observed) to "W" (with assistance) to "A" (assisted alone) on their journal entries. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct.

Required Prerequisite(s): HDA 240, HDA 241

Change:  Effective Summer 2025:  Credits/Contacts from 5 to 6. HDA 286 no longer a corequisite.

MGT 241 -  Principles of Management  

Credit Hours: 3Contact Hours: 3

Division: Business

This applications-oriented course will teach students the basics of day-to-day managerial work-planning, organization, leading, and controlling. Realistic scenarios are explored in areas of leadership, communication, planning, conflict, strategy, problem solving, and working in teams. Group 2 course. Communications - Direct, Critical Thinking - Direct, Infused: Writing Intensive.

Recommended Prerequisite(s): ENG 111 minimum placement
Change, Effective Spring 2025:  No longer Infused: Writing Intensive.
WPT 293 - Welding Study Abroad

Credit Hours: 1Contact Hours: 1

Division: Technical

In this class, students are provided the opportunity to travel to a specified destination affiliated with the corresponding welding non-trip course. This course will serve to integrate the student learning experience and provide a sense of cultural perspective, diversity and regional awareness. The course is an opportunity for students to explore other areas around the world while applying discipline-specific course content. For a more specific course description, please review the course description of the associated non-trip course. Group 2 course.
Required Prerequisites: WPT 114.

Change:  New course
WSI 110 -  OSHA HAZWOPER 40 hour  

Credit Hours: 3Contact Hours: 3

This course provides training on how to remain safe on a job site. It is for those involved in clean-up operations, voluntary clean-up operations, disposal, emergency response operations, and storage, and treatment of hazardous substances or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. Group 2 course.

Change, Effective Spring 2025:  Grading will now be Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.



  • BIO 115 - Cell, Plant & Ecosystem Biology is now General Biology I.
  • BIO 115L - Cell, Plant & Ecosystem Biology Lab is now General Biology I Lab.
  • BIO 116 - Genetic, Evolution, Animal Bio is now General Biology II.
  • BIO 116L - Genetic, Evolu, Animal Bio Lab is now General Biology II Lab.
  • BIO 227: Required Prerequisite(s): MTH 111 and ENG 11/111 or ENG 111 both may taken concurrently.                                                       Updated:  MTH 111 or MTH 120, and ENG 11/11 or ENG 111; both may be taken concurrently.​​  

ENV 101 - Introduction to Environmental Science

Credit Hours: 4Contact Hours: 5

Division: Science Math

This course introduces students to a broad range of environmental issues, and the science behind those issues with the intent to promote a more sustainable future. Local, regional, national, and global issues will be discussed that pertain to natural resource management, pollution prevention, climate change, and the effects on ecological systems and biodiversity. Group 1 course. Quantitative Reasoning.

Required Prerequisite(s): MTH 100 or equivalent
Recommended Prerequisite(s): ENG 111
ENV 101L -  Intro to Enviro Science Lab  
Credit Hours: 0Contact Hours: 0
Division: Science Math
See catalog description for ENV 101 Quantitative Reasoning.

Degree requirements

Associate of science in engineering (ASE)

NMC offers an intensive Associate of Science in Engineering transfer degree that is intended to prepare students for transfer to a four-year engineering program. The NMC engineering curriculum parallels engineering programs offered during the first two years at other colleges and universities. Traditionally, these first two years emphasize the tools and theories that provide background for all engineering fields. Students are required to meet with an advisor for completion of this degree.

See for complete details on this degree.

prerequisite updates:

CUL 111 - Professional Cookery.........Credit Hours: 5, Contact Hours: 10

Required Prerequisite(s):  Placement into ENG 111/11 or higher (can be taken concurrently) and MTH 100 or higher; CUL 102 and CUL 110 (can be taken concurrently.) Change:  placement into MTH 111/11 or higher, OR completion of MTH 100 with a 2.0

CUL 118 - Intro to Baking and Pastry........Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 6

Required Prerequisite(s):  Placement into ENG 111/11 or higher (can be taken concurrently) and MTH 100 or higher; CUL 102 and CUL 110 (can be taken concurrently.) Change:  placement into MTH 111/11 or higher, OR completion of MTH 100 with a 2.0

CUL 120 - Artisan Bread.........Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 6

Required Prerequisite(s): CUL 102, CUL 110, CUL 118 Change:  CUL 102, CUL 110, CUL 118 (can be taken concurrently.) 

CUL 293 - Culinary Study Abroad........Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1

Required Prerequisite(s): Department signature required. Change:  CUL 110, CUL 111 or  CUL 118

ELE 210 - Electrical Code Studies I..........Credit Hours: 3, Contact Hours: 3

Required Prerequisite(s): ELE 126

HUM 293 - Humanities Study Abroad........Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1

Required Prerequisite(s): HUM 116 Change:  HUM 116, or PLS 211, or SWK 121

VCA 293 - Visual Communications Study Abroad........Credit Hours: 1, Contact Hours: 1

Required Prerequisite(s):  VCA 100, or VCA 230 Change:  ART 100, or ART 151, or VCA 126, or VCA 146, or VCA 200, or VCA 250



Construction Technology - Renewable Energy Technology - Electrical, Certificate of Achievement (Level II)

Change:  Replaced ELE 136 with ELE 126  and replaced "Approved Construction Technology Electives" from 3 to 6.



Enrollment in any Dental Assistant (HDA) course requires admission to the dental assistant program or approval from the dental assistant program director.

The following are required for admission:

  1. High school or college transcript 2.0 minimum GPA, or successful GED completion.
  2. Mathematics:  Math competency may be fulfilled by completing MTH 100 Quantitative Literacy with a grade of 2.0 or better, or placement into any math course higher than MTH 100 Quantitative Literacy.
  3. Communications: Placement into ENG 111 English Composition or higher. Change:  Communications: Placement into ENG 11/111 English Composition or higher.